Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

6+7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PH t L. 3• vcrfe 7· B•t thethings which wereaiiHantageto me, the ft•me 1-.countedlo/Jefor ChrijJ. g TeA,tl.ubtlef!e I coNnta!lthiwgs bNt loJ!i,for theexceOent ktfowledgeofChrijJ le[u17ny Lord,for whom I haue counreJaa thmgs lojJe, anddouudge them to bet r:bmg, that I might 'PiinReChrijl. 9· .Andbef••ndinhint---. He fcope ofthefe words, V':l:::::g:'-';2;::::~)1 is rhis.Inthe fecoad vcrf. Paul admonifhcth the Pbilippians , for ro rake heede of cerraine coun– terfeit Apo!Hes, which ioyncd Chrill: and cir– cumcifion in the caufe of their faluation;and put confidence in thejlefh, that is, in rhc outward workes ofrhe ceremo– niall and morall law.Andrhatthis Admonition might take the better place, he vfeth two reafons.Thc fir!l: propounded inthe 3·verfe,is this: TruecircumciGonisroworfhip God in fpirit, to reioycein Chri!l:, and not to put any confidencein the flefh. Thefecond reafonis framed thus:Ifany man might putconfidence in Gutward things,then I much more: but nor I: thereforenoma". The propofitionorfir!l: partofthe reafonis·propounded in the4·verfe, andcoofirmed inthe lift and fixt. Thefc:cond part, oraffumption [but I doe not put confi– dence in outward things] is confirmed in the feucnth& eight verf.thus: All things arc lofie tome inrefpectofCbri!l:: therefore I put no confidence in any thingont ofChrilt. And this A flared [dHng] flgnifieth wch things in the in– trals ofbealts, as being vofir for mans vfe,are ca!l:todogges: and by it Paul fignifies ,..rhat bee did not oncly e!l:cemc all things as lof– fes' ana depriue himfelfe ofthem' bur alfo call: them away with loathing, in a mind ne– uer to feeke the recouery of them•. Lallly it mull: bekoowne, that Paul in thefe \7erfe; v– feth a fimilitude borrowed from the Mar– chant man; &ic may be fr~med oa this man– ner. The Merchant, in hope ofa trcafurc,is content to efleeme his commodities no corn• modities, butloffes; yeaheis furrherconrent B to call them out into the fea, and to e!l:eeme rl1~m as r.hings call: to dogges,that he may ob– taloe h1s mtended treafure:fo fairh PaHI, doe I count all my former prerogauues as loffe & am contenttodepriuemy felfeofthe,yea t~ loaththe asdung, fortheobtaining ofChri!l:. Furthermore the fumme and fub!l:ance of the words,is acomparifon ofthings vnequal, and ltmay be formed thus: All things arc lolfe to me for Chri!h and Chrift is my gaine. The fir!l: part ofthe comparifon is of'l'auls loffes & it is amplified two waies.Fir!l:,hefetsdow~ is thevery driftofrhe former words. c In the fecond place the former fence and meaningofthis portion ofScripture is to bee confidered.:And for thiscaufe,we are tobe ad– uertifed of fundry things in the wordesihem– felues. And firftofall, let it beobferued,that what things be his lolfc : and they are oftwo forts, Priuilcdges,vcrrues, andworkes before his conuerfion when hee was a Pharifie. A· Paulin the7· verfe faith, in the time paft,Ihauc coNnted all things lo/Je: and inthe next verfe, in the time prefent, 1doecoun;allthingslojJe. The former fpeech is meantofthattime in which he was fir!l: called to the knowledgeofChri£1: the; fecond is fpuken ofthetime, when he had long .continued an Apoll:le of Chri!l:, and writ thi.! epillle to the Philippians. This di- D ll:inclion of times in one and the fame word , makes much to the clearing of the doUrine that !hallafterward bee deliuered. Secondly, wheras in our Trar.O.ation, itisfaidin the g,v. f~r whom I haurcountedaOthiwgs t.jJe,the words I are two fcant, and do not fully expre!fe the meaning<>f the holy Ghofr. Foe the w.ords fully tranfiated, fignifie, I baNe madeaB things lo/Je,or, I h.mecajlaJ~PayaOthings, or,IItaued•– priuedmyftlfeqfall thingsfor Chrijl:Andwher– asP~•Ibad faid before,[Icount•0thingslojJe,] h1s meaning is to amplifie his owne words, by faying,)' depriue"!Jftlfe.qfa a things.&iudge :hem dNngfor Chrifo.<:l"birdly,thc w.ord trangaine, Prfuiledgcs, venues, and workes after his conuerfion when bee was an Apo!l:le of ChriC<: the fir!l: aremeQtioned inthe7· verfe the latter in the tight. Secondly, Paul fct; downe, how all things are lolfes tohim by a gradation,thus: Icountall things t.jJe: I depriue myftlfe qfthem:I count them dung. The fecond part of the comparifon is of PRuls Gaine. And it is amplified by acontra– rio gradation, thus 1 I efteeme the knowledge • Chrift an exceNent thingddejirBtogfline Chrift: and I defire tobefoundinhim. Ofthefepoints in order : and firft ofPauls loffc~ before hisconuerfton, iurhefe words. For tbe things"'hichwere'VA~~tage ''met, 1 CDNntedI•JJefor Chrijf. That thefe things may be well knownc, let vs yet more narrowly fcarch the meaning o thefe words. The things that were vantage to P ••I are ofthree forts. Fit!l:,his priuiledges that he was borne alew, that is, amember of the Church:andagaine,thathc was circumci– fed and·brought vp in the !l:raic fcct of the Pharifes: Secondly, hisverrues,namely,hi iufticeaod zealeinhis religion: Thirdly, his works, whereby h~foreurwardcarriage ob. Iii ferued