Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The orderrfthe cal!fes The meanes ofthis fanaification are two: Gods word,and prayer.I.Tim.4:4•.AB whi<b G1d h.tth createdUgoDd,andnothing muft be rt– itE1ul,ifitbt rectiued t\lithth4n~giHing:f;r it U fao£/ified by the word•nd pr<y<r•. By the word we are inllruaed; firll, whe~ thcr God allowcth the vfe offuch things, or ~Ot:fecond!y, WC learne •ftcr what holy man. ncr~in whar place, at what time, with what afFctlion,and to what end we muO: vfe them, Heb. I 1. 6.W•thoNt fnoth it uimp•ffiblero pieaft GoJ. PfJ!me u6.24. Thy t<fiimaniu•remy dtligbt, th<y-.e my co•nfillm. Jo!b.21. 19,20. I· Sam.I 5-23. AI peopk fr'"' 'llnderohe hand •f tht Egypti•ns. + Forchddren.tien.1!'.3 S· She "'"tiHtdtt.g•i•, andhart afonfaying,no~ l..,,u pr.i(l the Lord, thereforefoe "1/td l.u ..,.e l•dah. s. For vi– ctory.2.Sam. 22.I ..And DauidfP•/ittht ..,.,ds . t~[thU fon:. vnt•tht Lord, \t'hRt timt tbe Lord h'{ddtliurrcd him 0111 oftht hands D_{R/1 ~hU ene. miet,and out Dfthe h~tndoj Snul, and[aide, The LordUmy ro,k[,a11d my[ot·trc.fe, &"• 6. For good fucce!Te in dornc£licall alfaires, Abr•~ hamsferuanr.Gcn.24·'18• h!rffid tbe Lo1'd of hi4 majhr .AbraJJam. CHAP. XXIII. Prayer, which fanaifiecb, is petition and chankesgiuing. · B By petition, we obtaineofGods maie~y, afsillance by his grace,tomake an holy vfe of Ofthefourth {omm•ndemcnt. his creatures, and ordinanC<·S. ColoU: 3. '7· I He fourth Comm;undement concerneth Wh41fim<r 1e f/••8 doe in Wordordeedt,da./1 in the Sabbath,namely, that holy tjme conthln•m<ofthe Lord Ie[us,giutn! thtUik.r_sro G•ri focrated to the wor!bip and glorifying of tiU•tht F41h<r h1 hi,.. <.Samuel 1745.Then God. The words are thefe: • .f4id Dauid to tbe'Philiflime,Tho• oomejlr. m• Remember the Sabbath d•y to ~eepe il holy:fixe with4(ft'~trJ,,md'WithAJlm~rt,~nd~ithtt P14e/d: d4its fiMit thflll lflhMr~~tnddoe~/Jrby wor~e: but but I""" to tlm in the name •f the Lord of theftauenth d4JU the Sabb4th oftbeLird thy HoP·s,the Godofrh<Hoft Df lfritel, whomthoH g,dJinit th1u]halt doe no 11i£nmrofwarke;tht~u, hlfjlY4iledvpaN.Mich.4. $. Wt muft trr:ttk.._;nthe nor thyjJnnt 1 nor thy'dr:tHghterJ rhymll11{eruAr,t. n4mt ofthe Lord o:Jr G,J, for tHtr mtd tHtr. northymaiJ,NOr thy bt~~ft~'IOT thyPrt~nger th•t U Here may we obft:ruc prayer made vponparwitlfi,l thyglftts.For infixe dtties the LorJ111114e ticula.r occafton.t.For aprofpcrous iourneyr rhe heauen ilnd theearth, thejtA, ~tr;dalltht~t iw Act.u .s.When the J")'" wereendeJ,we dep4r· thrw u,<11drej/ttlthefw«nthday:thertfm the ted,<nriWmt ••r W4J• andthl) aO ammpA#ied C Lord 11/effid theft•••mh day,and h•lloWtd it. vs With their wiues ""d children, euenQHt tlj'the Th1 RtftiHtUH. city:<nd wek._nerling doWn<oothejh.,.e, pr4J<d, Rtmemher]Thisclaufe dothinfinuate, th•t &c. 2. For ab!c(sing •poa meats at the t,ilb!e. in thccs pafl there was great neglect io the loh.G.u.Thenlefustook!tht bread, and'#hen obferuuioa oftheSabbath: and won!d that he badgil~tn thank.!.,htg••e itto hu Difciplt~,& all degrees and c0nditions ofmen!bou!d prehu Di[ciplcsto them tbdt wtrtJet down< : and pare themfe!ues ro fanCiilie the fame: efpecilik!wifcofrh• fif/w 44 much .u they would. Act. ally thofethat be gouernours offamilies, in- •7·35· Hetook! bre•d•ndga•tth•n~s to Godi• corpontionsand ci•ies, to whom this comprtft~Jceofthcm ttll, and brak! it, 1md began t• mandementis dired:ei: , we.3.For ilfue in chi!de.birth. This did .AnTo k£epe it h•!y,or, toJ-nEiifieit] To fanliina.I.Sam.I.Jl· And Zaobary,Luk.I-13· 4· fie,istofeuerathingfrom common vfe, and Foq~ood fuccelfe in bultnes, Gen. 24.12•.Atoconfccrate the fame to the feruice of God. br•h•ms feruanr prayed. Here are defcribod the two pares ofthis c<>mThanksoiuing is tho magnifying of Gods mandement: the firfl whereof,is rell'from la. name,euen°the Fatherthrough Gbri!l,for his bour:thefecond,fanC<ification ofthatrell. grace, aide,and blefsing in the lawfull vfe of D Sixe Jaies] Thefe words containc a clofe anthe creatures. Phi1.4.6.ln•Hthings letyO!n re. fwer to this obiectioo.It is muchto ccafe from quejfs bejhewedvitto God in prayer,~tndfupplic.. our callings 011e wholeday.The anfwcr(togeti#n,andgi,.ing ofth•nk!t.I:Thdf.s.rS. ln~N ther_withalirll reafonr~ in(orce the fandi_lith;,gsgiue thanks: for rhu u the ~tllofGod,m ~auoofth~ Sabbath)15111 thefe words, wh1ch Chriflm~ardyou. ThiSwemay reade vfed. I· IS taken fro the greater to the l~lfe:lf If'""" aftermeate, Deut.8 lOo when thou hafttilttn thee toJt~l1ow thy Cfrlling,ftxe ~hDie d(fies, thDIS andfiUed thyftlfe, thoHfl••it bi<ffi the LordthJ 11'.4iefl "Well,•nd m•P hue.neoncly,.[true mt. god,for the goodiAnd"·hiohhe hat~giuethtt.l But thcfirfl u true. Therefore thtftoond. Afe<r the lolfe of our.•ard wealth. J,(, r. 1 r. The lirll propofition is wanting : the fe. And lcb[aid, NA~td c11me 1oHl ofmy mothers cond, or affumption of t~eCc words, Sixe l.\J:)mbr ~411dn4~tdjiJili 1rttltrneagainr:tht Lt~rd dll)'ts ,~li.The conclufion IS the commaundehAthgiuen & tht Lord h4th t•k!• AW4J. bi<ffid ment 1t felfe. be the n<,;eofthe Lordforeuermorq. FordeHere may wee fee, that God bath giuenn !iueranceout offeruitude.Exod.I 8. 1o.lerhro free liberty to worke all the fixe dayes. The 1 foid,'JJ/effid be the Lord, "'h' bath delio:mdyou which freedome oo man ~an annihil3te, Ne- ) oHt ofthe h~Jnds o(tbe Eg)•ptians, Ando~ttDfthe uertheles,vpeu c~traord.mary occafions. the h•ndaf'Pbara•h, ~ho •lfo h•th dt!inertd the Church ofGod JS pe1mmed tofeparat~ one ' ~ --------------------------------~ ----