Cl iJl t ~rt t~etruean •• per e. 1ame. 64-9 to the ihore: euen fo mull all men·firll forfake A pured aRd maintained as mfrit<Jrious caufes all,&,then come to Chrill. Bcggers that they thereof either in whole or inpart. Though, mayobraine their ahnes , come in th-?.ir rags, when they are.rightly vfed & applied,theyare vnfol~ing legs and,th>t their foresa~1d theexcellentgifrsofGod: yet when they ate botches maybefccnc.BenhadadkingofSyna, brought into tne 1\tl: of iuflification and fa!· that he might r~couerthe fauour of the king union,rhey become as loffes & dung: and this ofIfracl,callsoff.bis crowne and royal robes: I taketo be the meaning of rbefe words. To hee and his meo comein fackcloth with ha!· the like purpofo the Pwphet lfoJ' f.1ith'in the tfrsabout rbeir heads : and thus he obtaines name of the whole Churchc6fefsiog her fins, ~ his defire. In like manner comming to Chrill .Alldurrighteoufoes i4 tU acloathwmly to becaft we mu(tlay afideall opinion of o.ur goodnes, aw'!)'. And 'l'aultorhe GalathianSI Ifrighte• lfa.64. 6. and inabafing ofour felues folloll( begge" faouines be by the law, Chrijl diedwithouecauft, Gal.:.u. fhions, and withBenhadadcloathe our felues or,inv.tin;rbatis,ifthc righreoufnesofrhelaw wirh fignesofguiltinesand contufionof face. I beour aduantage, Chrifl mull beour lotle: We mufl firll bee annihilated and vtterly in and on the contrary, if he be our aduantoge, rcfpell ofgoodneffe be made nothing in our B the righteouli1es of the law mull be oar lotfe. felues,that we may be what we are out of our This dotl:rine of Paul, that all verrues and felues in Chrill. There is no entring inro the workes born ofnature aud grace are lotfcs in kingdome ofh<auen,except we receiue it and thecafeofourfaluarion, founds not in mans Chrill, as alittle childin all meekenesand hureafon, and there be many things brought to militic. For there mull be nothing in vs to rethe contrary. Firll, itisalleadged,thatGod ccjue ChriO:)bntmeere faith refimgon meere cloth accept & crowne our workes: and th<r· mercie. Letall fuch thinke on this,as defire to fore they arc not lotfes.I anfwer:God cloth as be in Chrifl, &to receiuetrue cOfort by-him. itwere kecpeadouble court. One of iullicc, Thusmuch of Pauls lofles before his con· the other ofmercy.In the court of iullice hee uerfion: now come to bet6fidered the things giues indgcment by the law, andaccnrfeth ewhichwere his lotfes after his conuerfion:and uery maQ.that cloth not continueio all thincs they are fer down in the words following. written in the law to doe them. In this court [d•ubtlejfc I doethin~'aMthings /bjfcsforthe exnothingcan !land but tl)e pafsion and rishtecellfm·lzyowledgoflcfmChrij/ myLord. J Butthat oufnelfc of Chrill,and for the bell works rh:it rhefe lotles may bee the better kr.<>wne, let vs wecan do,we may not lo.oke for any acceptaa little confider the meaning of the words. c tion or reward: but vfethe plea ofDauid: En. Wherasbefore Pa1tl had faid,that rherfore he ter not, 0 L~rd, into iudgemem with thyforuant, col!red things to b~ lotli: vnto him for ChriA: fornojlejh jhall~e iuflifted in thyfight, Now in that had bin his·adnantage: fome man might the court ofgrace& mercy,Godharh to deale haply rhinke, this is but rafh iudgement in with loisownechildren that !land before him Paul;he rberefOre,to cutoffthis fm:mife faith, iullified and reconciled by Chrill. And the o-. d.u)ties I cour.e./1 things /offi,that is,that I may bedience offuch he acccpreth in tqis court, & ~ot be thought eo fpeake rafl1ly, I fay more, mercifully regardeth, though otherwife it bee rn.r Idoe now account all things lotle, and 1 imperfetl; yet not for the meritthereof, but fpeakc it confidently,as being refobed what I forthe merit and worthinetfe of Chrill. Thus fay. When he faith,! doe account,he fpeakes in theo good workes in rigourofiuflice are worthe time prefent of himfe!fe, as being not only thy condemnation, and arc accepted ofmera Chriflia:Gi>t a!f" an Apoflle ofChrifl. And cy procured by the merit ofChrill. Secondly, when he faith, •/1 things, the general! fpecch it is alleadged , that workes are necetl'ary to mufr be obferued : fqr hec excepteth nothing falnation, and therefore not to be reputed!of. pertaining tohim, bm his knowledge & faith fes.I anfwer,workes may be confidered either in Chrill.Heretherforewe mufl firll ofa! vn· D as caufes offaluation, or onely as a way direderlland the priuikdgeofan Apollle:fecond- ~Hog thereto• Ifthey be confideredascaufes, Jy,all inward and Chriaian venues, as hope, they arc notnecetl'ary, bur in this rcfpcc.'l they fearc,loue ofGod,good confciencc,&c.for of are dung.Ifthey be refpetl:ed as a way leading all the inward gifts none i~ excepted but faith and direlling to eternal! life, they areindeede (as I haue faid.)Thirdly,here we1null vndernecetfaric thus,and nootherwife.Thirdly,it is works not ofnature but ofgrace, done & obiec.'led:rhat the law requirrs works,and the effi:l\ed by the fpirit of God invs. For in the law mufl befarisfied,& rherforethathe which verfe following he doth reiec.'l his ownrighteis iullificd,mull be iuflificd by work•.The anoufnCI)Te which is o! the law. Now he faith of fwer is,thar whofoeuer is iuflified andfaued,is ' all thefe,rhat they are hislotfes for Chrifi.But iullifiedand faued by works.llut workcs mull how are they lotfes? The fpeech mull warily be dillinguifhed. Some are perfonall workcs bevndcrllood, !ell it be offenfiue. Tl•eyare done in and by our felues. Thcfc neither iulliloffos not in refpetl: ofgodlyconuerfation;for fie,nor faue any man, but in the caufc offalua· they are the caufes thereof,& they are meanes tion arc lot.fe and dung. Befidcsthefe,thcre be offhewing our thankfulncs to God, & loue eo workcs that are out ofvs, wrought in and by m~n. Now then they arelotfes only in refpetl: rhe perfon ofour Souiour. Chrill, namely;[the eftulltfication & faluatiomwhen they are re. workes of obedi eneeinfarisfying &fulfil!ing the