Hom. de humil. [hrijl the true andperfe'il qraine. thelaw.T.bcfe indeed arc the works whi.ch iu- A 1/edgerhthat h. wantsi•Jiice,. •ndthat he uiuf/i- 'PidCfo. fttlie and_fauevs, a"d none that proceed from fiedbyfaJthat.nemChrif/.H•I<ry,Thaturemirla inCh.; vs.TothisdfeO P••lfatth,That toe.rt.uj/ified ttdofChrtj/byf•ith,wbich thelawcouldn.rloofo: llom r, freely by thtrtde,ptt?nthat Min Chrij/. Laltly, !forfaith•lont iuf/ifits. Ambrofo:Th<:! artiN{fifi- iufti6". ~h~i~:~~~~1.r;~~:tcl~;.~e;,~~~!~~~f~·~,~ii ~1/:t.:~:;:/:;;.:zi:f.;e,;rr.';fh"-?h~i/::r E·I::.·:d d1ucr~y bc:conlidercd: lirft ofall, as avert~• God. Agame, mhts Commenrarie vpon rhe Ram. workmgand brmg!ng forth many good frmts Eptf1le ro theCmnthraos, ThuMappointedof b Nihil mvs,. And thus 1t IS to be repered lo(fe, as all Ci•d, that be whrch belee•tt in Chrifl fhouldbee ;reran. other \7crtues arc. Secondly)tt mun be cenfi- {iuudw.thfiHt WDr~s~byfr-~ith ~done: rteciuingrees. In dered not asaverme, but as an inftrumenror m•J!i••offin.Hierom,Godi•f/ifitthbyfaitha/one. ;~c~~~: hand, r.otto giee~" worke any thi_ng, butto . Ntuerrhdelle, ifwee lpeake oft,he way to c.xo. apprehend& rcceme Chn_ft andh1s benetit!- 1 hfc,rhen we arenot faued onely by faith. For And rhus lt IS no lolle, but IS a rhmg excepted though fatth bee the Gncly in!lrument to apin this t<xt. Now thenwe fee,thatthe dollrin preh<nd Chrift, yetid< notthc onely way to ofP••ljs manifeft:rhat all verrues andwor~• ·B lite:repentancealfo is the way,yea al verrues, both ot nature anc:l grace, are mtcre lo£fcs m & ahworks are<he way.In thisfenfe,afBillion the caufc ofour iuflificarion and faluation. i> faid towor~vntovs a more excellent weight .Cor. 4 _ Hence fundry things may be learned; The ofglory: not as acaufe, but asa way giuing ~1• fidl, that the moft holy workesofholy l)len duellwn. Andmothersarefaid tobefauedby .,n!)<l- ~~~~~~;eib~~;h~rw~t~~ t~t:~a'~}i:~n:C~~~ ~·a::fr 1n~;::;;~;,. :';/s !~:i~~~~~~h!~ t7im.•. on ascaufes, P•ulfatth they are bur loffes,and faith went nor alone, but had akinde of CO• lam.>. asolfalsro becafhodogs. Letthis bee noted operati<tn with his workes: faith and workes ' and rcmembr<d for euer ngain!l: all iufticiarie both being confidered asaway to happineflc Papifts:who,ifthcy would but ferioufiyconfi· oras marks in aw.y.Jn thisfenfe the Father~ der this one text, they might bee fa~re better haueafcribed faluati<Jn to many things, notas refolucd then they are. · to caufes, but as to waies. 7i<rn•rdfaid well, Secondly,hence the dcOrine of our Chnrch that workes arethe w-ry to the kjngd11111e of he•- is plainely gathcred,namely,that We are faui:d '"", andnot the wtfts of reigning. LaflantiiU and iull:ified by faith alone. For all things fairh,Great inl~th<lpeofrepenr.r.c"which~>h•- 1 ,b.de except our knowledge and faith in Chriftare c !JoeMertak(thmMy, <Hts off,. himftlferhetv") of gra.&Lb. made as dung. And that this our dothine may life, Chryfo{hme : Someby "atchingJ,yjl~<ping ,bi<. not be f<:andalous, fundry things mull be reonthebareground,bytoilmg their bodus withdai. Vioreg. mcmbrrd. The lirft , is the right meaning of ly laboor doeblotoNtthcirfm•es: bHtthou mayejl ~~~(.00 the dotlrine, which is, that thtrc is nothing tJbt~zin thefomeby 4 mure e".fo W'!)', th4t is,byfor~ regni. u. within vs, that is any caufe ~ithcr efficient, giuing. Thus many ~undred place• ofthe Fa- di.Epi<. mareriall;fprmall, or linall,ofiuftilication,but thers are to bevnderftood,whcn.thcy afcribc ~ioin.ia. faith. The fc:cond, that faith in no principall remifsion offinnes to martyrdomc,tofalling, ~~::'j;: caufc,but onclyan intlrument. The third,thar prayer,works ofmercy,andfuch like. inJob. faith is no inftrumenrto procure or workour Thirdly, here is laid downethe foundation iuftilication and faluati<>n, but an infirumem of true humility. For if all our vertwes and to recciue or to apprehend ouriuftificaJion giworkcs bee lo£fes in the cafe ofour faluation, uen ~y the Father 1 procured by the Son(Je, apthen all boafting isexcluded, & we are to take plyed by the holy Ghoft. The laft, that faith nothingto our !cluesbut lhame and confnfion muft be confidercdasacaufe, or clfeas a way aadgiueall glory to God. Yea the more our offaluation.lfas an internal cavfcin vs,iton· verrues and workes, if wee place any conlily iuftifieth,and confcquently fauethvs. Has D dence in them,the greatorareour lo£fes. a way,ir doth not faue aloco: for other venues Thus we fee what things are lo(fes to P••l: and workcs,though they be tJorcaufes,yet are in the next placeletvs confider how they arc they waies to eternallife as well as faith.Here lo£fes. This PdMI fets downc by agradation then when Papifts make out-cries againft vs, thus, [ co•nt th<1n lof[e, 1 mal:! the,.,my lejfos,l faying that we looke 10 te faued by faith •· co~<•tthem tU d•ng. This gradation,is nothing lone:the rrue& plaine anfwer to thm is this; elfe bet arepetition of oneandthdame thing We confider faith two waies: fitft,asa caufe inlarged and amplified in fpccch. Now rcpetiwithin vs, not meriting any way, but infirutions in Scripture are not idle and vaine, as mentally apprehendingpardon in Chri~,and theyare oltcmimcs in thewritings ofme•,but applying it to vs for our eternal! happtne£fe. they commonly figmlio •· thmgs, n~mcly,the Secondly, faith maybee confidertd asa way cettamry,a~ the neceffityo~the thmg r<J?<a· wherein weare to walkefor the attainment of red:and in thisplace they figntfie theccrtal~eeuerlaftinglife. In the lirft fenfe faith alone tie and the nccefsitie of'P••Is loffcs. Ccrratnc iuflifiethand faueth, and nothing elfewithin they are; bccau{e hee that will bee ~ocd. by \>-s.To thisd<>e the learned Fathers agree. B4Chrill,mu!l: certainly indu~erhefc I_Qfles W!thftl faith ; TkuMperferJ r<ioycing in G•d, when d out recoucrie.The foundauonofthiS cerramemanMp•Jfedvp forhu ewneiujlice, buta<'<!!•"· tic lie$ id aD impofsibilitic of merit by any workcs