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...,. -~-~ [hrijl the true andperfe'ii Cjaine. 653 1 tion, whereby wee are the children of God, A ChriO:,ond there as witneff:s and approouers r. Cor.G. and b!ethren of ChriO:. And hence haue wee ofhis fentence ofcondemnation, iudg<togi- '· a Right ofLordfhippe or dominion ouer the th<r with him,the wicked world. The third is, who'le world, and all things containeol tcerin, the etcmall rctribution,in which God fhall be whether in hcauen or in earth: which Right all in all, firO: in ChriO:, & then io al the memwas loll by Adam,& now retlored by Chrill. ber of ChriO:, and that foreuerand euer. Indeede wicked men and infidels haue & vfc Thencxtpoiattobe handled is,How Chrift the things ofthis life at their wils, and thzt by is our gainel For the anfw<ring of this, two Gods permifsion : but they receiue and iuioy qudlios arc to be opened. Tbo firO: i<, Accor· them no otherwife then children of traicours ding to whatnature ChriO: is our gainel I andoe the goods oftheirparents,who peradt:enfwer following the ancient and Cathollke dotore are fuff<red to take the benefit of fame chine, 1hat (a) whole ChriO: is our gaine,ac- ~Aug~n. part ofthem for the preferuing oftheir liues, carding to both natures: The godheard of 0::,~~,,~, though the title and inrereO: to them be not reChriO: profits nofinncr WJthourrhe manhood, a. , uO:ored. The fourth is the minille'be,that is,the nor the manhood without the godhead. And " '"' diHcb\ 15 prefence,>ide, and protection ofgood angels. B as Leofaith; Each nature worktth tl1at which "!"'"\& The fifth gaine or be1~cfit is , that all the Is propeJ vnto i_t,haui~gcommunication with ~~~~~:t~ u Rom.S. , g, ... 6. 7· miferics andcalamitiesoft,)is life, ceafe to be the other. Agame, God may bee conlidered mcdmrix curfes,and are made bkfsings,beingturnrd to rwawaies; GtJdabfoiutc,oc 6odmfldtman. God cll.Leoc.. thegood oft he that arc to be faued by Chria. abfolute , that is, God abfolutely con!idcred pifi. ro. The fixth is the mortification oforiginal! fin, without refpcCl to Chrifl,is indeed a fountain withal! the parts thereof, by the verrue ofthe ofrighrcoufuetfe and lift; bur this founraine death of ChriO:.The feuenth is afpirirualllife, IS clofed, lcakd vp, and not to be attained vnwhtrby weliue not, but Chrill: liues in vs,ma.. to: bccau(e our finncs madeakparation be.. kingvs partakers of his Annoiming, & therorweeneGod andvs:andGod th'lsoonfidered, hy enablingvs to liuc as Prophets, PrieO:es, is a Ma1e!lie full ofterrorro all fiunefullmen. Kings. Prophets,to teach and make confcfsiBut God ronfidercd as he wasmade man,and on ofourfaith in ChriO:: Priefls, to dedicate manife!led in our llelh, is alfoa fountaineof aAd prefent our bodies and fonles to God for goodnes; yea the fame foontaine opened, vnthe fcruice of his Maiefiy : Kings, to beare fcaled,& flowing forth to all mankind. Hence ruleand daminion ouer the corruptions, and it is tharCbriO: is called thcligbt ofthe world lnO:s ofour hoarrs. The eighth gaine is, that c the bread anq waterot life;theway,the truth, 8. ·chri!l prefents all ourprayers & good works the life. Heore againe wee muO: remember to to l1is Fathefin his owne name.: & thus by his make a dilferencc or difiinCiionofthe datur<s own Imercefsion makes them acceptable vnof Ch1ifl. For the Godhead of ChnO: is orrr 9 . to him. The ninth gainc is,the pufcnce ofhis gaine, not in refpetl ofeflence, but in refpeCl . loh.t6.7. fpirit: For wheo ChriO: afccnded, he<tooke of vertue andoperation !hewed in, or vpan withhimour pawne,namd y our llolh,and left the manhood of ChriO:, whereby it makes with vs his owne pawne, the prefencc of the things which were done and fuff<red in the Comforter, to fi•pply his owne prefence, to fa id manhood, apt and wfficient toappeafe guide,comforr, andro alfurevsofour adoptiGodsanger, and to merit eternal! life for vs. 10 • on and faluation. The 1emh and la{! is, Per• As for the manhood , it is not onely in effetl feucrance in hauing and holding the former and operation, butalfo really communicated gaints. For"thus faith the L0 rd, ler.3 z.4o. I ro rhe faith ofthe beleeuing heart: andherewiUp•t my[.are inth<ir hearts, thattheyjhaUnot upon it is as it were a treafury and ftore-hou{e deportftom mee. And it muO: be remcmbrcd •' ' 0fall the rich graces of God, thatferue toiu– thatthefe words are not fpoken onely in geneO:ifie,faue,orany way tO enrich the EleClofat rail to the Ci)urch, bot alfo in fingulartoeue- D agesand times, throogh the whole world. If ry truememberrhereof; becaufe they are the anydoubtofthis, letthemconlider ~·things wordsof thecouenam. Againe, Da•idfaith, ofthismo!l glorious manhood. The firll: is, P(.l.q. that.the righteous m"" i< li~< ~tree • thegrn~!,ofperfona/1"nion; whereby it is recd. plAntedby t/u w•urfide, whofe leafo neuer witheued lntp the Vnitie ofthe fecond perfon, and mh.who thereforeh;tt~alwaies fappeofgr~e ' hath no being or fubfifiing, butonely in the in theheart to the end. . 1 fubO:ance thereof. And htncc itis truely tearAgain;.as ChriO: isour gaine i!llifc,fo is he med the humanitie of the Sonne ofGod , or alfo ourgaine in death, inas much as he liath · ofthe Word,. The fecond is, that this mantJken away the !lingofdeath> and hath chan ho.od hathin it all fidneffi ofgr.u;r. Now this Ioh.;.J4. ged the condition afit, by·making it o_fthe lulneffe ofgrace containes iRit all the gifts of gate ofhcll,to be the way of ereroalllif~. the holy GhoO:, and that in the higheft degree Thirdly, hee is our gajne after death three ?fperfeClion. Ithaththerforeinitgiftsmore waies.OJr firfl:gaine iHhe refurreClion ofour tornumber, and greater for meafi1re, then all bodies to ete<nalllife inthedayofiudge')ll~nt. men and Angels hauc. The third is, that it The fecond,is a ptiuiledgeto iudge the world. r~cdueth this excellency of gifts and graces, For fitO: ofalliudgemcnt !hall patfc vpon the not forit felfe,but that it may bee as it were a go?ly: which done,they !hallbee taken vp to pipe_or conduit to conuey the fame graces to Kkk all