Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

·654Cbrift the true and perfect q aine. r all the elect. Our faluation and life dependeth A Th<t the bodyofour Lord, bteingjim!lifiedbytht\ 1 on the fulndle of the godhead, which is in vmseofthe Wordioynedtoit, u madefoe!ft!luChrill:: neuerthelclfe it is not conueied vnto •&Jor myf/ica/1 bmedtflion, thatit canJindfmh vs: butin the !ldh, and by the flelh ofChri!t. hufonE/ificarionimo vs. La!tly, Chrill is our ' Thus much Chri!t fignilieth, when hee faith, Redemptionor life,on this manner: Inthe perM•.6.s;,S4,55.Myflefh u meattind"de.And, fonofche Mcdiatour,beingorrc and the fame Exceptyeeatethejlefhofthefonueofman,&drink thcreisado~ble life: one vncreated andefhublood,ye h•ue no lifti•you. And, Hewhich t4-' ftntiall, agreeingto Chri!t as he is God. And teth mJ'firfh,abiJesi1zme,and Iinhim. And John this life is not giucn to vs at all, faue in rethe Baptifl faith,!oh. 1·I 6.0{hi;ful•effe,we rt· fpe'ct ofthe eflicacie thereof. For in God we "iuegraceforgrace. The Supperof the Lord , !iue, mooue, and haueour beeing. Theother is ordained for the increafe and continuance ts the createdbfeofthemanhood; anditiseiofgrace and life: and ofit Paul faith, I .Cor. thor naturall, or ft>iritualt. Naturall isthat 1 o. t6.Th• breadewhich"'' hrt•k!,;; aJtOowjhip wherewithbeeliued in the efiate ofh;miliatior commHnim with the veryb•dy ofChrif/. On· on by ordinarie meancs, as allother men doe. this ma~iner Chri{\ is faid 1. Corinth., be B Spiritu.all, is that whereby hce now efpecia!ly madevntovJofGod,.,ifodo,e,righttoufneffe,Jimlmeth '!' t~e efi~te of exaltation aod glorie. tlification,redemption.Wtftdome,not becaufethe And thts hfehe hueth not onely for himfelfe, effmtiall wifedome ofthe godhead is giuen to but alfo for vs;chat we beinopartakers there- R 6 ~ vs: for that is infinite and incommunicable. of, ma~liuetogitherwitbhi'7n. Thustheaun· c;~:;~ Neither againe, becaufe bee is the author of ctenr Cnurch !.ath taught; the flelh ofChrill Iob.l.J.<. our wi!edome,giuiogvsknowledgecfour fa!- vnit~d to theWord, is madequickening fldh, 37· & .•• uation,as the Father and the holy Gholl:doe. thatitmJghtlurthcr quicken themwith fpiri. ij~'4·& Notbecaufe the matterofourwifedome, tualllife,thatarevnited roit. .ro.rJ. the knowledge of whom is eternalllife : but The next quc!tion is, Inwharcfiate Chrifi foranhighercaufethenallthefe. Outmcdiaisour Gaine; The e!late of Chri!l: is twotour the man Iefus Chri!t, who is alfo God,is folde: the eltate ofhumiliation from his birth an head vmovs,andarootcofourwifedome: to his death; and the eflateof exaltation in For bee was annointed with the fpiritot wifehisrefurrection, afcenfion, and his fitting at dome in the affumed manhood, not priuateiy the right hand of God. Iuthis firll efiate hee for himfelfe, but that wee alfo which beleeue workes and procures our Gaine. Chrifrlying might bee partakersofthe fameannoinring, c b~fely inthemanger, anC. crucifirdjgnomiand that wifedome from him by his llelh mou!lyontheCroffe, gainedourdcliuerance might be conueied vnto vs. Therefore from from hell, and a rightto life euerlafiing. In his wifdomc thereis wifdome deriued in fom·e the fecond efiate, he communicates tovs the meafure, to all thatare myfrically vnited vnt0 gainebefore named, and by degrees, pots v• him,aslightin onecandle isderiued to an bunin po!fd~ion of it. ~nd forthis end, he now dred,or as heate is deriued from heate.Again, fits at the right handofGod, and makes reheiso•r;•Jiice, not onely becaule heisthe auque!t for vs. thor and giuerofour iufiice, with the Father The vieofthisdoctrine, that Chrifi is our and the holy Gho!t: neither becaufe the ofTenGaine,ismaoifolil. Firfi it lheweth,that wee tial! iufiiceof Chri!t is giuen to vs: for then in our felues arepoore, and altogether de!tiwe fhould beall deified : but becanfe that iutute offpirituall good things. Fortothis end ll:ice which is in the manhood,confi!Hng part-· is Chrill: our Ga1ne , that bee may fupply our 1 !y inthepurity ofnan~tc, and partly inthe puwalit;and fill them with graces that areotherrity ofaOion, whereby he obeyed his Fathers wifeemptie,& euenhunger-frarued. Secondwill, audfuffered all thingsto be fu!ll:red for ly itteacheth, that men doe in vaine feeke for vs: thisin!hce Ifay, is imputed tovs,and ac- D fo mile~ a1 thelea!t dr.oppe of goodne!fe out colintedours, accordtng tothetenour ofthe ofCanfi, who alooe1s the !tore-houfeofall · couenant,as ifit were·iuherent in vs.fieisourl goodthi~gs. Heauen and earth,men and AnSanctification, not one!Tbecaufe he isthe au.l gels, andall thingsare butasnothingtovs, if thor ofit', iiHther becaufc thefanftity orholi· lly·them, wee feeke toenioy auythingoutof nelfe ofthe godhead is communicated to vs,. ' Cbri!t: yea G 0 D is no God to vs without but becaufe he was f~nctilied in his mahhood, ' Chrill. Thirdly, we learne to dete!t the treaabone all menand Angels. Andfrom this hofury which the Church of Rome maintaines lineffe o_f his, our holineffe is ·aeriued, ·and and magnilies.It isa•it were,achell:,in which fprings asa fruit: as t!.ecorruption in .Ad•ms is contained, not onely the ouerplus ofthe poflerity is dcriued from the corruption of merits<;>fChri!t,hutalfoofMartyrs&Saints, .Adltm. Chri!tfaith,Joh.t7•19· For·thrirfok!> to bedifpenfed in pardons arthe Popesp!eaIJanFJifie r myJilfe,th•tthey tiifom")beefanEiifieii fure. ·1MChrifl is alone our full andperfeft . . Jthroug. hthetruth; Cyri/, As God;Mgiues gaine'; and tbereforein himfelfe theretsan al- ~::;~~ himftiftthefPirit,'.umanh•rrceiHesir:whichhee , fufnCient Treafure of the. Church: and as n.<,p.IS dothnotforh:mftlfe, butforvs, thkt thegnrce~f 'l'asl!a!th,Colof-•·1 o. Inhimweart~.,pleatt, (<nE/ijicationoutofhim, andm htmfirfl rectiHed, As for thememsof Martyrs aud Samts, they might paffeto·~U manf<ind.· Agalnc hee f•ith, briognoadu_antage.tothcpcgpleofGod, but arc