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Iob.IJ. ' l · Mar.2.6. 37,Jil.&:c Zach.u.. 1656 . Chrifl thetrueandpcrje[f qaine. c~:>ntmuc:d by tood1by Clmfr we r:cfiue afpi- ~ A hc_pe in t?ur owne righteoufnes; and thc:pro– ntuall,to be prcferued ercr!"IIY Without food, Imtfe ofltfe eternall by Chrifr, lhculd beeof by the operatton of the fptnt. As rhe fpoufe Inone c£fc~. l'orrhe law nrueriuflifies before ofAdm• wasbone of his bone, and ilefh of; I God,till itbc ~~rftctly kept: which condition ll!s lkfh: fo IS the f~oufe of Chnfl bone of of prrfel:hon t! mwcould performe , there hi' bone,& Aefh ofhts flefl~: and that in more 1fl10uld belittleneedeofChrifr, or ofthe Gof. lrxccllent manner: becaufe encry particular 1 pei.Secondly,ifthis knowledge beof fuch exman, as he is borne anew, and the whole Cacdlencie, it mufi be learned ofvs and that in tholikc Church the true fpoufe of Chrifl, fpeciall manner. Iftoother inferfourJearning fpnngeth and arifeth out of the meritand effi_ we lend the vnderflaudir.g & mcmQry to this cacie of the blood that diftilled out of the we are toapply the whole Il!laa. The'minde heartand fide of Chrifl. In the creation God mufrlearneit by opening it felfto conceiueit· makes life ofnothing: but by Chrifl he drows the memory mufr learncit, by froring it vp; our_life forth ofdeath,andchang~thdeath inthe wil & aff~lliosmufr learneit, ~y rcfigning to hfe. Agame,m the law the mflJCe of God IS and conformmg rhemfclues mtheu kindevnfetdowne and rcucaled:in Chri!l we fee more, B to it. Thus Paulteacheth,That to karne Carift, namely,perfed: iufl:iceand perfea mercie, reM thetruthUinChrifl, is topHtojftheo!J~an,& ue~tled m the fi1ll; yea (which is a wonder) iutoput 011thencwman,whichafterGodiocre 4 redin !\iceand mercic reconciled. Lafl ly, in Chri!l righteoufne/foMtdbolintjfo. Thirdly, by this we we k< the length, the breadth, the height, the learne to value and prize the knowledge of drpti! of:he loue ofGcd, inthat God vouchClo!rill:,aboue all things in the world. The An· faferh to loutthe d en with thevery fame loue gels ofGod themfelues dtfire to profit in this wherewith he loucrh Chm l. knowledge. 'Da~~id, who in the darknes ofrhe As by Chrifr we knowGod:fo alfo by Chrill: old Telbment defired tobeadoore-kecperin week110W ourfdnes: and that on this manthe houfeofGod, ifhe were nowliuingon ncr: firfl: we mull confider,that iu the Pafsiearth, would becontent withan office athouon hee tookeour perfon vpon him, and that fand folde more bafe, that hemight enioythi• vpon the crolfe, he frood in our place,roome, clcare lightoftheknowledge ofChriii.But aand flead. Secondly, weeare toconfiderrhe las,there are no fuch DaHids now adaies, Itis grearndle of hi~agonieand pafsion, fer forth our f.1ult, and the fault of our time•, thatrhis vnto vs efpecially by fiue things. The lirfl is, C knowledge is oflirtle or novalue and account the tcfrimonieofthe Euangelifls, who fay in among men; and littlefruit therofto be feene. empharicall words, that he wasfH!JofforrllW, And therefore it is to be feared,thatGod will<d. The fecond, his corn. take this treafure ofknowledge from vs, and plaint , that hi&foul• w.u h-.Ni< 11nto the dwh: fend forth frrong iUufions to beleeue lies; beand, that h• """ for[ak.._m of the Father. The caufe it islittle or nothingloued. third, his prayer withjirong<rits.fao<nmfom P~u/ ytt further commends this knowthi& ho.<rdetthi&c~<ppaffi.1he fourrh,thecomledge.U. that he cals it, The knowle"£eof (hriji, mingofan Angell to comfort him. The lafl, HIS LORD. Now heeis our Lordfoure hisfweat of wattr & thickc or clotted blood. waies. Firfi,by the right ofdonation (becaufe Now in Chrifrthus confiderecl, weeft• the all the Elellaregiuentohim ofrhc Father in greatne!lc of Gods anger againfr vs for our thecrernallcouncellofelcltion: )fecondly,by finnes: we feethe gteatnc!le ofour fins1 we fee creation: thirdly,by the rightofredemption : the vilene!lc ofour perfons:we fee thehardnes fourthly, by the right ofboadlhip; inthat as a ofour heartS, that neucr fo much as figh for liuing bead he giues fenfe ar.d fpiritualllife to cur oJfences, for which the Son ofGod fweat the thar beleeuc in him. AndPaulcal• Chrifl waterand blood: we feoour vnrhankefitlnes, hi&Lord,bccaufe he belecued his owntleltion, thot litle refpcll or regard this work ofCbrifi. D in which he was giucn to Chrifr, hiscreation Lafily, wee fee our dtttie: that wee are to bee & redemption by him, and his myfricallcon· throughly tottchtd with true repentance, and iun<tion with him,as withhis head. And here to humble oor fduesasirwerctothe very pit Paul in his example teacheth vs two things. ofhel : for it the Sonce of God monrne and The!irfr,how we lhould know Chrifl, & the cry for our linncs imptned, we are much more doltrine ofrhe Gofpd. For the right knowtocry and bleed inour hearts forrhern, feeing ledgewherof,there isrequircd,befide general they are ours properly, and with rhem wee vnder!UdingofChrifl&hisbenefirs,withgehaue pierced Chrifr. And thus rhe exccl!encie neral a£et,a fpecial application therof.Ir isnot ofthe knowledge of Chrill is manifell. ft1fficient to beleeue tbeekltwn, redempuon, Hence we learnt fundry things: Firfl,if the iultification,glorifieaticn ofGods people: but knowledge of Chrifi be foexcellent, wee may we mufr goe further, & belccue the very fame notmamailc that by t!·emalice ofthe diuell it things in ourfelucs. The reafon may be taken harh bcene ~orruptcd.many hundred yeares fr~m the Contentsofth~ GofpeiL F'?rit c~ninrbe Romilh Church: which tcaclterh, that tams two parts,t!le lirflts a_promtfe,m whtch the Gofpel is nothing elfc in effoct,butthe law Chrill: with all bts benefits IS cff~rcd and proofMofes perfu.'ted.Now ifthis were fo,Chrifi prumded vnto vs. The _fecond !sa commandoubrks died in vainc,and we mightplace our dement to apply the fatel promtfe & the fobfiance