Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chrijl the true andpeifeEtCfaine-:- an~ the flelh o~ Chrifr in heaueo) hiAder this A [words~rt.intheirlipsfmheyfay;whol".rethvs? vn.lon: T~emmde IS vmted aftera fort,to the I Agame,here we fee P4Uis care, yea rhe pitch rhiog1tmmdeth· Afterthecon:ratlofmamofall h1sdefires and his principall fore-call:, ag•, two d1llud perfoos beemg a thoufand that he msght be found of God in the day ot milesafuoder,remaineoneflelh. Ifnat.ureaf- 1 iudgemcnr, to be a member of Chrifl:. The foard thus much: why may not rhe hke bee · hkemufl: beourcare and fore-call: now in the found in the coniuntlion thatisaboue nature? ' timeof this life: yea, this mull: be the care of The lafl: rule is, That the bond of.,is our conall cares,t~at wemaybeknitto Chrill andfo iunc:'tion, is one and the fame fplrir, l:eeing accepted ofGod, whenhefhall rifet~iudgebothin Chrifl:andvs:firlt in Chrifl:, and then ment.Chrillbidsvs,Lu~2I.J6.W.rch&pr'!)' in vs,This teacheth S,/ohn,fayin,;,I .!oh+I 3• th•twc mayf/•ndb<forethefonne ofm•n:andt~ That Chrjf/ dwe/s in vs by huJPiritgiuen vnto l we cannotdoe,voles webeincorporated into "'•. Againe, ~his fpirit worketh in vs faith, Chrll. Wearebidd~n.fitfl: to feeke thekU.g– whsch alfo kmtsvs to Chnll: who, as Paul I dom ofheaue:&that 1smdeed to bein Chrill. faith, Epkef.>·'7· Jwe/sinourbe•rtsbyfaith. Tobewifeand circumfped in manymatters, And by. thss we further Ieo.that d1llance of B & yet to want fore-call: tocompa!fe our maine place ~ind~rs aott):Usvnion,~he fpiritofGod andprincipallgood,is the greatellfollyofaU. besngmfin~te,maydwd both m Chnfl: andvs: "Yhat ss the fault of t~e foolilh virgins? vir. and our faith though tt be feared Wlthm our gms theyare asJhe Wife: they carried t~eburhearts, yet can it reach forth it felfe, and apning lamps ofChrillian profefsion: likewife prehen:l Chrifl: in heauen. tloey had oyle,thatis,theoyle ofGrace: but a• The fecond defireofPAHIis, Th•t bt ""'Y~~ Ias, theyhad not oyle enough to furnilh their ••wdofG•dtobein Chrifl, that is, that 6od lamps. Tbeirfaultwas,that they wantedforewouldrefpea him as a member ofChrifl:, and call: tofornilh themfelues withoyle fufficient. accept him iuto his fauor eternally for Chrifl:. And there is neuer fufficiencie ofoyle,till wee For the better vnderllanding ofthis, the orbe true and liudy members of Chrifl:. And der that God vfcth in !hewing his lo'ue mull this was their damnable folly, that they conbe obferued. Firfl: ofall, be begins his loue iu rented the111fclues with the name and profefChrill: , whom he Ioues limply for himfelfe; lion~fChrifl:, & had nota fe.rious andfpeciall then from Chrill hee defceods to them that caremdeedetobemembersofChrill:. Therearevoiced to Chrifl:, coRfideriug them euen forelet vs now diligently indeauour tobe that as parts ofChrillswhom alfo he!cues, yetnot C iu thislife,which wedefiretobe foood ofGod limply, butrefpetliuely,in and for Chrifl:. He in the dayof.iudgellleilt. There be three iudgthat lookes vpon things of diuers kinds tho· ments whichwe are to vndergoe, the iudgerough ai:reene glalfe, beholds them all to be ment ofmen, ofour felues, and ofGod. The greene; euen fo,whom God r~fpeCleth in and two firfl: we may falfifie,the third weecannot. for Chrifl:, they areloucd ofGod, as heis Io. For men weemaydeceiue, andourfelucswee ued,and righteous ashe isrighteous. And this may dcceiue;but God we cannot.Itis the foiiis the thing which P•Ml dcliretb that in the dationofall good things to beeingrafiedinro day of iudgement hee may be thusrefpeCled.. Chrifl:: and for thiscau{e, all the lOre•callof , Hence weelearne, that God will make an our heads, all other cares andfl:udies lhould examiuation ofal our,hearts,liues,and works, giueplacc, that this mightbee accornplilbed. intheday ofiudgcment. Forthis Finding, Somemanmayherenpondemand, what hee which Paulmentioneth, prefuppofeth, that lbould doe;that he mightbe in Cbrilll I anGod fees,and obfcrues our waies,and will one fwertwothings:firfl:,hemull breake olfall his day certenly difcouerthe, knowing eu<n now finnes,and turnevnto God: fecondly,he mull certenlywhether we be in Chrifl: or no. ~or prayearoellly e~en vnto, .that his this caufewe aretocal our feluesto 0naccout, D heart may beknltto Chnfl:.Agame, It may be yea to a llrait account: for Ged will fiodeout demanded, how it may be knowne ofvs, that wbatfocuer is amilfe, though we ha•e skill to we are in Chrill?S.Iobnanfwereth,t.[o/;.4·.1~ make faire Otewes before men. And we are Herebywt~~r>wthathedweflethm w,bythefPmt withall to amend our felues. S•iom1111vpon wbicbhehaibgiuenvs.Andwemayknowthat this ground dillwadcs the yongman fr?m for- ~ve ~au~ the fpirit o;>fChrifl:, ifthelame mind, nication; whyjhou/Jeftthuumyfonne(falthhee, mclmatson, andd1(f>olitson, the like Io.ue to Pm<.) ·10,>1.) tal<! delight in•ngtwoman, God and man, thehkemeekeoe!fe,.patteiiCe, uing tbtwltiuofmeNareb<forttbeeyeofGoJ,& and obedience b~ 1n vs wh1ch wa~ 1~ ~hnll. hepondtrtth•Btheir p•ths?To this purpofe the For thefame fruits ~rguethe lame.fpmt. Jews haue afaying worth our marking:write, ~·9~·--· 'l{~thaN111g tmn~ ~n~. r~;ghteoM.[nes, fay they. 3. things in thy heatt,aflcl thou lhalt wh1chu oftbllaw,bHt th<t whichuofthe[Aitb of neuer finne:Tbert;. •n!]tthatfteth thre,•neart, Chrjf/,&c. . . th•tht<rethtbee, .nd•handth#wrimhaBthy The ApoiUe ~at~mg. tau~ht m gener.all d.ings inab•ol:f, The caufeofour manifold fios tearmes, that Chnfl: IS hss game, ~erebcgms is, that men falfly thioke, that God neither t<Y<leclare the lame m more parllc!Jlar fo_rr. fees,nor heares them. Thus laithD•uidofhit Forhee fets clown•.a threc·f~Id game whs~h . enemies,Pfol.)9•7· Tbeybr<gintheirtalkf,and heedcfircdtoobtameofChntt : thefirfi ••, ·the