Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

1 Chrijl the true andperjectqaine. 659 therighteo•fneffio[Chrij/: thefecond is,inward A1 rings in life and death,and his fidfilling ofthe ! feOowfl,ip with him: the third '',the refnrre&ion 'law for vs. Andthts very obedtence whtch ts ofthebo<!J to erernall glory. Now this righte· i• Chrill,andnot in vs, is the very matterof oufne!fe of Chrill which Paul makes his fir£! themlliceofrhe Gofpcll. Thiraly, Paul fets gaine,is han<lled in the9· verfe, forthe better downe the meanes .whereby this iullice is knowledge whereof,! wil firll open the meamadeo~rs, and that 1~ fatth '· wh!chdorh refr ningof the words. And fir£! ofall, it mull bt on Chnfr,and apply hts obedtence to vs.La!!- knowne, that they are an expofition of the ly, Paul fees clownethe authorofthis iufrice, words which went before. For whoreas Paul and that is Gad, who ofhis gta<eano mercie, haddefircdto be found in Chrifr, now hee freelygiues Chrifrandhisobediencevntovs, fhew~s his owne meaning, that bee defired when w• beleeu~. ~utofthefefoure points a therem nothing elfe but that he mightbe acdefimtron ofthe tuCitee ofthe Gofpel may be cepted ofGod for Chrills.fake, and be efree· framed thus:It ts the rtghteoufnes ofthe Memed righteous in his righteoufne!fe. Andthat diatour, namely, the obedience of Chrift, githis·righteoufiJe!fe may bee the better difceruen vs freely !)fGod, & receiued by our faith. ned, hefmdowne two forts of iufrice: the B By thisdifrinl'l:ion ofLegal! and Euangelione loee refufeth, the other hee<lefireth and call iullice,we learne the dilference ofthe hw chooferh. The righteoufne!fe r~fed,hecals a11d the Gofpell. The law promifeth life vpoa it hisowne: becaufe it is wirhiahim, andit the condition of our workes, or obedience is exercifed by thepowers ofhis foule, nameperformed, according to the ienour of the ly,bisminde,will,alfe~ions. He faithlimher, law. The Gofpell require~not the condition it is o/tbelaw,tbat is,ofthewo.rkes which the o.f merit, orofany worketobe dQnc on our Rom. 10 • law requireth: for (as Paul faith) therighteparts in the cafe ofour iufiilication;but onely ;. !~ufncffi ofthelaw u thu,HethAt doth theft things prefcribens to beleeue in Cbrill, and to reil: U"a/1 IJ•erherein. Againe, of the iufrice delion his obedience , as eur iullice before the red, he faith, itisby th•faithofChn}l, thlt is, tribunal! feat of God. Secondly, by this wee it arifeth of the obedience of Chrifr apprelearne,thatthe Church ofRome,and rhe lcarhended by faith.Forin this mannerto the Ronod therein, are ignorant o.f the right diffi:- manes, hepots tloe faith of Chrifi,for faith in ren<e betweene the Law and the Go!pel. For Rom. 3· the blood of Chril\. And whereas fame man they teach, thattherighteoufiJes which frands "·'f· might haply fay, that euen this righteoufnelfe in our inherent vertues and workes done by is ours, as the former, Pa•l addeth further, c vs, is required for iufrification, as well in the that it is ofGod,wholly& onely,and not ofvs, Gofp•l,as in the Law: and that the difference either in whole, orin part, being freely ~:iuen lies onely in this, thatthe Law is more darke, of him vpon o~trfairh,that is,when we beleeue. l and withoatgrace ; the Gofpel more plainc, In tbefe few words Paul concheth many hauingalfothe grace ofGod annexed vnroit, weightiepoints ofdol'l:rine. I will difiinClly· rojnable vs in our owne perfons, todoe that · propound them one byone. Firfr of all, hee Which both Law& Gofpel require.Bot thisis makes a doubleitillice, one ofthe law, ·the indeed to make a"confufionofrhe law& Gofotherof the Gofpell: yea he oppofcth them f?el• and to abolilh the difrinClion ofthe twoas contraries in the cafe ofiufrification: and toldiull:icebelore named, which may not be:. thatthey may the better be conceiued, hedeThe fecond point of doctrine deliuercdby frrlbes them fc:uerally.Touching the iufiice o.f Paul,is,That afmnedlands iufr beforethe crithe law,he fc:ts it downe by two things. Firll: bunall feat of God, not by the iull:ice of the he faith, it is wirhiAvs: becaufeit isnothing Law, but by the iufrice offaith, which is the elfc but aconformitie ofheart and life to the obedience ofChrifr, without any workes of will ofGod reuealed in the faid law. And the oun. And becaufe this pointofdoari~e is of law knowes not the righreoufnelfe which is D great moment, & is withal! oppugned ofmawithout vs. Secondly, he notes thematteuf ny, I will further confirmeit by fome fpeci.11l it, thatitconlillsoffochvertnes and workes reafons. Firfrofal,illthe iufiification ofa finas the lawprefcrib:th.Now the iufriccof the ner, God manifefis·his mercy andiu!Hce to ~.ofpe!i: is lik~wife fer forth byfouretbings: the full. For as Pa_ulfaith:Hceiu.ftifterhfmty Rom. 3 . I Ftrfr, ltts notmvs, but forth ofvs: beeaufc by hugr.u:e:and mmfr•fymg,heunot onelyai•- ' 'I· Paol oppofeth it to the righreoufnes which is .ftifter,blltalfoiu.ft. Now this concurrence of ours,aud withinvs.Secondly,Paulfets downe mercy and iullice,is no wheretobefou.nd,but thematteMfit, or theperfon in whom it is, intheobedicnceofChrift, performed by him namely, Chrifr. Of whom Immy faith ; 7•- in oudoome and ourll:ead.As for all Chrillihouah#ourrighteoufneffe. And C~rifrmufrbe an venues and workes of godly me11, they confidered twowaics: as God.and as Mediaare by morcie accepted ofGod, but they doe tour; according to which two refpetls, bee not fatisfie theiuliice of "od, aci:ording to hathadouble righreoufi1etfe: One as Got!, thetenourofthi:law.Secendly,P..,.Iinthe Eand thatis infinite, and therefore incommupillleto ihe Romanes; conlidering .Abraham n~c~blo: Thi:c;>ther as.Mediatoot, i~the~llenot as an i,dolatervnconuerted, Llur as a be- · d1ohce ofChnfr , whtch heeperformed in his leeuer , yea as the father of all the faithfull manhood, co_ufifring of ~"':~.)'arts ; his fulfe: _ faith, tli_a!then hew~iujlifodwithomwirk!s i Roni:4· Kkk f and '· •