66o Chrifl the true andperfi'it Cjaine. and that his faith! that is, the Mefsias appre- A i' a fuflicient pairnent for this debt? wee our hended by hts f~tth, was cou~ted vnto htrn fdues by our finnes, daily increafe the faid for nghteoofneflc, long after hts conuerlion. debt. And our owne works, though procce- ~?was he,who ts a patterne for vs t<> follow, dmg offatth, are noconuenient payment; betstullt~ed; fo mull we be mlltlied, andnoocaufe wee cannot by one debt pay another. rherwtfe. Thttdly,as by Adamsdifobedience And if wee lltall fearch through heauen and we are made !inners, fa by Chrllh obedtence earth,Ehereis nothing tobe found, that may ":e aremade nghteous:but by Adamsdtfobe- !land tor payment withfi3od , but rhe obediaLyra dtence(•)trnpured to vs,ar~we made finner~: ence ofthe Redeemer, which he hath prefen- ;::.::.r. therefore wee are made ltlft by the obcdt· redandlaiddowne beforethethroneofthe & Bella. ence of Chrift imputed. 'BcrnArd vfed this Almighti~, as an cn~leffc treafure to make de grar. reafon: Wh.,(fatthhe) another mans fault depayment 111 qur behalfc. And becaufe thefaid am>r. lib. filed,another m•nswattrwajhed. Yttiwcal/iPgit obedience is a farisfaflion for ourvnrighrer.c.t7. anothe~~nsf~tult, I doe not denie it~o~e ours: oufiu:ffe, it is alfoour iufiice in theacccptati· •therwiftot could not defile vs, But """'"ther on ofGod. Bythefeand otherreafons,it·apmans,bccauft~>eaOnot kzfowmg of~t,finnedm A· B pcares, that nothiog can abfolue vs before Jar:~. It u ours, b~cauft we hauefinned: thoughm God, and p.rocure the Rightof ercrnalllife, IVI~ther; andJt M smputed tofJsby thuuf/tudgebut the onely obeCience of the Mcdiatour met ofGod,though"beftcret.Yet,thatthou,.•ifl Chrill, God and man : and that without any notcomplAin~OmanjAgt~infttht difohedienceofA.. venue or workc ofours. dam, there w gi11en thttthe obeaun<e of Chrift: Hence it foi!Gwes,that rheprefent Church that btmg foldfor no11ght, thou masrjl bee rrelee9fRomeccrruprs the article of iullilicarion, medfor nought. Againe, the doflrinc ofimpuby mingling things together, which can no Epi.19o. tediullicehcreachethexpreffely, faying; All more be compounded and mingledtogtther, are ele.J, th•ttheforufaBi•n9[ ••• mightbeimthen fire and water: namely,theiufticeof the. puttdtull,.u healo•ebarethefinsofaH.Againe, Gofpell with the iuftice of the Law. For it Ad mili. DMth u puttojlightb,ythe Jwh.jChrift,rP-the makesadouble iullificatio:the firft containes ;~::~mp. righttoufoeffiofChrijl u imputedto vs. Fourth· two parrs, pardon of finne by the death of r.Cor. r. ly,Paullaith; Chrift u made vnto vsofGod, iuChrill,and theinfufed habite ofcharirie. The 3o. Jlice, that is, iuftice imputed: for in the next fecond is,by workes, which(rhey fay)doemeEnchir.c. 4 r. &. de verbisA.. poft.fc:rm 6. words he faith, t.e is made ••r fanBific.rion, riroriou!ly incrcafe thdirll: iuCtification, and that is, our iullice not imputed, but inherent. c procure erernalllife. Here wee fee the foue. Fifrly,as Chrift was made fin,fo are wemade raigne medicineofthe Gofpel, namely mnif.. the iullice of God; but Chrift was made our fion offins, temperedwith the poyfon of the linne, not by any conuelance of any corruptiLaw. For though vettues and wo_rkes preon into his moll holy heart, but by -impuratifcribed in the Law, haue their place, as gocd on. Wc therefore-are made the iufticeof God gifts ofGod, in our liues and conuerfarions: by like imputation. And Jell any man iliould yet when they are fet vp higher, and brought yet furmife that this ioftice i~ not impured,but within thecircle ofiuf.lificatio as meritorious infufedvntovs,Paul faith, We.tre rtMde the iscaufes; they are put quice out of their place, JliceifGodin him, that is, in Chrill. Hence it and are no bettertl en poyfon: and hereupon followeth manifeftly, that there isno vertue are rearmed ofPaHI, Loffe and dung. But fuch or worke within vs which iuftifieth before as defire to be rearmed Catholikes, alleadge God and that ooriuflice, whereby we areiuft for themfelues ogainll: vs, thatrheobedience in rh; light ofGod, and accepted to life eterof Chrift, that is, the tighteoufnesofan o1her nail, is out ofvs, and;placed in Chrift. Th~s cannot l'ofsibly be.our righteoufnes. I anf'."er much haue the fathers obferued vpon thts that tloe tuftJCe of another may be our mfttce, text of'l'aul. Augujlinefaith,that Chrill was D ifit be really made ours. And this is true in made finne,that we might be made iufuce,rn>t Chrill. For when wee begin .'0 bcloeue in oRrill}liceJbut Gods iuftice;neithermvs, but m h1m, though our perfons.remamc euermore him: as he declared finne not to behis , but. tliftiua and vnconfounded, yet are we made: ours, nor'placed in h.im, but in vs; Hierome onf with bin;, and according ro rhetc~ourof faith, Chrift ~eing oflered for vs, tooke the \he Euangehcall couenant, are weegmen to name offinne, that wee might been\adethe hirlt,andhctovs • fo as w~emay tr9~ly fay, righteoufneffeofGod in him,notours norin vs. Chri.ll: is mi~e,as we cantruly fay,thts houfe, In the fame manner (pc.,keTheophyl•B, .Anorrhisland.~mm<: No:v tfChrtll beeours, . ftlme, Seduliuqmbyter> and others. L1ftly, then alfo h~ obcdteHC~~~ no~ onelyhts, but man confidercd as a creatare before his fall, ours alfo:lns,becaufc1t1smhtm:our~,becaufc owed vnto God the fulfilling of the law, withhimitisgiuenvsoi_Gop. Agatne? they which as a cerraine trilmte was daily tobee alleadge,That whenP•HI refufetb thepghte• payed vntohim ·Afterrbe fall he doubled his oufucs ofthe law, he meanes no;hmgclfebut debt, bccaufe l;e theu bccam; de~terto God the workes 0f th~ law that are performed by ofa fati•fallion due for the breach oft!telaw. rl)e llrengthofNilllre, aud t~the dorh ~ot Now thcnotpaimentof"the double,d>bt, is exclude the workc_sof gr-~~·..I .-~fwer, !tlS our righteouftJeffe. But wheremay>,.'l!e,finde falfe: for he fpe.a!,eth.of.h1111feli:<>m thettme prefent •