C:6z. Chrijl thetrueandperjetrqaine. -- ---- -- · - Chrilhncovs,and cloth(as it wcrt)\~rire our A Chrill aodhis bendits to beours. And lefl a- ! names Wtthm the promtfe, that we r.ttgot not 1 ~y tbould imagine, that thevery a<'lio of faith I doubt. N?w then, looke as God gt~cs the I 1n arprehending Cbrifl,iuflifierh: we are to pronufc, 10 mufl wee by fanhrccetuc tt: But vnderfland, thatfaithdoth not apprehend by , God gmes the promtfe,and wtthallapph:s tt: power from tt fclfe,butby verrueofthe coue-1 w~ therefore mufl rcceiue tile promifc,andby uant. If a man belecue the kingdome of j fatth opply tt toour fdues. If any man !hall France tobehts,tt IS nottherfore his:yet•ifhe ·I fay, tllolt hce cannot conccmeafp~Clall fatth bekcueChnlt and the kin~dome of heauen vpon thefe grounds by reafon ot. his vnbe- ~ by Chnfl to be hts, lt!S h1s mdcede : not fimleefe : I anfwer, that he mullllriuc againll his ply beraufe ht .beleeues, but becaufc he belcevnbcleefe,~ indcauour to belecue bydefiring, I ~eth vpon commandement and promife, for askm~,fcekmg,knock1U(1: I!< God w1ll acce~t I tn.the tenour of the couenant, God promifeth the wdl to bdeeue for f.nth lt felfe, fo be 1t t_o.lmpute the obedience of Chrill vnto vs for there be an bond! heart touched with forrow our righteoufneffe,if we beleeuc. for fir.s pall,ond apurpofeto finne no more. The third point is, Whether faith alone be That wee mly yet better know wh>t faith I B the meanes to obtaine the iullice ofChrill for is;vr.der!la:Jd that there be two kinds offalfe V~or no?I anfwer,it is the oncly meanes with• faith,like indeed to true faith,and ye_t oo faith out the help ofany other v<rtue or work.Fot at a!i. The lirfl is,when a manconceiuesin his PaHI hereteacheth, that faith apprehendeth heart a !lrong perfwauon' that Chrill is his Chrill for righteoufnefie, withoNt the r ...: that S.auiour_,& ycccarri'.!s in the fame heart a puris, without any thing that the lawrequires at pofeto finne,at'd makes no change or amendour hands. And here by this exclufiue particle ment of bis life. This perfwafion is nothing (with•Ht the l•w) bee reache~h thr_ee things. but prditmp:to~, aud a countctfett of true The firll, that nothing wtthm vs IS an effifaith,':Vh?f;: properrie is to p~rific tl~e heatt_,& ciento~ m~ritori_ous cau(c, ci~her principall or to fhew 1t fclfe tn the exemfes ofmuocatton ldfe pnnctpall, mwhole <>lmpart, ofour iuar,d true repentarrce. The fecond is,when men !lification or reconciliation with God. The conceiue a llrong- pedwafion, that Chrill is fecond, that nothing within vs is an inllrurheir S,Juiour, & yet for all this comemne and ment or meanes to apply the obedience of defpife the Minillcric ofthe Word and SacraChrillvnto vs, but faith whichis ordained of ments. This alfo is another counterfeit. For C God tebe an h•nd to rcceiue the free fauour true fJith is conceiued, choci01ed, and confir• ofGod in the merit ofChrill. Thethird, that med by the vfe ofthe word and Sacraments. ourrenouationor fanctificatioa is no matter And we mull: there feeke Chrill, where God forme, or part ofour iullification, but that i; wil giue himV>ltO vs:nowGod giues Chrill in wholly llandsin the imputation of the iullice the word and fJctaments >'and in him he doth of Chrill. In a word,PaHivtrcrly excludesall as i: were open his hand and reaoh forth all things that are within vs, whether by nature tl:e b!diingsofChrill vntovs. W ce mull not or by grace,fro the act ofiuflilication: that in the<efore imagine to finde Chrill, where and thisarticle, ondy grace, oncly Chtill, onoly how we lift; but wee muft fecke bim in the faith,onely mercy in pardon offin may reigne. wod and Sacramentslandthere rnufi wee re- ~tmay be hereobktted, that .Abrahamwas ceiue him,ifwe defire w recdue him aright. iullified not by faith alone, but by workes, as The fecond point to be confidered is: How Saint l anm teacheth.I anfwer,there is a doufaithis a means to iut\ifio? Ianfwcr thus.Faith ble iufiilicatioo , one ofthe perfon whereby a !;,m.>.u dotb not iufrifie as it is ~n excdlent worke of man of afinncris made nofinner: theft:cond 'i God in n:for then all vertues mi,;br be means is, the iuflificadonof the faith of thel'erfon, ofiullification s wdl as fatth.Itdot~ not tuwhereby faith IS declared to be truefatth:and llifie a> it is,an excelletvertue it fclfe: becaufe D this fecond is by workes1and ofit Saint lames 1 it is :n,perf<<'land mingled with vnbeleefe.lt fpeaketh,as appeares, v.18. where hee faith, 1 doth not inllifie as a meancs to prepare and Shewmeth:Jfatthbythywork£s.And whereas he difpofe vs ro our iuflification: for fo foone as faith , that Abrah•ma~<•fath" WA.r iHjfijiedby we beoin to b'leeue in Chritl:, we are iullified work,,hismeaning is, that Abrahamby works • Chry (a) ,:ithout aoy difpofition or preparation iullified himfelfe robea true bdee~er,_Yea the fofi.hom. commi•·,obetweencfaith& iuflificatten.Lallfather of all the fatthfull; and h1sfatth was in Ro:n. ly,irdothnot iuftific as it contJ.ines in it all o.. ma?e ~erfcCtbyworkcs,v_• 22.thatisJdeclated ~am ther vertues and good workes , as thekernell or 1ull1fied to be a true fatth. h~:~m containes the tree with all his br.mcbes. For The fourth or Jail potntl!, When and how md;dethen fhould it bee a parr, yea the principal! longfaith alone iullifieth! l anfwer,not one!y rjt ~ cor.~ part ofour iufl:ice.Whereas Saint Pnut di~inin the be~inningofour conuerfion, btl~ alfo m feft•m "-· guifi1eth iullice and faith fa]ing that 01<r rzghthecontmuance, and lilllll accomplifhment ~-~;~~fi•- uouftJ<jfou ofG•dvponfaith: and nor for fatth, thereof. For heere P••l deiires io the dayof :a. but,byfaith.Now then faith iullifies,as it isan ~ud~ement~o Jla~d befo:e God on~ly by the inllrument or hand to apprehenc\ot recetue mlllceoffalth,Wtthollthlsowne tufl1ccofthe t! 1ebcnefitsofChrillforours; and this apprelaw. And Paulbrmgs m .Abraham (as I haue Rom+ bJenGonis made, when we doe indeed beleeue noted before) m the very m1ddelt of godly ,, 3 . conuerfat~on