Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Rom.r. ... , t T 1 [hrijl the true andperfeEI Cjaine. nerfation and holy obedience to bee iullificd A The parrs of the dclired communion are without any workes by hisf.ith to the Mefsi• twoz Fellowfhip with Chrill in his refurr<l'lias. And 'l'aulauoucheth three things offairh: on,and fellowfhip with him inhis death.The by it we h4"eacceffo tothe graceof God: by formerisexpteflcd in thefe words, [andthe it weef/andiN thefomegr~~e<: by it "'" reioy<< vert«eof his rtjimeCiion.j And for the better vnderthebote ofglory. Thus then,we fee there conceiuingof it ; we are roconfider whatthe isone onely way ofiullificarion, namely, that refurrcttionofChrill is land what isrheverwee are inllified and accepted ofGod to life tue rhereof?.-Thatthe refnrrellion of Chrill eternall,through grace alone, by faith alone, maybe rightly conceiucd, fiue points areto for Chrilt alone,in the beginning,middle,and be (canned. The lirll, touching the perfon of end of our conue'rlion. And here is plainely him that rofe: and that was Chrill, 6od and difcouered theerrorof the Church ofRome. man.Indeed properly the body alone did rife, It makes adouble iullification : one whereby and notthe foule or Godhead , yet by reafon a finner is made ofan euill man a iull man; ofthe vaioa ofthe twonatures inrhevniry of andthis they fay"is by faith -alone: the fecond B one perfon, whole Chrill arofc,or God himis, ·whereby a iull man of a iull mati ismade felfe mado man arofe. This commends to vs moreiuft: and this (fay they) isby faith and the excellency of'Chrilts refurrettion, and workes together: but faJ(]y,as I haue £hewed. makes it to be the foundation vntovs of our By all this which hath bin faid, we fee how refurrettion. The fecond point is, For wbcm rigt,reoufnelfe comes by and vpon the faith h"rofe I Hee rofe AOt as a priuate perlon for of Chrift. And hence we learne,rhatit llands himfelfe alone ; but he rofc in our roome and vs in hand to prooue whether wee haue faith lload,and that for vs: fowhen hearofe,all the or ncn becaufe wHere is no faith,·there is no elel'l arofe with him, and in him. Thus faith iullice. Secodly,our duty is to labour for fuch PR•I,thattheEphtjianswm raifea togetherwith epit.,. 6. a faith,that can and doth iu!lifieit felfe tobee him. Hisrefutrel'llon therefore waspnblik~: truefaith,byworkesoflouetoGodandman. and this isthe ground of our comfort. The l:hirdly,we mull bythrsfaith,reftand wholly third point is. When he aro{e?Hearofe then, relic-bur.fclues on the obedience of Chritt when he lay in bondagevnder death, and that both.inlife and dO.ath: yea whatfoeuetdoth m the graue,which is as it were the caltle and befallvs. Though God fhould reach out his holdaf death.When Peter faith,That Godl•o- All.i.•4: hand&defuoy vs, we mull !till reftvpo him. C [edthe.fmowesifdf•th,hefignifieth tharChrill Secondly , ifour iuilice beforth ofvs, and was made captiue fora time to the firll death, we mull by faith trnlt.God·fori" ·then much and to rheforrowes ofthe fecond.Now in the more mull we rrull him for hcaltti,.wealth,limidll ofthis c:rptiuity and bondage, he raifed bercie;peacc,food,and raiment,and'for all the himfelfe:and this argues,rhat his refurrellion things ofthis life. And ifwe caQOottrall: him is afull vittory and conqueil <lu<r death and in the leffe,\ve fhal neuet trull him in.the prin- «ll our fpirituall enemies. The fourth point is, dpall: Therefore it is ouqJart to walkdn the Thathe rofeby bisowne powcr,as he faith of dutiesofoorcallings, and to obey Gddtherehimfelfe,Ihauepowtr tolayduwmmy life, andte !oh. Io. in:and for the fucce!fe of our labours to trull tak/it <~pAg•ioe. ~frhis had not bin,though he z8, him vpon his word i yea when all•worldly had rifcn a thoufaud times by the power of helpsand fuccours failo,ro rruftinhim-frill, 1f , another, hee had nor bin a perfett Redeemer. we cannot trutt him for'ourtemporiUllife,we The lall point is, Whcirein llands the rellirrefhallneuerrrull bim-:fO:r Mrfaluation. ·' ttion ofChriMAnf.Irconfills in three al'lios The fecond gainc which P•ulde!ireth,· is of <i:hrift. 'Ihe,firll is,the reuniting of his bofellowfhip with Chr'ill;i.n the 1 o.vorf. Where dy to his foule, both which were {euered for a it is fet 'foith firll genwdly, and tben':by his D time., though neither of them were fcuered parrs. Gonerally in thefe.words '[Thnt I may · from the God-head. The {econdacftion is the iqrow hnn.] Here it m11!1.'be remen1bred'·rhat changeof this naturalllife, which he led in knowl~lfge:i~_two"folth know.leoll"offaith, 1 rh; ~ttate.of~~miliation, in.toaheauenly and and ofexpenentt.Kr!owfedge (lf:fat!h;tsto be · fpmrual lifeWithout tnfirm1t1es, & net main. alfured~fGhrill-and11is lill!nefits, r~h it be !<lined by foode as Hcf<>re. Fot wee linde nor againllall 'humane re2f00 1\ hn~; alfdiu>pc:rith·at afterhis refurreaion he cuer roqkemeat ence. Of this ChritHaith, It is etffl1iall/ife to I .fornecefsity, butonely vpon occafion, to ma– know tbeerthioone!J G.-d;&i..The-kaowledge of ' nifell the truth of his manhood. Andrhislife c~p~rienue 1 is to h~u~:fenfeandfeelingof ~· rookcvnto himfelfe, tha.t·he.mighr conuey our mW.ard fello\!ltblpoWlth.Clmfi,'and vpon lttO ~11 that fhould beleeue111 h1m; 1 'fhe third oflenobforuation.of bi~ goddn•tle,_cto.grow atHon is, his,comming forth of the graue. more and more in ieJipe!1iencnlr•hls{t6ue. whereby deatbit felfe did as invcreacknow~ Nowthis knowledge-is hete meant>I•abd not ledgcihini:ro bea conquetour, and that it had tHc:-firtl•j .whichWas l>efo~e menrjone(t;verfe _biHitle 'or inrerell in him. Thefe liue things 8. IAndlgereforc!-·P•!'th~hlay oonfidered, dieArticleofCh~ilh refurreai. grow mor.,'lhd mow in>iKily·<'>tjl~it~a·of oo fhall be rightly vnderllood. theendltlle looe ofGad,r;/nd'fcllbwlhipWith •' Touching thevertueef Chrifisrefurreai. Chrift,. .:1 ,t,. ·. i''' •!t;C'.'c c:...,...,.;J , on,ir islJothingelsbattacpowerofhisGod- ---~-----~--~~~~~----~~------------~------------------~h,~ca:;:d~