Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

----~'-------.·--- 1664 . Chrifl tlie true and pufecHjaine. hc~d, o~ the pow~rufhts fplflt, whcreb~ he A P!•in.For Chrifl in hisrefurreClion put away ra~fed htmfdfe mtglmly from death to hfe, hts natural! life, which with our mture he re· Elf,c<• of and that In our behalfe. :he excelkncie ofit c~iued f:om A<&m,and tooke vmo him a fpiChnns may be knowne by theelldls, wtuch bee1n ntuall hfe, thathe mtghrcommunicate the ~fu<re· number eight. The lir£l, that by it hefhewcd fa id life to all that beleeuein him. Againe as 10 ;· lumfelfe to be the true and perfectSauiour of the firll AdAmmakesvslikehimfdfe in fi~ne · tloc world. For it wasforerold oftheMefsias &death : fo Chrifl the fccondAd.m renewes that he lhould die and rifoagaine,Pfo_1.,6.I O· vs,and makes vs like to himfelfein righteouf. Mmh.u.40·Andall thtswas accordmglyac· nelfeand ltfc. And the head quickened with comphlhed by the vertuc ofChrifls refurrefpiritualllife, will not fuffcr the members to <lion. The.fecond dle<l is,that by it he !hewremaine in the death offin.The fenenth effect z, ed himfelfe to b.: the rrne and naturaU fonne is,topr~ferue Cafe aud found the gifts andgra• 7' Rom. r. ofGod. Paul fatth,HewasdecLmdmtght~lyto ces WhiCh he hathprocurcd by hisdeath, and 1· bcthe SonneofGod, bytheJPirit if holineffi inhu bellowed on them that belceue: and this hce 3 • rifing fiom thedMd, Thethird efle[t i•, rhat by dorh by the verrue ofhis refumt'tion. Forto this verrue he declared himl<lfeto hauc made B this end hath he conquered allour fpitituaJlc– afull and perfeCl: fatisfaction forrlle finnes of · nemies, and doth by hispowerconquerthcm theworld. ·Forif he had not fatisfied to the llill in vs; fo as none lhall be a~le to take his tull,hc had not rifen againe. And P •"I faith,If !hcepeout ofhis hands. The lalleffet!t is to r. Cor. Chrifl benotrifin,>>eareytt inaurjinnts,On the raife the body from the graue in the day of 8 • tj.I?. contr:ny then, feeing be 1srifen, fuch as be.. iudgtment ro cternaU glory. lf it bee obj~.. ~1om.S. leet;e inhim, arc: notin their finnes. Againc, ded .. that thewi~kt:d arealfo raifedthtnb1 · Rom.S. Whojl1o1Urondemne vs/ it u Chrift whichts de•d, the power ofChri/1: I anfwer,that thepower 34· ye• or rather whichuri[enagaine,The fourth cf. of Chri/1 is rwe-fuld. One is the power of 4· t<·ct is iurlification,asPa•l teltifieth, He died iudgement,the other apower ofaSauiour.By Rom. 4· [oro~trjinneJ, ..ndroftdgainefor oHriuflificati4n, the firll, Chri!l as iudgeraifeththe vngodly ' 1 · and that was on this manner. When he was that hce may execute on them the curfe de~ vpon the Croffe, he !lood there in our roome, nounced from the beginningofthe world [ 41 hluing our !innes imputed vnto him : and wh<t umeth•u fh•lt tAt< theforbuldmfru:t, thoH Gen.>; when he rofe from death, heacquit and iu!lijhAit Jie the death.] The fecond power is here 17 '• fied himfelfe from our finni:s , and ceafed to C rearmed the power ofChrills rcfurrciTion;& be aqymore areputed !inner for vs: andthus, it b<:longstohim a. hcuour Sauiour: andby all that doe or O>all beleeue in him, are in him ithe will raife to lifeeternaU, all tho(e that by acquit, •bfolued, andiuflified from all their the bond of thefpiritare my!licaUyvnitcd to finnes. Ifany demand, how they which liued him. For by meanes ofthis vnioo, this raifing in the time of the old Teflameot, before the power !hall flow from the head to the clotld rcfurrc(ho:J of Chri/1, could be iu11ified ther· bodiesofthem that areiu Chrill.Thus we fee by , confidcring the elfctl: mu/1 followrhe whatthevertue here mentioned is, and what . cmfc: Ianfwer,that they wcr~iul1ified bythe P••ldefires, namely, that he may haue expe: tiJture refnrrcchon of C!uifl: which though it rience ofthefedfects in himfelfe. followed in ttme,yet did the value and venue The vfe ofthe dol'trine followeth. Firll of thereof reach euen to rhe beginning of the aiJ, in that Chrift rofe for vs, ami inthat his S• world. The fifr cffel:tis, theconfi:rring and refitrrel'tion is ofendlelfe effic..cie,here is the . beftowingofaJl and graces as hee foundation of all our fpirituall comfort. For had meritedaOKl procnred for vs by his death by this vertue of Chrifls refurrectien from and pafsion. Thus Chri!l teflifieth that the life,all our fpiritualenemies are congiuing ofthefpirit in large and plendliJI man· D quered and fubdoe\1, and by the faid vertue ncr,wa<referued to the glorificatio ofChri/1,. ~oth be daily more aud more fubdue them in Ioh.?.J? which began in his returre[lion. . 1\n~ the ' vs.Vpon thisgroondfaid Chrill:Teefb•llh•~· Luk., 4 . prcachiogofreperitance and remifsion of fuis ajJI:ffionintheworld:b~tbeoftoodco:nfort,/h4H< Joh.rG. 47 . isrefcrucd till after his refurr:-ction. And~. ' ouercome.theworld. And thisvictory isfor vs, ll· r.l'ct.r., thanhe Elect are regenerate_to A our faith, as John faith, 3 • tfttely hopebythereforreEfionofChriji.Byreafoo Thu,itthe.viEfiiY.JWhkh '"""'"'"'".h the w~rltf. oft~isodlowingofgr~t~sand_gifts, t'he re• • <Mt~joorf•ith. Art thoo.then tcmfied and •· ~:~-"'·f· furrection ofGhrifl is the beginning ofa new !raied withtheconfcience ofthy,finues, with and fpiriruall world, wl)ich rbe holy Gbatl the cruelty of tyranu·, tlrerage·ofthe world, C~lsthewor/d tocome;•in which 01011 be a new thepaiflCS o~bel!, the pallfilS of death, the :~:~;_-,~ heauen atipa llllW earth, as lfoiah fpeaki:th, tetpptations ofthediudiBe:notdifmaicd,bu_r and a peculiar people of God, iealous of by_tlly-falt!t refl Qn .Chrtlt that rofe agatnfr'.' good workes, keeping an eternal! Sabbath death to )tte for thee, &thereby !hewed.lumvmoGod. This one ,effel:t alone fuffidently [elfe,rp be arocke for theeto refl on,andtob.: declares the <xcellency of this vertue of the l.yl1J)of,the "I:ribcofru.dahJand ~hus lhalt 6. Cbriff. The fixteffect is .viui6cation,.which thou )1e furc{o linde ~err.ame «!"~dteagamfr i1araifing of vs from the death of finne to altthq!I'O~blts 'lll<\m.tfertes of ~tfe apddeat~. newnclf< of life. And the reafon hereof is A~:ain,hcre weare taught to nfe wub·Chttfr from L----L~-----------------------------------------------~~-~