Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chrift the true and-per(eff q aine. from our1inaes, and to liue vnto God in new- A Wherefore let ys li£len tothe voice of Chri£!, nelfe oflife: and for this end to pray that w<e .Aw•k! thoHthatflupejl, fl•nd vp fiom the dead, may feele thevertue ofChri£ls refurreaion to andChriflfoailgiHetheelift. Aed worldly carts changs and reoew vs•. Great are the benefits mull not landerv• intbis worke: for as '1'""1 which we reap< by th•sverrue, and·,ve are to faith, they which are rifcn with Chrifr, mu£! lhew our felues thankfull to God for them : fceke the things that are aboue. whichwe candoeno way, but by newne!le of Againe,herewe aretaught,that we may not life.Again,tbe endwhy Chrili rcfefor vs,was content curfelues , if we know Chrili in the Rora.<.• that we.might rife from our fins and corrupbrain:,and can fpeake well:'fhim with aglib tions,in which we lieburied as in a graue, to a tongue; w<emu(l yetgoe,urther, and by all new fpirituall life. And the reward is great to meanes labour, that we talle and fe.ele by exthem rhat make rhls happie change. For bee perience how good & fweer aSauiour Chrill that ispart•k!roftheJirft reforre/Jion,Jballneutr is vnto V$; that on~ hearts may be rooted·and fie theftconddeath, on the contragrounded in his Ioue. This is the thing which ry, bee which neuerrifeth from his owne fins P••laimed a"which alfo we mull fe<ke by all and euill waies,fhall certenly feele and endure B pofSrble meanes to attaine vnto. the fecond death. And further, it mu£! bee To procecde:thatwemayhauerightknowknowne, that thevcrtue ofChrillsrefurr«'hledge of our communion with Chrill in his on,and.the.mcritofhi• death,areinfcparably death,twopointsareto be handled. The firll ioyncd,together: andrherefore herhat findes is,what are tb.e fuftedngs ofChrifl? I anfwer, not thevertueofChritl to raife him to an honotonely the fufterings which he en,dured in Iy and fpirituall lifeacceptable to God, faJOy his owne perfog, but alfo thofe which areenperfwades himfelfe ofthe merit ofhis death dnredofhis members. Thus S••l perfecuting All in the remifsion ofhis finncs. Chri£! by rifing thechurch, is faidto perfecute Chritl himfelf. ' 9'!· put vnder his fecte all our enemk <, and led And Paul faith, {.J.r. 14. that hefuljiOtd the captiuity captiue,euenfiunc irfdfe.Itistherrep of the afjlrflmts o{Chrifl in hu 0 WNE forealhamcfot vs to walkc in the waicsof FLESH. And whereas the Lordfaidofthe • finne, andto make our felues01uesand cappeople oflfrad, Ho[.rr.r. 1ha•tbroHght my ~~~ rr tiuesroit. Chriliby rifing from death made ionneouto{Eg]pt: itisapplyed by Matth<wto · · ·. himfelfe_aprir.cipall·kader and gurde to eterChritl himfelfC:. Yet b.ere it 1<1ull be remem• .nail life. What wick<dnes then is it to walke bre<l, thatifthe members of Cbrill fulfer eiinthe weies ofour owne heart, and not to fol1 c t!ier ciuillor ecclefiatlicall punilhmenrs,forc– Iow thisheaucnly guidc?Thecare and purpofe 1 oildoings; they are not the fulfringsofChrill. tokeepe agocd confcience isaccrren fruit and 1 For whenS.Ptttrbad 1Jid,r.Pet-4-13•ReWjce effea of Chrilisrefurredion. Thus S. 'l'tter ' inth••Y•H•rep•rt•fl!rsofthefojferingso{Chrift: faith,r.Ptt.3·ll•thattheelf.;aofourbapti!me he addeth further,v.r5. Let n•m•nf•ffer"" •n is the llipulation of a good confcience by the enild•er,appofing the one kind offuft<:tings to refurreaionofChrill.Where the word whicR the other. Therfore <>u~ fulferings are then to .,.,.,:,..._ I rranOato, SripHiation,fignifies an interrogaribe accoii•edthe fulf,ring_9ofChrifr, wherhey on vpon an interrogation. ~r tb.e minitlerin are for good caufe,and for the nameofChrill, thenameof God domands, whether wee reForthe1i:c68 point, fellowthip with Chrill nouncethe world,the lleth, and the diuell, and inhis deathis,either within vs,or without vs. takethetrueGiodforourGod. And wevpon That withinvsiscalled the mortification of this demand, do further in oor b.earrs demand the lleth , or the crucifyingof the affections ofGod,whetherbewil vouchfafeto acceptvs and the lufts thereof. Theitiler without vs, being wretched !inners for his feruants; and is the mortification of tbe oatward man by thus we make profefsion ofour mind and demanifold aHiiaions: and ofthisPaHlfpeakes fire. W~enChrill rofe,by the vcrtue ofbis re- D in thisplace: and it may be thus de1Cribedout furredroo the earth trembled, and therbvthis of this text. Fdlowlhip with Chrill in his bruit creature m his kinde profefli:dhisfubiedeath; isnothingbut aconformity in vs tohis aio.1and ~om<g< ro Chr~ that rofc agaise. futferings.and~eatb. And it is a~hingworthy Ifthenwe ode.uethat Cht~ll rofe from death gur confiderarrento fearch wherrn ftandsthis I for vs, much more lbouldour hearts tremble conformitie. For in tworefpeas there is no and we yedd our felues in fubieaion to him in con!Ormitie betweene our fu.lfcrings a01;! the allfpirituallobedience. Sollle men may f•y, futferingsofChrifl. Forr.ofaii,Godpoured you bid vs rife from our finnes , as Chritl rofe forth on Chrili thewhole maledillioa ofthe tothegloryofhisF.uher,wherasthisiswholy law duo to our fiooes: and by this mean~s Gods workein vs,and not ours: I anfwer,it is thewed vponhim iunice witb&ut mercy. CO- · fo indeed:yetcan we vfc the outward mcanes uariwiC. in ourafJlitlions God moderates his of hearing and reading;& ifwehaue any fpark anger, and iniulliceremembers me"ie, beofgrace, wee can askund defire the fpirit of caufe heJayeth no morevponvs, thenweare <;'od tha; worketh this in vs.Againe,exhortaable tobeare. Secondly,Chrills fulferings are tiOns, admonitions,and fuch like, arc meanes a redemption and fati.!faaion to Gods iullice appoi~tedofGod,whereby be worketh in vs forour fioncu fo areoc»tours; becaufe before rhe thmgs that he requireth and commandeth. God wee naocl bw: as priuate p<rfons, and Lll for