Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

666 Chrift the true andper[etf qaine. for this caufc thi fuffcrings o~man can no,tfa- A ons, them,and bythent,ojferrrlrhim[tlft usfie for anorher , ~nd rhere IS no pr?port~on '"~f.Ather 'Vnto 11s.SecOdly,it isafignethatthc: betweene our fufformgs and the glone wh1ch fpmt ofGod dwelleth in vs: as Peterfaith, 1 • fhall be reuealed. And Chnft fa~th of h1mPn.~·VI• 'fh« bter.iler/.vponfonhe """" •f felfe, Jjis.6i.6.J h•••~rMdthewme-preJJe.•kme. Chri.ft,the fP•rit of glory, andifGodrejfnh vpon Now t~ts conformme ftands(as 1 take tt) lJoH, Thtrdly,rhe grace of God is moftof all properly m the manner of fulfenng; and that manife!ted in affliction,in whichGod.feemes m foure things.• Firft of all , Chri!t fuffottd, moll: of all in mans reafon to withdraw his fotatu(l and righteou~ caufe : for he ftJ!ftr~d. grace. :Goe/s power inn•de m•nifeft inwe•k.!nes. asourredeemer, the nghteoas for the vnrtgn- .Affls/Junsbnngforthp•iunce:not ofthefelues •.Con• teous.And f() muft we likcwifduffer forrighbutb:caufe then thelouoofGod is fhedde a: j. I.Per.>· teoufnefl<fake. Secondly, Chriltiu tl1£fering broad inourbearts.~opeoferernallife fhew• aom.~·l. >r. was a mmor of all pattence and meekene!fe. et~ tt felfe moft in thepatient bearing-ofaffli. And wee 1n oor fu£lermgs muft !hew the hke lhons.I~ peac~and eafe'natura!l.lift n:ignes: pauence. And thatweebe!lot dtce!Uedh«eContrartwtfe 10 out fuffi:rings naturallife de- . m,onr pauence mull: haue three properucs. lt B cate~,and the fpirituallife ofChriCI:apparentmuft be voluntary, thatts, we mull: willmgly ly lh~werh tt fdfe.Lafily,this cOformity with ~t?dquterly rcn~unceouro\~newtls, and .fub- '?hnft,ts thc:nght and beatenw:.yto eternal! tel:toor felucs m our futfenngs to the Will of ltfe. IJ}fl'""Jtrib•l•uonswem•ftmerint.,he God. ~atience perforce is no patieo~e. Ak.ingd,11'<4'h•••en. Th'at we may reigne& liue All. 'i· game, tt mu/t not be mercenary, thatts, wee \\ tth£1, wemuft firfi die with him. The "· mn!l'fuffer, not for by refpel:ts, as for praife, e!l:ate.ofhumJliation ;s the.way ofexaltation ~~=im.a. or profir, but forrhe glory ofGod, and that ana glory,fir!l: in him,and then in vs. wemaylhcwourobedienceto him. Hence it Tne vfeofrl.isdoflrincfollowes. Here we app.eares, rhatthe patience ofthe papift, that fee what forrbis life isthc conditionofal true futfers in way offatisfaflion, is no right pati• beleeucrs: namely , that afterthoy aremade ~nee. Lafily, ourpatience nmft be conftant. partakers of Chrift and his benefits, by the IfwecndureafAiclions for a brunt, and afterverruc of his r<furreDion, they moft alfo be wardbegintogrudgeand repine, ca!l:iogoff made conformable to his death. The cornthe yoke of Chri!l: , wee faile in our patience. mandcmcm ofourSauiourChri£1 to them that Further, ifit bedemanded, whetherthcaffi:- will be his Difcip!es,is,Todt"}themftum,A»d flions ofgreefe and farrow m1y fraud with C tot•k!'vpthrirmnecro.lfest"'T) d.J,LNk(9·•3· patience: I anfwer,yca: forChri!l:iat>religioul And there be three weighty caufcs,why God doth not abolith thefe affedions, but only mowill haueit fo. The one, thathec may correa derate them , and bring them in fubiettion to linncs pall: ; the other, that bee may preuent the willofGod, when welie vnder the cro!fe. linnes tocome: the third,rhathemayprooue The third point wherin !l:ands our conformiwhat is in our hearts. Secondly, welearne by ty with the fufferings ofChrift, is this, Htb.5. 1 this which hath beene faid , to comfort our 8. Chrif/le•rnedobedienceby thahingswhich'hu !dues in our fulferings.ForinthemChriR and fiiffered~ net becaufe he WAS a!inner, but be.. we are partntrs,andheveuchfafes te make vs caufc beeing righteous bee had experience of his fcllowes.Hence it followes,tharallouraf. qbedicnce. And welikcwife in our fuff=rings fliDions are well knowneto Chrift, and that mull: be morecarcfull "' takethe fruit therof, they are laid on vs withhis confent 1 and for then to haue them taken away. And the fruit this caufe wefhould frame our felues to beare ofthem isto Jear'l obedience.thereby, fpccithem with all meekenetfo. And hence againe ally to the commandemenrs of faith and re· we learne, that hebeingourpartner,will help lo~ 4 ,... pemance. When lobwasafflifled ofGcd,not vs to bcare them, either b¥ moderating the forhislinnes, butthathe might makeatriall D weightofth~m, or by endtng them f?r <>_Ur ofhis faith and patience, hee neuertheleffe 10 good.La!l:ly,herewclearnethatouraffltfltos, rbe end rookc an occalion thereby to r<new are etther blefstngs or benefits, and fuch may his old repentance. And Paul faith, that he rew;difcerue themtobe,thou~h notbythe light ~:Cor.r cciued in his owne felfe the fentcnce ofdeath, ot reafoo,yet bythe eye offa1tlu becaufe they that he might learnc by faith to rru£1 in God are meanes to make vs conformable to our alone. Laftlj", Chri£\sfufferingswereeuen to hcadChriiUefus. ~enefitsofG~dareofrwo • death it felfe; euen fo muft.wc refill: linne,lighforrs,polittuc and pnuauue. Pofittue,~hc~by Heb.r-·4 \ring again!l: it to the fbedding of our blood. God befiowcth fomethmgoAe.vs. Prtuattue, · Faith and good confcience arc things more wh~rbyGodtakesawayablds!ng! &coue':· pretious then the very blood of our hearts: lygmesanother••BcnefitsotthJSk"!dbeaffl!- .and thereforeifneed be we muftconforme our dtons.Ofthe twame,thefcare thenfer for the felues to Chri£l,euen in,the paines ofdeath. time vfthis life 1 and the othe! for th.e hfe t<> This is that conformity which 'Pa11l here come.An.dtherforewluleweltuemth!S~Vorld fpeakesof, which alfohe magnifies as a fpeciour duty IS W!thp.,./ to labou~ to attame_to all gaine. And therebe m•nv reafonothereof. this conformny wnh the JUffi:rmgsof Chri!l:, For lirft ofall this ccinforiniry is a marke ol when vpon any occafion we fha!l be affltfled: · vodschild. l'or if we obed#ntiy •nd•re .jjliRi· for then fhall WC be fafhtoned like VRIO htm , M~ . ~