Chrijl the true andperfiEf qaine. and rc:ape much comforrthereby. • A The fourth thing that fl1all ceaf<,isoriginall Thus much of the fc:cond gaine: nowfolfinnewiththe fruitsrlJereof: becaufe novnlowcs the third in thefe words, ( Tf by 1111.7 cleanc thing may enter into the heauenly Ietn<Aner 'f ,.J, Mt4inc t1 the refomflion if the rufalcm.Fiftly,then rhall ccafe all miferjes.and de4J.·) The word [ refum:tHon] here lignilies forrowe.•, all infirmities of bodk and minde: the reward ofetx:nlalf lifci the anrocedenrbefor then all the dcfceh ofeyes, armcs, &·legs, ing purfortbe confequenr. For,to rife againe fhal oe rdlored.The fixt thing that fhal ceak, oficfelfe ts no gaine,conGdering iris common is natural life with the meancs therof,as meat; both·to good and bad,. but eternalllife.that ddnke, clo.rhing, phylicke, r<ercation. For foilawerh. isthe reward, And the.formc of thenJ>ur bodies 0121l be fpiritual~ that is, imfpcech, [ifby 4ny,.eanes J doth not fignilie or me<liatdy and eternally prcferueg by the ope. imply any daubting i!l '"1'<•1 of hi's owne re· ~~tionofthe fpirirofGod,as now the~odyof furrcaion to life: for hee was perfwaded th.r <:;hrifr is in heauen. The la!!thing to be abolinorhing fhould feperate him from Chrifbanj fhed is the vanity ofthe creatures,fpecially of itisan~rticle ofour & Pa•ls fairh,to beleeue heauenand earth : which in the !aft iudgment the ri:furieaion of the body to eternalllife. B fhall berefrored to their former excellency. Whcreforeitfignifies properly adiflicultie to . The fecond quefrion is, what we rhall haue obtainc thegainedeGred: and anearneft arfeand cnioyin,thisefratell anfwer,three things, l'tionin'PA~I to obraine the fame. Ana when The lirfr is,immediatean~eternall'ldlowfhip he faithI [bJ"".J ''""""] wee inufl know that with God the Fat~er, Sonne, apd holy, Ghofl. there bee three waiesormeanes to come toeFor inthis happy efrate the tabernacle ofGod ternall life. One isaby peaceable. life and fl>allbewithmen,asS. {ohnfaith: and God Rcu. H. death: the other is by a life laden wirh many fhall bee all things that teart can wifhto, all rJ. affliaions: the thirdis by aviolent, cruel! and the Ele[l. Auguf/ine faith notably,There {hall Scr. de . bloodyend. And Paflls mind.e and defire is, beeexcuds"g peace in 'US, atulAmongvs, 4111/Witb temp.I'f8 toobraine the crowne nfcternall glory by aqodhi'!'ftlfe. Btcouftweefi!JIIIfoe hsm, andiniO} ny of rhefe waies: and if not by the fit.ft or him alwaies anJ eurry Therifore bkffid fecond, yetby the third. ' fhallrh•t lifeht,for therhingwhich W< fh•ll inioy, In thefe words foure things are to becon• VOrwe f/"'11 inwy him by birnjeife, •Qoth"meantt fidered. ,Thelirfr is the gaine itfelfe, and that «•fing forthe m<Ajitrtofinioying hi1>1.:for wee· I• iStheTewzrd ofeternallgloric. And that wee f11a6fully iniuy him. For the time: for 'fP.efhalt mayrhe more with PaHI be IHrrcd vproade- C eternally ini'J him:For thHerttnry, whmby,.,ee. firorhereof, I will frand a while todcclare_rhc fhaO k..""" th•ritf11a~be fo. For<.for we e~cellencie and theconditions ofir. Jt is nofb•ll mioy_himin.heAH<~. L.;tly,forrh"ompani. thing.elfelJuracertaioe eftate eflife, in which fll!sioynedwith '!'·for theybe the£1tfl.From this :ill the promifcs of God are in and by Chrifr fruition ofGod !hall arifc endlelfe and vnfpeaaccomplifhed Vnto vs in heauen. And it will kable joy, Pfol.t6•II·lnr.hyprif'nct uf«lnejfo th~ better be'conceiued by the anfweriog of ifIOJ••tthyrsght h•ndarepleajimsforeucrmore, three qudlions: What fhal ceafe in this efrate? Inthe transfiguration of Chrifr, which was Whab.Ve fhall haue! What we fhall doe! but afhadow ofeternall glorie, Pmr was raFor the firll; fco<n things fhall ceafe. The uifhed with ioyand delight: the ioy therefore lirfris,.rhe i:xecutiori ofthe Mediatourfhip of that fhall be in the kingdome ofheauen, rnufl . Chrill,or oftne offices ofa king, priefr, proneeds bee vnfpeakable. The feconq thing plier. Thus muchl'aHI tcacheth,whehe faith, which fhall be ini<>yed, is glory both inmind~ that Chrifl in the Jafl daym•flgiHe11p hu i(ing. and body. In minde, becauft wefhall then be damtt• hu F••her, t .Cor·15·•4· And though partakersofthe Diuine,not effence, (for then theexecution fhalthen ccafe:yet nothing fhal wefhould be deified) but nature, that is, dibe wantingto them that beleeue:becaufe then D uineverruesandqualities,more excellent then rhall be the full and eternall fruition ofall the thofe which God befro.vedon eAd.m,though benefits of our redemption. Secondly, then ofrhe fame kinde. The third thing is, Domi. thall ceafc all callings in family, Church, and Rionaad lordfhip ouerheauen and earth;which common-wealth: becaufc ChriR fhal then put lordfhip once lo£1 by .Adam, fhall then fully be · ' · ' downeall power,rule, and aurhoritie. la this refrored. Herhat ouercommerh, fha/1 ptffiffi bldfed efrate,thercfhallnotbemagifrrate and •lthings,Re•.uq. people,mafreund feruant, husband and wife, Thethird queltion is,what we fhali doe? I parcoundchildreQ,pJlftor and pc;_<>ple: but all anfwer, briefly, l<eepe an eternal! Sabbath in fuch outward dill:inaion• of perfons rhall praifing of God, and giuing thaokes vnto ceafe,and IVetfhallbce as the Angels ofGod. him. And thus by the conGderation of thefe Thirdly, all vertuesrhat pertaine eo Vl, as we things wemay take a tafre of the excellencie are pilgrimes here .vpon earth, thall hauean ofrhisthird and lofrgaine. cnd,as lairh,hope,patiencc,bccaufe the things The fecond point here tObee confidered beleeued and hoped_ for fhallthen be obtaiisthedifficultyofobtainingchiideGredgain; ned. Wichal,the pa~c pfinuoc1tion called l'eofeternalllife. And the/eafoo is plaine. For tition,fhallceafc, asalf~the preaching& heathe_way toeternalllife i full o~fn)pediments, nngofrhe word,& the vfe of.the Sacraments· .whtch !reduce to foure headS' -Fidlofall,io · L11 a thiS'