668 Chriflthe true andperjefl qmne. thisway wee are to fight, not with llefh and A blood, but with principalities and powers in fpiriruall things , feeking the defiru<lion of ourfoules. Secondly,there be within vs·innu– merable lu!ts that e"mpa!fe vs round-about, pre!fe vs downe, and draw vs away to the broad way ofdefiruthon. Thirdly, this way lies foil ofofli:nces, partly in dol'trines,partly in enill·cxamplcs; a! tending to this end,either to make vsfall,ortogoeoutoftheway. L~!tly,it is-6.Ccr wirh manifold and diuers tribola~ tions'; 0 from the beginning coen to theende: Hence wee learne , that we mu!t giuc all dili– gence that wee may attaine to the reward of glorie:and therefore we mu!t firuggle, ·frr1ue B ami 'OVre!tle to enter in at the ftraigbt gate; The principal gaino, an~ the hardneffe to ob– taine it, req_uiresour principall frudie and la– boor. Thereforethey deale wickedlythacvfe no mean<s, but (as they fay) leaue all toG0d, chinking it the eafie!t matter in the worltl to. wi•ne the kingdomc ofheauen. The!like is their fault, that profeffe religien in a llacke & negligent manet, bein1: neitherhot nor colde. The third l:'oint ,_is"Po~ls mindeand def!re ofeternall hte. Ifitbefaid, thatwicked men hauetne likedeGre,as for example B•l••'m: I anfwer', in Pn11l there was an endeauapr an· ' fwerable tohis defire,as appeares,Acft. 24. r6. where"he faith,th•t hrew•imlfortht reforreEU. C on-.{theiufl•ndvniuft: and that in theineane (ea(on ·heel•bpured to ~eep<~•goodconfcitnre be. fore Godandmen:now this deJire in thevngodly is barren,and yeelds not his fruit. Againe, P••l becingiu!tified, I\ill defires to attaine·ro full fellowfhip with Chrifi,and to conformity with him in glorie. The like defire, with the like endeauour,fhoold bein all vs. · Thela!t point, is P•uls ceurage and forti- · · rude. Hoe is contentto endure any kinde 6f doath, yeacruelldeath, fo he may obtaine this third and !aft gaine. And thus it is verified, which he faith,:.Tim.r •7·th•t G•dhath giuen himthetpirit,n.roffmef•lneffo,~•t of nur•z•. Likewas thi:conrage ofVI-Iofts, who was content to endure aflli<'lions with the,pcople ofGed,that he might'winne the recompetlce H<b.u. of.rcward. Like was the-courageo~thc Mar> ••· ryrS;· 'Thllt ~erer«':tdAnd'PIOH!dnot be4eliutred, Vcifc 3 f. th•t they,,ght obt4me•bmer reforr<ilion. We likewife walkin1: in the way to etcmalllife, mufrtakcehe likecourage vnto vs ittalhlangers_. ·,For,thisc~n_fe we mn!t pray vntoGed, togme vs·the fpmtofcourage: ·and wecrriull alwaies attend vpon ·~he·callingand commandement ofGod , making irthefray a_nd roun· dation ofour courage-: •nd·wemufb ye-r"further fray our felues on the promife oLGods prefence_.and proteaion, ·fo long as we obey h1m. I fit be allcadged, that weare.bynature fearefull in dangers, and therefore vnapable ofcourage : I anfwer, there is a thtee-folde feare. The firfr is,feare of narure,whenmans nature feares,flies,and_efchewes tha! which is hurtful vntoit.Thisfear< was in Chrifr,whofe foule was heauie vnto death, who alfo feared thecurfed death which he endured. And thcrfore this feare ofiefelfe is no1inne, and itmay !tand with atrue fortitude. The fecond feare is that which ri!eth of the corruptienofnature 1 when a man feares wit.hout caufe, or withoutmeafure. Without caufe,as when the difciples feared ChriO: walking vpon the fea: or when they feared drowning, Chrilllying afleepe in the!hip. Without meafure,as.when men di!tru!ting God , neglea their callings in · time ofdanger , and thedutie ofinuccation , flying to volawfull meanes of d~liuerance. Now this fecond feare isan enemie vnto all courage. The third feareis, when perils and death are indeede feared : butyet fearcis or– dered by faith in the mercy and prouidence ofGod,by hope,by inuocation; and itisioy– ned with obedience to God iu the-time of danger. Thisisa proceeding ofgrace, andir may welllland withcourage, andidcrncsto order the two former fearcs , the 011e ofna• ture,theothcrofdillrutt~ · ' Trin,vni Veo gloria. .. :