Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

LORD HENRY, EARLE OF KENT, LORD ri }:-J ofi Hafiing, W~is~ord,, aod Ruthyn. ~~~'.4~tc:;~ lght Honouroble, &,£.[G_reat harh bee~! thtmercyof G•dtothu oor Englifh 1'J4ti:m, in thatbejide pt46t t~nd protefiim, h~e h11th bcfttJWed on 'USthttr~Rfurt DjhU GoJPell, now mw-e t~m fortyyeeres, llndthttit vndertheg~Nrr1fmtnt of• moflgracio"' 0feen<r/' i< a benefit vnf}<•k!•hle: AndEngland("' Ithiwk!) nc•er h•dthel•k;bifor.. ' , , ;l'ojt1!16gr«tm(rrf;.w< owe io G(d .a thinkifllf!,iffit1•r hrarrca»thit,k!, or to"{.U<,<"{tJPeo~:· Q~r thankffufmffimHjljhtt¥ itfolfe inthcfr•it ofobetli– ent~ (o'"rhe Goj}1'0• .J:AnJ obediin~l l4 to txYneeumvntoGodfromtHery e11i8 tvq, to belee"e mChrtft, Andtowalk! inmw~rjfoGjgt~odlife. BHt al~UJ in reJPeil ofthegreattfl numbcr.we"'' 4 ntttionvery ·vnthank.efltll:Jetlding[mt~OobulitDCI to the Goj}e/1 oflife, Ifthe thmgs whichhaue bten done in England,h•dbetnedontin 7iAYb•ry,~rTNrkje, or Americtt~, it may be they wouldhttuerepentedinfockfbJathandafhes ~ 411dhlfH~ tHrntd IJIJ()ret4rlltjlly vnto Godthen W<haue, And for thi< c.•fo we laH< drferued,that God fhonld ••k!away his Gofte/1'IJs. -JU~d~tu; a--,ation thlfnrifltrmrforth thejruits there()[. FBr the prtMer.ti»goftkis tHiO whi<h wehaue tlejirued,itj/ands vs in handto repent of onr vnthan'<fulmffi, to imbrAc<thtCjoj}<B"'"' ther;we hAAe done, 4ndto walk! worthyofit in hq/inejfooflife. Forthefurrhering ofthisgoodwor~<, I bane pennedthi<fn:•llTrwifiofldols,andtht tr•<~~>orfhip Cjod. For thu u thtright prafli{e of the Ciof}!_N, top•tfrom vs allmanner ofid./s, andto fanCI:ifie God inOUr hearts~ that-is, toftr~ee him iit minde-anl:if}irit~!J j with ap~re heArt, "gQodcOnftitnct ~ il!ld faith vnfained. Andha•ingpennedthi<Tr.atiji, I now prefo1JJ it toJ•Hr HonoHr, •nd prefum< to p•blifh it iity••r name. Firfl, bccaufoCjodhath mad<JoU Hlinoutable, not O!J<lyby ciHilldignitie, tM •lfo byan vtifained loucandobedience to the G•!fe/1 of Chrift,· Again<, my d!fir~i<{ togiut fo•mej/imony of athank!fd mindeforf•oourvndzforH<d, ThtH I taft! my/eau<, pnryi•g God'to ejlabltjh the heart ofy•xr Honoor, andall hispeople, withoutb!Ameittholineffi !~tforehim,e•en old Father,againfltbe c.,mingDjo•r Lm{ I<['" Chrijl withallth<S"j.t{• , . Your.H. in all dutie to command, 'W.P '" x t NS. '· .-;·\ 'To the <J{eader. ,. Faf!ydemand; ..Jiierefore I haue penned., andamallowed,topuhlifh a Trcat'ife of Idolatry , now in rhe light ofthe Golpel, and ma Church, \vhete Idolatry is condemned to the pit ofhell: let them vnder!!and that I·doe it fot fuadry caufes. ~ The lirll is, to declare and conuince the Church of Rome ofmanifell !'J~ Idolatry: andeonfequent!y, ro fhew t~at they are deceiued,,":ho thinke ~~ that Protellants and Papills differ nor ltl the 1Ubllance ofrehg1on, but 111 ~ circumfiances• - ·~·- The fecond is, to aduerrife our Recufanrs (ifthey will vouchfafe ro reade and confider wf.>at I haue (aid) rhatthey ought to be Recufanrs to the Church of Rome : be'"ufe fhee 1s a maltltaincrand a worfhipper ofidols. · . -The third is, to llirrc vp and kindlein the minds of our countrey-mena further dete!lauon and loathing ofthe Romilh religion. For ifithad no other fault or,defcft, the very cnme of 1dola(ry vnexcufable, wherewith it is iulllycharged, is a fuffiCient mducementto mooue allmen that regardtheir owne foluation, to an vnfaioed loathing ofit. , The!all is, to informe rh< ignorant multitude touching the true wor~rpofGod. For the re· mainders ofPopery yetllicke in the mindsof many ofthem, and they thmke,:hat to ferue.<iod, is nothingelfe but to deale rruely with men, and tobabble a few words mornmg andcuenmg,at home,or in t~e Church, though there be novnderll_and_i_ng. · Hli