Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~r~~'t1.~~~;w~ffl\~~~~1Jf~~~~;p~-:;~~~~pr?~'Q ~ .""" ~ ~"~.'t~t~r,;:" " ~" ~ '".-•~y ~s -~ '&A;(,. ,. ~~~ ";;; " '~ .ii.l®rru .iiJJ.l~~~ ..~~ i!li>®})@:lllG:J I THE CONTENTS. •. I.Wh•t An Idol u,p•g.672,coiN11"1: •· ;!1.' imagesproper!J, butljodinthrmwor· 11. Tho propertieofanidol,pag.672·2· • jbippe , pag.687· I. III.ThreekjndJofidolr,pag 67;.1. '' 3• Theyguu WorlhiptoqoJ, andScruiceto IV. Thefirj/ ~nde,Godmif;onceiuuluAnidoR,p. s.. ntJ,pag.687••• 67l· i.Chrij/ mifconceiued,anido0.673•1 ·•· + Worfhippe of imagtJ confirmedby miradu Theftcondkindit, when Godu worfbippedami.ffe, • llndreuel1111Ums,p~tg.6SS.t. pag. 1'74 •· Here it u h•ndkd,th.: • de»iftd 5· Thryworfhb,pe not GodJoftbe heathm,but I imageofGoduanit/ol,pag.675·1· That God S•intJ and C.rij/ian imagtJ, p•g· 688. 1. rtprefenttdor worjbipped in any imagt, u •• S"ondly, inre(PeEioftheirFellowlhip; wbmu idol,pag.676.z. foewed th.e wemaynot bautfellowfhip with;. That Chr>ft worjhippedin•Crxcijixeil•n idoU, doiAtersinthe t~e~ctfts ofreligion, P"l. 690. I . p677· 1· 690·2· Thtttf~ietieofconcordwith themU not Thethirdf<indu,when th<t whichiJproperto c,d, vnlawf•ll,pag.69>;z. TEatfo<ietieofanmy u Ugiuentflthure~ttNres,llndthllt three waia:l. forbidden,pag. 693.1. 1-Yhen ,tbe DiHinitieU 1111J "''9' gium tocua. VI. HO'W m41!JWall!tb, word[Sonne or Childe tlheJ,Hert uatbftriptiowofhwhengod!,pag. U t4k._tn in Scriptur' 1,"t·691fr I. 677•2. VII. That the ChurC'h o Rome "'aintalneth idoThevirgin Marym..Uagoddej{e.pag.678.2. latrie,pag.694·•· The'Popemadeagod,p•g. 679·1· ----------------------- 11. When properties ofGodaregium tocrelt· I. Whatrhe worjhipofGodu,pag.698.,, t11r~s. Th~t~ S~tintsAr~,,.de idols,pag.679•2· I• Thefoundation ofworfhip.fag,698·1• S4Crtiments areido!s,pag.08o. I. 2• Theru/eofwor{hip.p•g.698.~. Wor/;!Jart idob,p-.g.68o 2. 3. ThHnd,pag 699·•· . Tbebreadintbe EU<harij/ anidol,p-.g. 680.2· 4• Ofp<rfonsapt tow•rfhip God,pag.7oo.1. 111. when GIJdJ lt'orjhipi&giueN to crtlltNrts. 0 5· The placeo[w..-fo•p,pag.7oo. z. Th;u .A.i'gels andSaints ~Cre idols 71JA?1) waUs, , 6. ThepropertieJO[w..-jhip,·I. pag.681 ,682. II.The /iindiojworfhip. lmageJandRtfiquu are idolJ,pag.68;.I. Principall,pag.703·1· infobieflion,70l·2· Theido!tttri~ ofthe, Romll!fe ChHrchin Cruci. ip 'cleaNiRg to Cjodbyfaith .fDHe, andconjidmce, ji.<es,nottd,pag.t85·2· pag.704.rbemixturt-ftheformerin humility, V.The prefiru• Ji•m idol!infoure pag.705 ·I· injim.-e, 705.2· inprayer, 706.1. ujpecti,pag.685. •· inth411~s-giuing.7o6.2. I· Fmn themaking o{them,pag.68s·•· Le!fe prin<iRall,cutw'Ydworjhip,p"!,.706. 2• 2· From the hauingcr k!epingofthem,pag. "'htrt u h411dledeternallador4tion.ib>d. 686.1. The part! ofrhu .worfbiparethree. 3· Fr..lfhertligi41Uvfiofrh•m,pag. 686.z, r. ch.rr;h.ferNice: theparu,foure: Prta.hing,p. 4· From thevforsofthem,pag.686.>· 707·•·7o8.Ft4owfhip.,.almes,pag.71 I ·I· Firj/,inretpefl ofthmDc<eitsltlldexeofti,which Sacraments,p.713•1• PNbii~pr'!Y<r,P-713•2 ~trtfiHe. II.Houfh•U/firuict,pag 714·•• 1 , The]WIII'j/tipi,.gt~andmtitills,p.686.2 III,Perfon.JI Wll'_foip,f•l-715·•• .. _, : ' -··-·