.The ldolatiy of th-e /aft times. Idolsmay be knowfte, we mull confider how A rily.tranfub!lantiated)nto the-body.ofj<Ehtill; manywaies a man may creel: an idol to himthisvery body mull needs be made·;· not on· fdft: And this may bedone three\vaics.· The ly ofthe fubllance of the Virgin~ l>ue:alfo of firll is; IfGod be otherwife copcei•ed, then the.fubfiance of bread. t nay, it fs mad"e ave. he ·hath manifdled and reucaled himfelfe io ry moullrous botlie. For ·beeing•in his full his.owne w<>rd. God istobe c<>nceinedas he <juantiti<Oand dimcnftons, a•d fo.rem:cining, reueales himfelfc vnto vs,and nooiherwife1if lt ts fuppofed tot>ee mcluded and..Contained otherwife,God is not conceiued,but a fiction inthe quantitie ofa fmall round <iake: as ifa or·idol of the braine. oAugNf/in• vpon the folide bodieof mahy foot could be contained words of /ofoa, TAk$arrnythejlrange Gods, iu.afolide bodieoftwoor three ind'ics. AAugun. fromoimongyou,faith on thismanner: T:h• holy ·gaiqe,if Chti!lbebodily in the bread, &m the quzB.••· Prophet lofuafow in tlieirhearts,tho•ghtsofGid handofthe receiuers,remifsionis.tobe asked ~};~~- notbeftemJngiSod,andhewilsthemtobttak!n,.. of God; from thatfwhich we~ hold in our ,.,;.,, w•y• .For whofoeuer.onceiNeth Godto befoch An hands,and~eceiu.ew.ith ourmouth.F.ottemifo;'um one; M he imetindetde, corriesinminde 4ftrange lion of fmacs mu£! beaskedand looked for at qwli• t~ndfalfe God. Two famous examples we haue B G<>tls hands for Chri£ls take, fpecially in the ld'.,:',:~li· iathi$kind. The firllis,whentherrueGodis vfe of tho Lords Supper. Communicants , cnum v. concetued ouwfthe·Father,Soane, and holy thetfote mu£1 thus thinke with rhemfelues, & ,Jd riquc de- Gholl.;or out ofChrmo•r RedeemerPod& fpeake vnto God;I pray th.ee,0 heauenlyFa· .min " '" & fat- man. For when the minde ab!iraasthe Godthetbe mercifull vo<o me forthis thine owne "g" fuminco· head from the Father,Sonne,andholyGiiofi, • fonn~_, whom beeingnow bodily ptefent, I ~~/"' ;::;.ne ~~~!f~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~,1!~;~i~eP;a~~d· ~;~~~~~~ ~~~~hlsi~ ~~~~b~~~~~~e~~~~~~ '~~~;;;i: the maker of heauen and earrh:,and fo did the pifhMaffe, in which the Prieft imagines that ;~:;:;;r Gllatians. And yet neuetthelsffe 'PitH/faith he holdeth and ci~tdeth Chtill bodily-in his '"'· fi~~~~~~~i.'~-~t~~:~d":,ft~;~!~~~~~":l,~i~:; ~~~td~~e~~/~~~~i~!;~~ifrf:.,t~P~n~~~hf~~ ~~~:~~~ worfhipped thcmtharwercnotgod, bj n•· him(elfc and others,. and that for his fake npdnci· tHrt,IS•I+ g.becaufethey worfhippedGod whomhec holdsinhis bands. And this, no ·•o&7. t.Iolu. out ofChnll :for heth•t dtmesthe Sonnt, bAth doobt,is hottibk anddete£lableidolatry : and '" fJQc. , 3 , mt the F•thcr. And the vnitic ofthe Godhead C it were better to endure many deaths, then fo is to bee adored in the·Trinitie of perfons. • much as once to be a doer in it. For wee are ' Here then behold the Idol-god <>fthc_greatefi raught by the wordofGod 1 to waite for our nationsofall the world; of f utkes,ofI ewes ; faluation by.Chtift made man, and now apyc:a of many that ptctend'Chri£lianiti~, who peating at the right hand•of his Fathetinheavpon ignorance, worlhip nothing but ao abuen, and not for him whom wee hold and folute G~d,that is, God abfolutely confideted carry in our hands. Touching his offices, the : witho\ltnny relation to F:uher,Chrill,or holy faid religion degrades him of his ptiell-hood Spirit. Yea themultit~de in all places fet vp by liue things. The firllis,the daily ofteringof vnto rhemfdues, a god that is all mercy, and Chtifl inthe inaife,& that in teall maner, and no iofii~e : becaufc they content thenlfelues alfo for the linnes ofthe quicke and the dead. with the light of blinde nature, . and frame For by this meanes, the factifice vpon the -Godaccording to theirowne defiresand af· croife is either continued as a thing but befe~hons. And by tbls meanesrhcy eteci vhto gunand aftetto be perfelled, or it isrepeathemfelues Idols within their owne heatts, ted. lfcotinucd,itwas ootthen accomplHhed and commit a moll fccret and fpirituall Idoon the croife.lftepeated,then alfo itis impetlatry,which the world cannot difcernc. o feCl::ifimperfect,thenno facrifice ofa Redee• The fecond example fqUoweth,and thatis, met. The fecond is the dolltine of humane Chrilllefus falfiy and fatteotherwifeconcei· fotisfa<tion. For ifout fufferingsconfidcred as ued then bee harh reuealed himfelfe in the fat isfaction for the tcmpotall punifhment of word. For bee In one perfon is perfect God our finnes,mull concurrc in the worke of our and perfect man: out only redeemer all.fuffi. redemption with his.fatisfa<tion for the fault dent in himfelfe, and therefore petfea king, and the eternall punifhment of the fame fins, t i pricfi,prophet; without either partner at fel. · then is this fatisfallion of his in very deedc low inthe worke ofmansfaluation. And hee imporfeCl:, b<caufe it receiues an addition ; which othcrwife conceiueth of him, tumcs and fupplement from ours; And if I fatisfie f himintoanidollot forged Chri£1. Thisdoth for my felfetomy cre<lirout, my friend doth I that greatand famoos Italian Diana, Imeane netmake full fatisfaction for mec 1 neither the religion that fiands in force by the l~te is it tequifite. And f<> fatte forth as I fatisCouncillofTrent. For it ptefentethvntovs fie for my felfe, I tedeeme my felfe. The Chrill iodeede, but yet apoore difi:uifed and third is the dolhine of the merit of wotkes deformed Chti!l. For it fpoyleth him of his which makes voide the worke of redemptio~ manhood, and degrades him of his offices. wrought by Chtill, ForifChrill merited by Hee is fpoyled of his manhood by the pte• his death and pafsion, that we might merit by fence in the facrament: fotlfthe bread be ve· <u~rwork.Seternalllife :theoisnot-Chrill a full