~~74 'The ldokt') of the/aft times. ullancLperfett Sauiour, bur onely the prin·· A lperfons, the dHHnllion ofnature. in Cbril! tpall caufe of oar faluation1 orrather an inthe perfonall vnion, the officesof the·Mcdia~ lhumenrof God to make vs our owne·saui· rouras we doe. I aofwenrhatin word itdorh ours, The· fourth is the dottrine of veniail but.in ?••de by infallible confequenceofd~ linne: foriffome,yea many linncs are vcniaU &me ttdothabohfhChriff,as I hauefhewed. in thcir owne nature, fo as wee onr felucs Papills in word coofefie him tobe 0Hr.I;-,.ii, may fatisliefor them, irwas notneedfull that. bur with this condi>ion, that the Scruantof Chrifr fhoold die,and by his dearh redeemc vs · Seruams may alter and.change his precepts from all finnes. The lift is:the dottrinc of the · whofepower (they fay) isofthat gteatnelfe' InterceiSioaof Saincs, who ·in Romifh.,dothafheemay bee indged ofnone, and that h; . llrine.make intercefsion not onely by rcque• ' canopen or fhu_r heauen to whom hee pleafe. •Damia- fring, butalfo bymeritiQg; (•) yeabycom-' The}'\fonf.#eht~toberefi!sONrSallio•r;yet nusf"·'· manding. For thus the Virgin M•ry doth; a Saruounn'lls, ID thathcgmes vsrhisgrocc ~~,.~~'.' more then which Chrill himfelfc can nor tharbyourowne merits we may beourown~ cc<di• doe. Sauiou~s;borrowingalfo(ifneedebe)a fupply 'liud In the reformed Ma!fe-bookc there is afcri- B from Martyrs and tl:e refr of the Saints. They -~. bed to the intercefsion ofSaints, tirfr, prore.: confelfe htm to bee crRcifi•tl, tied, ••d bHri,tf, Bion. b L" birf[<d S•bb~t~ by"'•king inttrceffifans : yet with this condition, that thefault onfor vs,prottorvs, 0 Lord. Againe, by( c)thy beeing pardoned, wee our.fdues mufr fatisfie Ap.jlles k!tp< w with th] continHARprottElion. for fomc parrofthe punifhment, either inthis Secondly;appeafcmcnr, d'lJting•pp<4edlry rh• world or in purgatorie. They confetfe that hr 1 inteneffion of thy St~ints.,grANt-, 0 Lord,weprA.J 1ts atthtrightbandqfGodthtF~ttber, t~ bevo- ;thee, &c. Againe, Let not the prayer of S~tint to him the Mediatour ofinterccfsion for vs: r Cbryfoflomtbew•nting vntovs,which;,..yc•lifr ~n.d y<t wirhall, they hold tha~his mother l (lurgiftstobeacceptedandobtllin' thy ptn~dmrfor Is the ~ene ofhcautn, hauing authoritie vs. Againe;Byth<pr•yerofM•tthi.um•k!vs to control! and command herfonne. What / to~~ cle•nfetlofosr(innes.,ddefmdeJ. Thirdly, a Chrill ishcc, that in fundry attions pcrtaiConfidence, (<) by rtj/iltg on their fuffrages. ningto ourredemption hath partners or !clWhat can be wd more ofthe inrercefsion of !owes ioyned with him? For thiscaufe wee ' Chrifl? I kimwtheyadde intheend; perDo. reietl this religion, becaufc irturnesourone• l minHm,but whatisthatto ,:;e purpofe!Ifwee ly and perfett Red<emer intoa fained Chrifr giue any pointof fupremacic to afubiect, it is C ofmans deuilmg. Itmay be further faid, that trr.eafon;though.orh<rwifeintearmeswe_magfame falfe opinions conceiued of Chrifl, ·1mfie the foueratgnty ofthe Prmce. Agam,the doe notftraighr-way rurne him intoan Idoll. fam~ Catholike religion degrades him of his I anfwer wirhffierom<: EHen to thu d•y •n 'I kingly office, by giuing vnto the Pope two IJ./1 u fit vpintht hoNjiof God, or inthrhem s royalties ofthe kingdome of Chrifr: One is,a andftulesofbeittMers wheu nrn> d.Eirine u tie. i power to gi"e pardon of finsvntomen, both wifed. Againe,Af alfi•pini•n,u.,Idol/off•lfl· , fullyand(f)properly,whichconecandoebut h11J. God. Theotheris tomakelawestruclybinThe fecond way of erellingan Idol! is, ding rhecorifciencesof all meainthe Cathawhen God iswodhippcdotherwife, and by like Church vpon earth, and that as truclyas othermeanes, tlienhee hath reuealedin the (g)thelawesofGod:whereasthercis bur one word. For when men fet vp a-deuifed worLaw-giuerrhatcan faae and del!roy the foule. Jhip,they fat vp alfoa deuifeol God. Augsfli•• '.< Hieron. ia lt·rc~m. '~P-3 1·& Dan.J. Latlly, it degrades Chri!t of his propheticall faith ofthe Gentiles,that they refufed to wor-, office. Firft;bccaufeirgiues vntorhePopea fhiptheGod ofrhe Hebrewes, Bttawft, if d power fup<eame and infallible to determine thm pk•forts were,. worjhippt him in 4/IQther ~~~r •.'ru in his Confifrorie aod in generall Councils,oflD fort thm he~ bad"PP""'' d, theyjhould notin. Euang. I. allconrrou:rliesinieligion, whetherconcer• tlude wtrfo•ppe h•m, bst rh•t which thry hlid ' ·'· •S. ningfaith~manners;whereas this powerin> lligneJ. The Samaritans worfhipped the Si alio decde is infeparably annexed to the perfonof Go<l ofAbralum, /foac ••d [.u:ob: and they ;;;:.;: Cbrill,who in and by his written word deter· waited for the commingofthe Mefsias : and colue mines of all matters pertaining to falnarion ; ret Chrifr Jairhofthcm,r ·~worjbip)'~9WS1t .. u•..,, and that infallibly and fufliciently to the con• what : loecaofe they worfhtpped the true God qoam re rcuration of an humblemindc, and t<lthefet. by a Worfhtp deU!fed of old, and fer vp by f;i::Jt.~ ling ofany conli:ience<Secondly,it addes and men. The Lerd faith to the Ifr•clites, yec iff«, non .takes away, it changesand rcuerfes the defhall call _mee no more BA A L I : wher~- vriqoe ~~;~~ ~~,:;!~~~~~e~~:.n~~~h~e~~:~~;;b;~~ ~J!:S!~~~~~fuit:;~ ~e~dl~ :~: }:::~~~~ ~"5 t~ heapc ofhumane tradition•, fpecially by the ner, wtth thefame tmages, tt~es, andnames, finxiJl<nr. law offinglelife and the cGmmunion in one whereby the heathen worfhtppcd the falfe !oh, 4• kindc,&c· ' . God7i••l• therefore they madch.imindeede "· Itmay haply bee alleadged, thmhe Reli· to be eue~ as the I~ol B•al. And thts11ake ~{.~~;~: gion pretended to bee Carholike, hold~th tobe theright mcamng of~he former words.; .,_ 4 , the Vnitie of the Godhead,. the Triniric \)f becaofe the words followmg are: For I w•ll ••k:!