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tud.I7.f· The Ido!atrie of the lafi timts. 67~·· tak!"""Y the namu.j Baalimout of her mouth: A. LordJPake vnto)'H in Hmb out ifthemidtieft 'flerft 17. When the Iewes in leremkchapter thefire, tharis, ye {aw n? im~ge of the true •· verf. 23 •denied that they.wodhipped 'B••· 6od, but ooely heard ·ins vorce: therefore /im, there can bee no rea(on (I foppofe) of ye lhall makcnorm•ge,namely,ofGod,ro re· rheir deniall, but this, that they intended to pfefem h.rm, or hrs prefc:nce. Nor,ble IS the worlhip God in the Idols of Baal. Againe, te~rmomc of Stra~o fo~ the proofe of rhrs Saint John ftith; r. [oh.z, •4· ?fthat whichY" pomt:hrs words are to thrs effcc:'t.Mofts(fauh 1 Geog"· haH<heardftrtm thebeginningremaineinyou,y« he)didaffirme andteach, thatthe E!f!ptt<nt did 1 ph>:£ l•b. alfo fh•R Clntinue in the Father and the Sonne. notzNdge arsght,who repreftnted Godm the fhapes ••·. de Hence it followes, that they which abide not •fwildc andtamebeafts: .nor the Libyans andthe Syna. in the doetrine of the Prophets and ApoGreekp,whofiguredGed.ntheforrneofmen. For files, but fetvp fomeother formeofworlhip· Goduthatthmgalone whtchconr.mes vs,andthe ping God, abide not in the Sonoe and the tArthaRdthefta, whu:h >;teal/, •ndthe Father. Gods wor!hippe muft bee according world,andthenatur~•fallthmgs thatam the•- to hjs 11ature, heauenly;- diuine and fpiriruall 1 B mAgeofwiNrn, who mhu r~ght b~t all deuifed worlhippe is~ccording to the to mal<! lik! to anyifthethmgst hatar~aboul vs? natureandpifpoljtion of the deuifer, foolifh, But we mujlput awayall mak!,ng if(a) Jmag.", (•) Ot caruall,vaine: as Chrill: faith, Matth.I S·9· Jn andfit atemple and;Ij ficret placebeftemmgh1m, mould vaine dfe theyw.11rjhipmee, te~~e~ingfor precept! andworjhip him t- withoHt anyformt. A little af... wherein thecomp~andemlnts '.f mm. And according to rer headdes ofhis owne, rhar(c)theIewes ar~ ~~:gc~:. this worlhip is the God that is worlhipped. true worfhippm •f God. Origen faith againft med. .Therefore when God is wor!hipped, notacCelfH4; that Angelsmay not bee adored, and b"'' ' ;, cord-ingtohisownewiiJ,butaccordingtothe that religion keepes Icwes and Chrifiians ~~~~~ pleatirre and will ofman, the true.God is not from worlhipping of God in templ<•, altars, ;;,.,.,.., 'Yorfhipped, but a Godofmans inuention is Images; becaufe the Law faith 1 Tpere fhall '·"~· fet vp. One notableexample wee hauein this be no other Gods vnto thee before my face: Or>gen. kinde. When God is either reprefented or and, thoulhalt not make to thy felfe any gra- '~0 .Rf:i. 5 worfhipcd in any Image of mans deuifi,ng, uen Image. Hence itfollowes, thatthe fra. in p<inci· there is prefently made a double Idoll , the ming or ere[\ing ofan image, with an intent f~or!,:. one isthc .Image reprefeoti~g : theother is ·c tore~re.fent o~ worlhip God.thereby,_ i.rhe G 0 D reprefented, who IS by thl,S meanes ercdmgofan rdoll, though lt be not further turned inw an !doll. . , - . . . app)yed ro idolatrousv{e. lt may be obiected, Thacrheimage m.ade ofvs to rcfemble and that we may l•wfuliy make an image ofChrifl reprefent·God, is an !doll, I prooue it thus: and thatthis image is no Idol. I anfwer: itis The Image which Micha erected was a flarte not vnlawfull to make or to hauetheimage of Idol: for it is called which al) Chrift, twocaueatsbeing remembted. The commonlv rranllate, Idols. And ir was anifirfl,thatthis image be only ofthe manhood: mage of 'feho..h. Eor before it was made, thefecond,thatitb'eoutofvfeofreligion.For theiiluer whereof it was made, was dedicaifotherwife it bee made to reprefent whole red to God : and afterit was made, when lbe Chrifi,Godand man:or, ifit be vfed as an inhad got a priefl into her houfe, to oifer factillrument ora fignein which, & before which lice vnto it, fbeef•id 1 'JX!w l'kt!ow th•t lthomen worlhip Chtill himfelfe, itisbythe foru•hwilbegoodv•tomr. Thetwogolden calues merdochine a flat Idol. Againe,friendsoflereeted inDanand 'Beth<lby Jeroho•m, were magesplead on this maun~r. Thoughwe !hay Idols in theiudgement of all men: yet;yere not fet vp what Imageswewill vmoGod,yet they nothingelfe but Im~ges toreprefcntthe riiay wee reprcfent him in fuch formes and trueGod of1frad. Fortbe worlhjp ofthem, D lhapes,in which l;ebath vf<dto manifell him- \' callql the feAre of'fehou•h. 'feh• neuer deftlfe;as in the forme ofa man,orin part~d,from the liune of 'ferob••m, and therethe form ofa dooe,&c. I anfwer lirfl ofal,that for bee was indeede .a patron and defender the formes in which the Son and holy Girofr of-the go,lden calucs: neuerthele!fe it was not haue appeared, were not their Images , but his minde and meaning to make Gods of onely fenlible iignes and pledges of their prethem, but to worlhip the Lord of boils in fence: and lignes cotfor euer,but only for the them and by them.For when he was abcutto prefenttime,when they al'Peared: and therodeftroy the lmagesandpridlso! B••l, hee foreneitherfignes nor images of Gods pre· fJid, Comtfoe how z.••/•111 !willbeforth< Lord fence now. Henceitfollowes, that when the ifhofts. Grauen images and likeneffes menti· hiftorie ofthe Bible is painted or pi[lured, oned in the fccond commandement, are as in fome of oor Bibles it is, there are no j.. plaine Idols, and they are Images, not onely ma~:esof God defcribed, but oscly fuch vi. offalfe Gods,but ofthe true God. For Mo. lible appearances as (fomttime) were !ignes fit expounding rhis comandement, faith thus: of the prefence of God, are exprelfed. A. 'Dtut• 4· 16. T•k!heedetoyourfolutt,th•tytt gaine, I aofwer that the commandement corrupt noty••rftls<es, •ndma'-! y•u•gr~oenJ. of Go~ cloth generally forbid images, not m•g•,•rrepre}:nwwnofanyjigore: and his reaexceptingthe very!hapes inwhich God him· fonis,verf.t5·foryufo,n•imageintheda]the felfe hath heretofcne tellilied iris prefencc. verfc;. Ytrfe IJ· .··t··t• J..King. I !7kJ.i!g. • lO?loJ . And