Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

976 ' The Idolatrie of the /aft times. \ An? ~here the prohibiti~nof God isagainft A ped,in, at, or before an ima~, is prefmrly um~uis vs,1c 1~ vame to ~utt<: fiu.ftsor excofes. For transformed into:urrdoii.Hahr~~lfaith,that nouerit• there IS no e~cepuo_n ~gamfiGads c_ommanIma~esare dolJt~Hrsoflies. Becaufe fo fool!C as ~cg(~~·t dement. Thtrdly, 1t IS a talfhood tor vs to God IS reprefented in an Image', he is depriru,plim. thmkethat we may lawfully doe wh.,foeuer u~d ofh1s glory, and changed-into abodi!y, Hab••. ts God doth. And therefore wee mull wanly VIGble,cucumfcnbed,& finite Maidly. Whe reafon from theexam~le ~fGod, wpen woe tbe !ewes intended to wotfhippe God in the would defend ourowndomgs.Fourthly,God goldencalfe., the Pfalmill faith they turned will not bee fo adored and worfhipped as IGod into the liktnts of a be.jl tha; '!ftthgrojfr. rral.!o6, dais arc worlhipped. Thox fo•lt not doe thm S~coodly, we~aynot ~inde the prefcnceof ' 8· S. vntothe Lordthy G•d•.F~ftly,Godh~th po'Yer God, the operation of h1sSpirit, and his hea• to repr<femhunfc:lfe 10 what!ignes hee will ; nngofvs,to any thing,to whichGodhath not and fi> hath not any creature, neither hath hec ' bound himfelfe by word of commandement giuen vs any power tO repref~nt him in this or promife, or both. Now God h•th 0~ 6 , or that forme. !iixtl~, God can at h~splea- B .bouod himfelfe by any word to be prefcot at fure auotd andcut off all oc.cafions ?I 1?olatmages,& to hearc vs when we cal vponhim, try, when bee reprefents h1mfdfe m v1Gble atthem, or before them. Hence it followe., formes; fo can not men d0c, as common that when men prefcntthemfeloes before I· experience declares.' Therefore in fo doi"g mages, there to worfhip God, they wodhip they tempt God ; and lay open themftluesto not God,but cithera fained God thatcanand the dangerofIdolatrie. La!lly,images which Will be prefenr·and hearc at images:or theve· · men f« vpvmo God, abolifh and deface his ry Images themfelucs. For God isnot worM"iefiie, breede abrurd opinions of Gad in !hipped ofvs,bor when itis his wiU to accept rhe mmds ofmen, aRd doe as little bcfceme our wor!hip: and it is not his will to accept h1sendle!fe glory, as a pidure ofan Ape, or our wooOup, butwhea it is according tohis of a foolc doth the excdlency ofan Empewih. Patrons of images will here profe!feand rour.Thirdly,itis obieded thatthe Scriptures ptotd'l, thatthey iqtend not towot!hip the i· doe not Gmp!y condcmne religious images, magesthemfeluespropcrly,or anyfalfeGod, bot onely becaufe Iewes and Gentiles ellee• but ondy the true God maker of heaucn and med & held them for their god.: and that this carrb. I anfwer fir!! ofall, that this was the opinion of theirs is confuted by p,.,, when B verycxcufc of the wifer fort amongthe hcahefaith, They are not Godswhich•rtm.dewi<h then (as afterwards !hall appearc:) and it ~~·' 9· h•nds. I anfwer againe, it was not the opicould nor excufe them from Idolatry. Se,o nion citheroftbe !ewes, orof the wifcft of condly lanfwcr• that mans intention makes the Gentiles,. that graucn or carued images notGods wor!hip,butGods wii,And itisnot were their gods; the very light ofnature did hiswill to accept the worfhip thatisdonero reach them the conrrarie. That they madea him in images: and thcrfore he indecdc is not di!lintlion betwecne their gods and the ima• worlhipped, bur fomething clfeinhis roome. ges thereof, it appeares by the very dillintliIt was the rea!intentionofthe Jfraelitcs(as I on of the firll and fecond commandement. haue!hewed) to worlhippe the Godoftheir In the fir!!, arc forbidden the falfe or tlrange forefathers in the golden calfc: aad it was godsrhemfclues: in the fecond are condomthe intention of /errll011m to doe the like in ned the Images, which are either of the true thccaluesofDMand Jtttl.el: and their mea. Iehovah,orialfc gods. And if images be on- _ ningwas nottoaddreffcordired:thcir fcruicc ly forbidde•, becaufc:they are reputed and torhemoltenimages:yetkoththchelyGho!l worfhippcdfor gods,then the firft and fecond giuenhis iwdgement & fentence,thatthe Ilia· =~~~:.f: commaodements of(A) auncient rimedi£lin· D elitcs in thewildernclfe worlhippcdt,,,.,.,"" 1'4!.rti. J.C+Ognilhed, fhall ueinde<d butoneand the fame /m#ge, and that ler~b'""" ofJ",tfi f.ruijkes tl ... r.lting. rig.m commaud_ement. Images (I granr)arc called The Genttles are ilid tl[,.,;fott• ~xod.ho.- often in fcripture gods,but for two othercau· D1oe/s,whertasthcy,atth~lc!'ll fomeofthem, ~~~:m fes. Firll,becaufe in n~ans intention they haue olfered.facrificcs to Go~ lllltnagcs. A~d the Hi«o. in relation toGod,and reprefent h1m. And therr~afon1s,becaufeGodd1~not accc~tthisC.rFph.•.v. fore by a metonymie they borrow h" name; u1cc artheu hands. An<! IB~cedcdiuclswcre I.A<hm as apainted man iscalled aman, or, as he that fcrued, though the Genttles.mreadcdt~e ~on· in ~ynop. plaies thepart of a!Jng, iscall<d aking. Setrary. Fer they thought verily thatthc1r una• coudly, they are called gods, becaufe men, ges were the receptacles <>fcclclliall powers, though not in opinion and iudgement, yet m and good Angels, but p...,./ gwcrh. ~cnr.cncc truth made tbcm their gods, in that tbey th~ttheyweredm~s, orw1~kcd fP,'tltS. Ag•ue religious wor01ip vnto them- And for game, whea G~ IS adoud.m dcmfcd Ima. this end dotb 'PaHI fay, they arc not Gods ges, the war~lppers arc fa1d tD fwget G.J, rr..J,zel. ?:.~:~· which are made ll'ith hands , to draw theEthough they thmkc they well remember .,, Celfoml. pheuans by confc:quent of reafon from do.i.ns h1m. And t~e reafon IS, becaufe bheyal~rget 7·••n ofany wor!hipto the image ofDiana. not onely hiS colllmandemcnr, Ut o tbe fied ;d The fecond polntto be confirmed, is, t~at trru: knowledgeoracknowle~ge!"ent~fGod, pomir God beeing either reprefi:nted or wor!h1pfo foonc as they rcprcfent lum U1 an Jmacc' vr&ve· for !~t~. zo.JO.