The fdolatry of the lafl ttmes. exaltation was not in rcfpect of ciuilldegree, but in refpectof fame higher & dluineeliate, whereby he was made a peti-god: Fo!Mar. VcrC>,J. ,docht~u refufed to honoor .him whom the I King honoured , aod that bccaufe hee was a /Iew:which he could not haue done with good confcience,ifno more·had'b>:enc:expe<ted but ciuill hoaour. And the fragments ofthebooke ofHefter (asmuch to bebdecurd, as·any hu-: mane hiflorie) haue thefe words of M<rdo· them, Chap. I>· I4· 1didit hecaufelwoHldnut preferthehononr if amanabouetheglory ofGod:' & would HOt worfhip any buttheemyLord, In like lufiin. manner Conon an heathen man refufed to a· hiG.l. 6 , dore kiog.ArMxerxcs,as t~maner of<he Per– fians was.Iulikemanetthemenal Liflrahea· B ring ondfceing Paul and 'BArnabM, prefcmly, fay,.Aa.I4· I ;.thryare Godsintheformeufmro: and would haue oftered facrifice vnto them. A coth,BtRoth,Nergel~Afima~Nehabaz.,TharthiiC, .Adramelech, Anamc/ech;all which in the~rian tongue , art fatd toborrow their names of cockc:s, bcnncs, chickins, goates, dogs,affes, horfes,mules, peacockcs,&c. Tims we; fee in pan what were the heathen gods commonly mentioned in Scripture. And here wee are to take knowkdg of the mercy ofGod towards ys, thatbath nor left vs to our owne waies as ·h• did the Gentiles in former ages, who w~re without 6od,and without Chnfl, but he bath reuealed himfc!fe vnro vs, andhis will aod chofen vs to be.his owne people.For his' mer– cy let vs bee thankefull , and fhew it by dcauing vnto him alone with our hearts. In the fccond plac", if it bee demanded w:Jat is meant by the gods before mentioned: I anfwer,thatthe firfl and prindpall, namely; Baal, fignifies Iupitor, the.fame in the firma– ment, or the hollofheanea, yet notalwaies: , Reg, for the holy Ghofl in the booke of theKings 'H· diflinguilheth Baal from theSunne, Moone, 'Chwn. Stars, and theho!tofheaucn. Ifl:mighrcon– ll·l• iel:ture, I wouldthinke it lhoulctfometime rKing. r8,z7. , Cartcrius de imag. Dear. N.u.. o. r.u.r.i11 Iulianii. aTepui cdax re• lignifie Saturnus,thatis, Time,w"icb the hea– then wor01ipped as a fpeciall God. For the .Prqpllet Eli.u taltibg occafion (as .I fuppofc) fromth~ falhioos of'Baal, in mockage faies to c his priefls, Th•t beu inapurfoite,orinhu iDHr· ney·•"haJheuafleepc at noonetidJ,: which three prpP.erties fitly agtee to Satume,.who hathof old beene vftially reprer.oted(">)purfidog and de.ueudng !.lisownechildren,that1s;althings, which bee bringeth.forrh; hauing.alfo foure wings,two alwaiesfpread,aod tWo clofed, to I ~";;';·,o figoifie, (b)that thou•h he feeme 'tp!tand, yet pede lais bee al waics goingl~viftly, as in a iourncy : hitur .,_ lik<>ll'ife with foure eyes,twoopen,two lhut: "'· whereby bee is·alwaies waking and alwaies . cEuf. de fleeping,~uen at n.oo11e· tide.And in(c)ancient przpar. writ<:rs, B4al-or91e). is th~ namedf Stttllrne. Euan,l,9. V'f[olwh is though!> likewi(e tohoe.Jupitcr or c.1_p. 4• & 1 Sm4rn~:atld R,empban tabeSAtsrneor LHcifer, Ht;;on. 6 thatis,the day-lbarre. And the eel> fignifie ci- D ~~ 1~·'* · ~herthe world,oinnture, or tirha, orfortune, Augnfl. orfate, or the Sun, the 1\-loone, or the Starres, ~uzfi, in or foules, or (pc (oules ofmen departed, or Jud.c. , •• fome vnknowneGod. · · ~3~·1'7• Touching their image~, .fJ~ liad many. One among tht; re!t w>s the f<U'C)le orreprc– fenration of a Biq: and ho1~ee hoc ·i• called Ba•hebHb the lordof llies, be~atifc h>:e wu thought to bee the ·chiefcfr llie·itt t!)e world~ Na.dauz. ,and as N~tz.ianz.ene faith; A flic was the gcd of inu,a. :&. .Accoron• .Ajlit4Yoth~idonian gods were wor~ ·in iulian. fhipped in the formes ofiheepc, .as~thc.uame 1 Plin. >7· {ecmes to import: :Dagon in t:he .forme of a 6 • 1fiih: Dian9in !iluer plates,in whjshJwasllapt 1 the figure of a temple, an9 tl]e forme of'DiR– na. Whe!)the A,fiyrianscamc toinhabiteSa· >Reg. .'maria,rheyb~-ougb.t:their god$ wjth t)lem,Su~ l7,JO. I -----.--- . .- .- The Romanc falfe gods are two. The firil is the Virgin Mary, whom the pretended Ca– tholikesofthis time, of aSaintmakeagod. detfe: forthey call her theqHe~neofheaHm,the In oflitio qNeene ofthe w•rld : ••r Lad.e the mother of B. M"i"' grace andmercie. Sbec is e11eemed as an vni- .uerfall aduocate to the whole world,and tl1ere be otherme9iatours vnto her, as toaquccne·: ·there be eight (olemne feafl~ (or the honour andinuocation of her: bcfides this, there ls no day palfeth, in which lhee is notinuocared inhymnes or in the mafli:. And they af, cribe to her; power to command and controll her fonoe inheauen,faying, Ask! the,Farhtr: commandthe Sonne, (ll11dcom'!1kfnd h1111 by i R~ga_ p~ the~utlxJritjeof a mot~tr_: .againe, c4uftbimto ~~61~!~ recetHeour pr•y•rs. 1hts Is ro make her not [m:atis onely a goddtlfe, but al{o to place her aboue 1impera. : God himfelfe. Here they a!leadge, that thcfc 1Sa– formes offptech are fpoken~•l'1ttaphore, or mat per · by a Profopopceic : but this cannot be. For «prem. the ground of theft fpeeches is properly af. cribed to..;!-/arie, namely, the rightofa mother , and therefore alfo the act of com– manding is without figure properly afcribed tohtr. Wee take our fc:lues beholden to THrfel. r line the Iefuite for his fiue bookesof the L•dy ofLauretto,as lhe iscallcd.Fortwothiugs may plaisely thence be gathered. Thcfirfl,that lhe •· is made a goddelfc, being worlhippcd with ' thevery fame worlhip wherewith God II,im, fclfe is worJhippcd. For when men beein.a– ny danger,pecdsitie, orexrremitie,llraightwaies rl]ey offer vp their prayers to hr~with folemne vowes. Secondly, when in theirPil,– grimagcs they come ncere to the to\liqe of Lib 4 ., 4 . Laurmo, .and behold the place where her i· ·a: Job. f· mage is, afarre off they fall downe and wor- c.vlt, lhipaer : and fome goe bare-heaq aftetward in the very middeflof winter, till they come to herTemple, atthedpres whereof they fall down againe and worlhip.Thirdly,when they come beforeher image, ,all , yea thegreate!t pcrfons ·in the bafefr manner that may bee humble ~hem(elues bef9re her, kneeling.or lying vpon the .bare groupd, and kneehng among thepail: raul!itude·. Feurthly, Jh~bath L.b a quircofboies.ro_fing pra1festo her. flfihly, L:,//1 Jhe is honoured With a ~opbl~.(eafr,o~~ofher ,1 1, con-