Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

CJ:he.ldolr;,trieqfthe lafl,til'f!CS. 6]9 1-~. -· ·· · h I'·· Cmmo conceptien;•<b•udthwof her rnuiuitie: one~N1 the Church. 1.1\.ndilelnih•fdfe cals the Car oi><! inlthc q>ring,the bP,er. i11 the,autumne: the·foChHrch'h~own~JJio•(',in exprefi;-word~,wher- ;~'.'.~~{;:,_ lell;milieofeach.of-thelaftotbtliree morrarhs: astlus fauounsl'ropetto•Chrift. ' Ani:ht had In fmo and,there rcfoirs~o heraoeuery feafl:, tWo becne enough for-Jiim to be' a: tricnd of the de lm· I hllndre<l tlx>uli!od people. Laftly,ihce is wor• (poufe: Bmranifaith.of•bim, ihat he is byan- mum•:.'· ,fi•ipptd with ifemplc, altar, au:ol o1ferings voi"""(titChriJI.•. Se"?~d!Y', .the Pope·chalen- ~~~~·- :wb:hdut m'cafure:~ for 4 none aimofi come eo gerhto_hlrnftlte·tnfinnupbwc:r ::~ actordmg to u.2.. il_qr,elliprleihantlcih The furniture pertaining the placein iUottk<r?;A{/,J1fMer u gif.mtome in j Bc..n. de tAh~r imageisof gold,filu~r, pearle,pr,tious heaum,tvdiar~h, ~l'J10slfa.ith the bookcof the Confid. ~~Cl!. filke :_mill of all thmgs of excellcnCle Pontifical! Ccremonw1 1 Th~ 'l?Pntifi.r;aO[word ~~b~"~!: tbi\~{Jeart canwifb. Jo1~Jig•r< th<tfi•premefRmtpcaQ porper• whzcb.['' · Pone. ! f~heJeooMipoint is that the thing woru giuenofChrijl tohMYj<;rnvf•"'arrhtheB'.fhop Job.Lfol. J{bipped vgde~rhonaine'of the Ladie of Lau. of Rome, according"" that·rHI/povi'<r u gincn to ' 7J6. lr!t!f,i~ illcici~d.llcithetGod not..Saint, butthe mein heaumand e.rrh;·a•d againe, hefhai/Ntlc jdiuclJ.Iiinifelfe,-1ror firl1: hercouetoufrJe!fe apfomfea toft"• andfi:o"l thrflooduo th~endi of peatcstt> be"\lllfatiable• becaufe 01ee finds no B theworld. AndthtH•figuijiedbytlw .vtumcap :m<afure ihtdkiog&. accepting·ofgifts; whawhich thePopes vftto·we#.r:t.UHJthenightofth.enaB~od.J'·[ ~s G'oll.and hlit(Jie feruants ,doe the'contraty;- ; ti•itieofour Lord.l\.nd this al'peares in that he r. ~~~con~!y~ her miracles-bee as.IJla.ny as<hofe 1 VUJrpes power and authorm• ouer all c~ea· I whicb,we reii<le;o lie done by Ch~il1: and his. tures,yea ouc• kings and princes: aud Wtl) be Apgftles• , And yet they inde«le,are fuch..s deputy of Chnft tor the goucrnemcnt GHhe may be done by S:atanicall operation. For the Vniuerfall Church. Th1rdly, i:erakes t<>lilmdmfU knowes <he (corers ofnature more then felfc a fauerztgne mdgemem ouer all perfor.s a)IJ!)cp doe, and by this!llcavl'$hee can doe and caufes; fo asifhe carry innumerable peo- ~hi,gs h:-e miracles.wliith!indeed are n_o mipie into hell with him, no man may iudge r_acles' atld hce 'is tire belt p~yfitton m the him .. L~llly., he takes to-himfelfe iulm'!fe of world,& canc;ure d!feafes,whlch 10 the iudg1 poweno:difpenfcw)th the l,~wesof (];od. In giuc fight to them that are bocne l)hnd, nor reJPeflthe Apof/oltcalfl•t,thattbeyrarher d'fire r,p doft. r,1ife the dea<l_: and therefore among.all her tokr;Ol!lthe..csent mj/t<HtlonofGhrif/~n•reltgton 40. '· S• f1Jira~l<;< thereis .nomenuon pffoch. Thtrd· omthe f.opes nwuth, th"'from holy Wm: that ~.~P~":: ment pf mon·te~Ul.<; vncurabk: yetcannot hoe ~is law1t is fatd,Th•t m•~ do With fochrener0c• lnanoor. ly"h~rappatittons and her mlt.ades tend allto C they mqmr<mielywhawh,.pltafore, qndaa:ot'- " ·~;~· 1 ' c. eretl, ftabltfh, ancLmaintaine the wor01ip of dmg to irorderthm ~on•erfot~t~n. And therefore ltco.•>· he):.fejfe:whereAs the true SainfsafGod foeke in the Councill pi\$r~nthe ha<h prefomcd-to not<to aduaucetheir owlfehonour,bueche ho· forbid vnder, paint: ol Anathema, more de· nourofGod. fpurrhly, when meu make abgrcts of--confanguinity rhen God hath for- . folure formes of ~"yer to the·Virgin ..M•ry bidden.What isthisdftbut toverifietbefay- Den'"" ~or ~oy remporall helpeordelioerance, they ing ofthe Apofile, :hat 'he exals himfflfe a• ~~fpEG,~' l)alle neither commauadement nor promife fo boue all that is calledGod ot worfhipped ( fiop<> ius, to doe: and yet thefc prayers are commonly The fecond way whereby that which is 'The/f• . accompliUJed. Fiftly,our Sauiour Cbri!l:,beGods is giuen to the creature•, is whenpro· '·•· ing Kingof heauen and earth , ncuer medled perries or proper al!llons ofthe godhead are with tl]at_ters pertaining to the execution of afcribed tothem.And thus arecreatures made Io. ciuill iu!l:ice in priuate perfons: but this Ladie gods in parr,and confequently idols. HeretoLib•.,..-· of La•rerto fdu1etimes breakes the halter · foreithathbeenc rhoughtakindeofidolatry, '?· whe~men be in hanging: ~n~ when they are to appoint the con!l:ellations of heauen, and ub. 4· c. :hangmg fhee preferues thm hues till they be to make them fignes to mamfe!l: fecrettruths, '9· tak<JJ downe: when prayers be made for infi. D becaufe that wh1ch is indeede proper to God Lib. 3 . c. ,dels !\lee heares _them; thu~was theTurkes isgiuentothern. And the Church of Rome 18, ,Baj4cured ofan 1mpol1:ume111 his brealt. at this day alf0ards vs foure notable e::.amnettar.dc: rummo Pont.l.~. C.3J. Sacur. . The fecond folfe god is the Romane Bi· pies. Firl1: ofall,it makes the Saints in heauen fhop, who though he be notcalled god eom• idols. Foritteacheth meotokneele dowoe w monly,yet is he madeag0d. For firll h<takes ·them, ond to make pr<yerto them, being ab. to hi'l!~lfe the titles ofGod, and fuffers himfent from vs as farre asheauenis from earth. be called gpd in his own law, in which And by praylng t<> them, men doe acknow. the renour ofacertain~ canon istothis effe/}: ledge, thatthey haue powerto heare& helpe He~ that TJ Godm"Y be •Jidgedofnont, The Pope in al places,and at all times,& that they know ISliocl: fo.r fo hcc IS calledof the Emperour the fecret minds and hearts ofmen. Now to Conflantine. _Therefore hee may beeiudged of heare and to difcernetbe very heart, is a pronone. And 1t mul1: be remembrcd, that thefc pertie of the Godhead. As Salomon faith Wqrdsare found, not on~ly in theolde copies Htorerhou in he•um in. tfry .dwe/Jingplace:_!. . .. oftrye Canon law, but ~n the newcor~elhd fortheuoNely ~nowefltbehtortsof<Bthechi/Jren I Kmg 8. edt_t!On\)fGregorsnhedurteenth. Agame,he ofmen. AndPauitakesitfor agranted truth, 3 6 · fuffers htrnfdte to be called the Dotl••r and thatthereis OAC onlythat fearcheth the hearts Rom. 8· Paj/eurofth•C•tholik£Cbur<h,andthefPouftofl and knowes the_meaoing ofthefpirit, and ''· ' Mmm: that