Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

( 68oThe ;jdolatrieofthe lafl tiines. r:Gor. '· that no man knowes _what is' within a man, A i. Thirdly, the Romane Church makes very 1" butthe fpmt or con!C.ence ofman- A:nfwer ts tdols.of works, bpfcribingthemeritofiu!limade, thatGod heares andkn~wes the hearts licattonand falaatton to rhein. For cone can of men,,ofhtmfdfc, and by hisowoe nature, meritofGod,bnthe that is God. Thecreattire and that the Sa~ntsdoe1t not of_themfelues, can doe nothing to benefit 6od; and rhereforo but by commumcanon or reuelatton.I anfwer (iod is notbound by the bond of•mans defert agatn, that God dorh fometime reueale to his ro rewat_d man,for any thing he dotlr. Ifhe 00 ,. lferuants fome particular·and fecret faymgs bound, ttisbecaufehee bindshimfelfeby•his :.Kin. f. a~d dotngs of men, as hedtdtoE/~a•aud Ee. ownepromife: and heismoouedtomakeliis ,6.& 4 • ter,w<denie not: lilutthat God lhould reueale promife, no~ forthe goodneffe of anyworl<e '7 all the thonghts and defires of all that praym to bedone by man,but meerelyvpon his o:iwne Acl.!+ all times,and all placcs,and rhatthe Saints by good•effe. If it be faid that Chdfr meriteth reudatiotrfhouldknow thus much, this wee and yet he himfelfe can doe nothing_to bene~· deme. For thts IS to communiCate the glory fit God;I anfwer,that Chrifr·meritcthproper of God ro~he creature, and confequently to ly,vpon thedignitieofhis perfon: for ilnhat· !make the creature God: though not byna- B Godincarnate,6rGod-manfuffered&fitllil· ture; yet by com~unication. Such were the led the law for vs, diuine i.ultice d<>th require I gods of the Gentiles for the mofr parr,·for thatfhould lile giocn him , which by fuffering they were men indeed, and were.made gods ando~eyinghe hath deferaed. This caufe is ~:;'o;· by f:!o~d~~~~fJ~'~~;u~;~~f ~~~:':!~sforf~:~~~~~~fu~~~ ~~t~~!~n~~dhi:f~~- conrra meth the Sacram,nts to idols, by teaching and to maintain• his owne honour, and tha~ Arianos. thatthcy conferre graceex opere optratQ,by the by theorder ofdiuine i•frice : and he is not fo Mp. '· very worke done: that is, that the outward bound to his creatures,eut ofhis free& meere elements or words dudy fpoken , or both, in good wilhe giuestho ble1Singswhichhe giues. theadminilhalion ofthe Sacraments, doe as Fourthly,they ofthe Romane Church make phyficall caufes effeEJiNeiy,•fii•tly, & immedithe bread inthe Euchari£t to be thatwhich it Sacr. b. ate{y worke& produce in the heart, the grace is oot,andconfequently an idol.Forthe chiofe c. r. ofregeneration & iu!lilication. To this effe~ ofthem fay,that thebread after confecration, Miffale the prie!l isappoioted to pray,•that tbe natHre withoutaflnihilation,_ is made by cc;muerfien, "' ·., ofwaters •mght conce1ue the verrue offanth· the very bedy of Chnfr; and by thts meanes, ,.~'de'· fication : sh.rt Godwo~ldm•~~ Ihe w•terfwit- C brea~ is e:xaltedabo~e meRand ~ngels,and is benedil!. I r.a bythefecrct admtxttonofhu GOdhead, that recemed IntO the vmty ofthe fccooperfon. If fo•ci•. hauing conceiHcd fanUijicl(tUn, a· new cre.mre it befaid; that in theiropinion the bread isno "'11JP ring oHtoftheimmac•Lm ,..,b, of the diidoll,becaufc tl!ey beleeue thisconuerlion : I Hinefountllim, thJttit mii_Y be liKing W4ter, thr~tit anfwer,that Sacraments outofthcir vfe, the may beejfeff•aRto p•rifte.11rmindJ; that the hoadmini!lration being ended,ceafetobeSacraiy Ghoft woulddefcmd mtothef•lnejfoofthefoun. men;s, and bread ceafeth to be~ the bodie of taiite; th<t hevroHidnMk! th• whole fub!lanceof Chn!l. Therefore the Hofr,(as lttscalled) or thewaterfr•it(HI inejfer:lingsfrcge•eratwn. Now the bread in the loox~,carriedin proce1Sion & rbe worke ofregeneration in man,is a proper worfhipped, isnotht~g elfe b_uta ~heateD or and immediate worke of the godhead, and I mreaden God,and an tdol,notmfenourto.A... prooueit thus:To create,is aproper &immerons calfe,~r Ierob••'."i~alues,ortheNe~ufran diate worke ofthe godhead: Toregenerate,,. that .ll~rchs.u btake mpteces ; nay, asVIle and to._create,and man in that he is regeoera~ed,ts detefrable 1 as any tdol among the beatbe!'· . 1 et creares againc.Toregeneratetherefore,tsthe The_th!rd way, where?y that ~htch IS proper & immediate worke ofGod. Nothmg G?d~,IS. gtuen to creatures, u,when hiS worthereforecan attiuely regenerate butGod-~a- , 0 flnp tsgmen ~othem: And thus ate t~e~ tranfcramenrs are faid to regenerate as moral! tn• formed m~o tdols. ~or God• ~odlup IS pro- !lruments,becaufe when they are rightly vfed, per vntohtm,asChrtfr our Sautourwtl_>.'!'~· God himfelfe conferres grace:yetiftheydoe, 4·Io.f!•"!•~!J Jh•lt two~ J!r•e.AndwhedJDme andcan.ejfe! and 4/iueiy regenerate and worlbtp ts dt~cfted or gmen to aay creature, iufrifie, they arc notonely morall, but they are thatcreature IS made a G~d,or equal!to<!Ood; more then phyficall inlhuments, nay ;hey are & _therfGr~ antdol. Now Im~gcs made bythe .,God himfelfe inthisregard.Paul fatth;~hat rnif-applymgof Gods worlbtp, are o~threc in planting and watering lle is not any thwg. forts. Ftr!l ?fall, _creaturesare made Idols, Wee rcceiuenot newand fpiritualllife from whenmen ll'"e thetr ~carts vnt<>them, & ~x• the Sonne, but by themeanes ofhis llefh, ap· tbetr ~rmct[>al affeclltonso?them. The Scrtpprehended by our faith: yet the power and <f· ture bmd~ vs !!rattly to gtue our hearts an~ licacie ofquickning -or rtuining, is not in the the affeCtm~s thereofro God, and tke obedtflefh,as in aproper fubieft,but in thegodhead. enceofthe mward and outward man, .Atl. ~· Godwill not giue his glory to men or angels, 29• We mufl r<thherob<hry f~1thhe~''',t" M;'· 10 • nortotheflefh andmanhoodoftheSonneof z8. Feartnott emt •t><£"t e 9'•. I. "·3• God mucll le!fe to cre~tures without life or 14. Fearen•t their[<Are • ~.,f.,/Jifi<tbe I:':d fen fe; and therefore not to Sacraments. inyo•rhe•rts• 'l'fol.u8.8. It 14 bettert• lrHJ• '" L •