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er be !dolatrie of the !aft times. 681 theLurd~ thento'put•nyconfia'ence inmAn, ler, A. I 7•5 .Cor]id i< huh•t trH.ftethin man. Mat. to. 37.He that loHethf;~rher or tmthermore;the~me~ is not worthy ljme. Jerem.I0·5· Feare no~sdo!s,~ thtyc~tndoeneithergo(JdRor tuiO :~ There u none lik£ to thee,O King. And the Scripture requires thofe things ~t our hands , becaufe by them we acknowledge God to be ourGod. Wher– forcon the contraric, when any creature is placed aboue God, or match<d with him, io regard ofobedience, feare,loue, confidence, & is made another god to vs. Forthen the firft commandemeot is broken, and there is no pofsible ttruing oftwo mafters. Matth-6. 24-Sathan is called thegodofthu world, z.Cor. 4-4- becaufe men rather obey his fi1ggeftions, thenGod. In thisrefpechlfoAntichrijtucol– ledGod: becwfe he more ftraitly inioynes men to obey his owne traditions, thenhe dorh the verywordofGod. SaimPaulfaith, C•loif. 3• Eph.r. rf• couetoufndfeis rhew.rftiippingofid•ls: be– caufe the couetous man puts his confidence in his riches,for thepreferuationofhis life. A– Pilil.;.r9 gainc he faith; that fome makerheir bellytheir with god: becaufc they mindc nothing but earththy GO D,andhimone!yft,•ltthouferHe. When John the Apoftle fell downc to worihip rile Angel!, he meant not to worfhip him asGod, for he bad Jearnod to di(lioguilh betweencthe creature and tht: Creator; onely he meant to worfhip him as a wonderfulland diuine crea– ture, and therefore to adore him with fome portion ofdiuine honour. But hee is forbid– l .~enby the Angei.Reu.t9·IO. See t?oudoitnot, V" l•m thyfello"' foruant:worfh•p G.d.Hence I rcafon tl10s: They which !lee our fellow·fer– uanr•, are not ro be worfhipped with diuine honour: Angels and Saintsare ourfellow-fer– uanrs: therefore they are not t<> bee worihip· ped with diuine may be alleadged, l Tim. 3· ly things, and loue their pleafures more then \ d 11 , God. (a) ,\learned man cals tbis, ldo!atrie in ~rde~t 1 manners. His words arc thefe: .An idolAter Uhe thatgiHethtothe&rettture~ the worjhip thtet Md1u Domimc to the Crclltor. .And there be tWD kinds of ldo/4~ ~rfn~~- ~er:s;fo~ fomc are idoiaters in opinion,M thrywhich tcm. An. mopmtondoe 4[crtbeto the Suwncor Moone~ or~~ C no Icfo. othercrtatHre, acerttei1lt di~tinitie. Others be i– Chryfoft d~latersinm~n?lers~ & theywhichpreferthecre4- :~~~~· tHrt before the Cre~ttor.For thttt which am4n loues B that we adore kings and princes,yeainferiaur pcrfons.I anfwer:Adorationor wedhip:is ei– therdiuine or ciuill. The bowingofthe knee, or the proftrating ofthe body, is one and the fame in both, ancl thecaufe of bowing makes the difference.Wherefore itisdiuine adorati– on, when we bow the body vpon fome diuine caufe,properly concerningGod 1 as when we kneeledowuevnro him, intoken of fubiecti– on; becaufc he is Lord ofall things,yea ofour bodies and confci<nces:oecaufe heknowes all things,and knowes theheart; becaufe he is e– uerywhere prefent,and can doewhat he will; btcaufe he isthe author and giucr ofall good things; becaufehe is able toheare, and helpe all that call vpon him througli the whole world at all times. Andthus God alone is to bee adored. 'Ciuill adoration is vpon ciuill more[then God]he m•k.fs hu G.d.Andtherefore bee thtupriferres tJJe p~mperingofhis belLy b4ore God,m4k._es it his God. Hetbttt'preferres wine be– fore God,mnk£s Bacchmhi<god.Huh4tpreferres i11j/ before God,mt~k!sllljf hi<god. Of"'hi•hfort, ( rcannot jp«k.~ it without griefo) art m•nyat thUday,rather flrNirtg theirvicesandJinnes thm G•d, "'hich though they fay "'"h their moHth:s, thtft they beleeue in God J JeT in their deeds 4nd manners they denie him. And thus doth the Church of Rome makeidolsof workes, bc– cat~fe it teacheth, that men mayput.theircon .. b llellar. fidenceinthcm,touchingtheirfaluarion; b fo D deiufii6they doe irinfobrietie. This is indeed todeifie "'· 1. 1them, and to pnt them in the roomc of God. ~-~'"· Hiero"'e (<)faith well; if we m•f/putQorc•nft– Eu.l. 4 . denceinotrl)J let vs hauedurajfianc~ m Godalone. c. , 4. in ( d)B•lil :As it u meetetoworjhip tzothingbejiJe folo Deo G.d,fomN]Iwefixe oHr bopeiuon•God. <on64e. Againe, Angels and Saints departed, are !';::·Pfal. made idols,and rbatbythe ChurchofRome, 7 • fourc wates. Ftrfl:,m tha~ fhe gmes vnto them religious worihip or adoration; that is, the bendiog ofthe knee, or the proftrating of the body. The diuell ddired no moreof Chrift, I I J Matth·4· !o. but the bowing ofthe knee, in token and !ig. nificarion, that by Gods permifsion, bee was the difpofcr of the Kingdomesof the w0rld : Butanfwcr was made, that he might not; be– caufc it was written : Th•• fh•ll worfhippe the .caufe; as when webow to men,cither becaufe they arc in gouernement, or becaufe tiley are mdued with excellent gifrs & graces of God. Andrhisciuill adoration bathhis degrees, as the authoritie and gifts of men are more or lc1fe. Vpon thisground I anfwer, that kings and princes are worfhipped onely with ciuill, uot with diuineadoration; whereas Angels & Saints are worfhipped in the Romane Church with diuine adoration. For weehaue no out· ward faciety with them: and therefore ifany worfhip be done to them, ·irisnotfor politike conlidcrations! but for fome higher refpett. Yea,thccaufetorwh~eh they are worfhipped, is properly diuine: for there isgiueuto them, the faculty of hearing and helping all fuch as pray vnro rhem,in wharplace,& at what time foeuer ; yea, d1ough they be abfent from the place, in which they are adored. And this kind ofadoration giues vnto them, knowing and feeing ofourhearts,prefeuce inall places and an infinite power to helpeall tllar call vp~ onthem. And they that worfhip Saints and Angels,do fuppofe with themfelues, that they being in heauen, can heare and helpe them at all times, and in all places, if they pray vn– ro them. Therefore it is nothing but a vaioe fhifr, whenrhe Papifts fay; they giue "'orjhip to<!iod, and n0 more bura certaine kinde of fcr~ice_ to the Saints : _when they giue that wh1Ch1sGods to the Samts. When ce<raine filly women vpon fooliih deuotion, did not fo Mmm3 much