68z. 'The ~dolatry of the lajl times. muchasolfercandl<scrprayers to the Virgin <\ not (as they fay) to bee authors and giuers of Mary,norfomuch as call her ~ene ofheathe'good things which they aske, but onely uen, the aduocate of !inners, our hope , the helpers by prayers. I anfwer, it is fall<. For I gate ofheauen,our mediatre!ie, &c. but only they make them not oncly IJelpers by their a Colly. otfered(a)acake in honour ofher: Epiphaniru prayers, but alfo by their(c)merits : and this clumb. ri,la H"· 1Bifhop of Cyprus condemnes their fatt, and 1sto make them Redeemers. And the forme I. •· dift. rcC. 79 · I faith;It is honour abQue meafure; namcly,a- ~:f tbeir l?ray~ra in their Breuiaries andMalfe ~~r~~~o. doration, I.Vhich is honour due to God alone, bookes,Is thts:Halte mercy on vs:gi1uvs thUor no& iuand not to Angels: much letfe to the Virgin that: de/iuer wfr•m thu orthattui/1. I anfwcr uant & Mary. againe; thisfpecchof theirs, isasiftheadul- luffca· Againe, Angels & Saints are made idols,in tr~fle fhould fay, I c?mpany with tPis man,as ~~:n~rtfe. that prayeror inuocationisdiretted to rhcm: Wtthmy louer and fnend: I know hee is not &tanfor prayer is a proper part ofGods worfhip. my husband,neither doe! conucrfe with him rum vt The commandementofGod is this, Pji<l.5o. as with my h~s.band. Againe, they alleadge: vivi. t5.Callvponm< intheJayoftrouble. Here the that tf the humg may reque~ the liuing to~:.\~:,; I word[alo11e] mu!t be vnder!tood. And that I B pray for them,then may thclunngalfo r<que!t on the ,. gatherby proportion. Mofos faith, 'Dent 6. helpcofthedead. I anfwer, thereafonis not Com. I 3.& 1 o.2o.Thou]bait worjhip the Lordthy God, like:becaufeit admits foure maine differeccs. andhim thonfhaltfome. N6w Chrilhlledging, The fir!t, we haue a comandement to reque!t and wirhal\ expounding this te!timony , faith theprayers one of another, and there be exthus,Matth.4·10. Him only fl•alt thou foroe.By amplesthercof in the word:we loaue no cornthis it appcates,that all comandementsinioyll)avdemcntat altopray to thedead. Second. ning the worfhip ofGod ,include the force of ly; weearc prdi:ntwith them, whom weerethis word [alone J though it be not exprelfed. queit ro pray for vs ; we are not prefenr with Moreouer the reafonof this comrnandement, Saints, who are in hcaucl:l. Nay, ifaman here lwilldeliuer thee, prooue as much; and it may amongvs, fhould kneele downe to a man in be difpofcd thus: Tohill! that can deliuer thee London, Rome, or Hierufalem, and reque!t mu!t thou pray: I alone dcliuer thee; therefore his prayer,he fhould commit idolatry : Why callvpoumcalone.Secondly,hetowhomwe nottheA inuch more, when men on earth mufl pray, mu£! be ofthat nature and condirikrieele downe andpray toSaints inheauen ? It on,rhat we may beleeueinhim>as P•ulfaith, isallcadged, that they areprefent in refpett Rom.IO·I4.H•wJh•ltheycallvponhim,inwho, C ofhearing of our prayers; becaufc they arc they haue not beleeucd? We mullnot bcleeae in prefent withGod, aad fee him who fees all Angels or Saints, but onely in God. For the things: andtherfore in him they fee all things. ancient and Apo!tolike faith is, to beleme in I anfwer it is falfe. The Angels · of God God,and to beieme the Church..At<gttj/ine faith fee the wifedomc ofGod, and the whole m/ \vc:ll; wo1belee~<tethe .Apoflie~ tve doenotbtleeJ,ei~t fieryof our redemption, not in God, wirh the .Apof/le. Againe,it mujl be k!Jowne,that wee whomethey are prefent, butinthe (Jurch afcemp.>JI muf/ beleeue the Church, and mt in the Church. ter it was gathered by the Apollolie>llmini- Eph. l· ~:,:/~:. Thirdly,facrificu is proper toGod t Prayer in llery. The Saints vnder the altar cry, Apoc. ro. Tua.f4. in Ioh. Serm. de Exod ... :t. the flewTdbment,comes in the roomc offa6.Jo.Howlong Lord,hoJyantitrHei'.:tsnotknowcrifice: for whereas .Malachyhad faid,M•I·I· ingthetime oftheir deliueraAce. Chrill faid, 1 1· Thatinccnfo andac/caneoffering jhouldbe •fAf;/.r. 7• thatthe FAther 114thk£pt thc times and fmd to Godineueryplac.; Paul fhewes what is fo•fo•s illhu owne p•voer. Matth·•4·36· and tbat meamhereby,when he f.1ith, x.Ttm.•.8. Lift the very Angels know not the time of h1s vppure hiids to God in meryplace. And prayer is comming. TheProphet Efoy faith, Efa. 63. fpiricuali facrificc, and therefore is called the I 6.Abraham u tgmrantofvs, andlfraelk!Jowes, e<luesofour Iippes, Heb.q.15. The opinion D vsnot. And to this pur~ofe cloth A•g•Hine Nn. of the Ancient Church harh bocnc, that the alleadge thiS text. The th1rd d1fference :One ~ug.lib. our. 5. ho!J Ghoft WM God:becmife hew~U inuocated, For liuing ffian may fecke the heJpeofanother, c:i. p:o ~~~.. do Thoo· the hereticksobicction was this:God isro be therbyword ofHtouth. or byletter : and thus mis.c. tJ Iogi>. inuocated; the holy Ghofl is notinuocated: fully open his minde, and fhew his wants. In therefore the holy Gholl is not God. Anfwer prayer weereueale our wants,not by voice or was ouely made to the Minor, and declarati. writing,but by fccret groaos & defircs of our on made, thatthe holy Gho!t was inuocatcd. hearts,& we lift vpour fouls ro him, towhom Contra Origen faith,That allvows,a/1ittterpelllltions,dewe pray,andby~ur fai~h we make h~mour reCelfum. prec.ctions,& thanb,Jgil4ing,are tobeaddreffidvn~ fuge. For prayer IS not Jn fpeech, but mthe de· 1. 5 . ill iuto God,the LordofAlithmgs;andthat it isnotco»- fires an::i the faithofour hearts: La.fily, when itio. mnieRttoimtocate .llngeb., "lmlef!ewecon/d~now a manrcqueftstheprayerof hts fne~d, they them. Athanajim faith (b) The Sai•ts,that is both lland as fellow members, and dtretl one ~a~t::;t. belee~~ers,pr,ynorfor!lid~to tfnything th1u itcre4' praier to~>ne God, in the name ofone Media- >. co"'ra ted: and thorefore,that I~ftlS Chri!f ro whom rour Chrtfl:butwhen we pray to the dead,the Acoanos mtn prayfor aide, is God. Patrons of iouocafe is otherwife. F.or then they !tand not as in fine.. cation ofSaints alleadge, that they pray not follow-members w!th vs, but are ltftcdv~ato them as to God 1 becaufe they make them boue vs in degree: mthat they ~re made Me.