Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

I• -------------------------------~ 'Ihe lclolatrieof the lttjl times. 683 -------,----c~-----::-:diatours of imerccfsion bcnVeen vs and God. At man,but ciuill honour, though he bee con(ideThirdly, Saintsand Angels a~e made idols, 1 red as the imagcof God: then may uot religiin that Temples, Altars, hohdates. are confe- 1 ous honour be gmen to any rmagc, made by crated in their honour and worfh1p. For all the hand ofman. WhenCornct.m fell downe thefc properly appertaine to the worfhippe of and worfi1ippcd Peter, he meant nor to honor 'I· Exod.a. God. Temples: becaufenonc can bindchis him as God , but to.doc cinill worfhip vnro 20. prefence, operation, and h1s hearmgof vs to btm: ~et becat~fe th1s wor~1p was exceffiue this or that place, but God. Alt~rs becaufe and fome port1o11 ?f diuineho• marelog they are for facrifices and oblations wh1ch nour, Corneltu; IS reprooued fGr lt. What re- ;;;[;,d~ci are proper to God. Felliuall daies: becaufc proofcthcn is due to t~em, that in religious J.u.c.Io. GodistheonclyLord ofdatesandumes, and m~nncrbow downet.olmages.?Suchas wor~ Deuc. 4. Bpift. ad therefore they areo11cly to bededicated to his fh1pped the Snn,Moone, and Starres, are con· ••· Dco grad hon0ur. And though we retaine the names of demoed for idolaters: much more then are :z.,Keg.!J "· '~··• Saint$ daies in the Church ofEngland; yet are they tobecondemned for idolatry, that wor- 5 • quz · l · wea_ltogetherfree from this idolatry; becaufe !hip images and reliques.For the Sun,Moone, we dedicate the daies the ho-, B and Starrcs, are the workem.anfhip of God; nour ofGod; whereas images are but the workemanfhip of Lafily,they are made idols when men fweare I man. It was idolatryto kifJ:e the golden calues by them,and make vawes vntothem./<r,5·7• . ofJeroboam. Augufl.•efanh, that they which Ofe :p. Tour chi/Jrm ha"e forfak;t~ me, becAufo they . ~~~ew.orflupper~ofptflltruJfP411tthe power of 0N .. ~b~;';~{e. (weareby them thAtare nogodr. And Godthreaf/ranuy. Ag,une, beenumbers the worfh1p of fire.e.J4, Zephan. tens to de!lroy them that fiveare by God and Images among ~erefies: Ofthefefl of {:.rpo- oe.hz<ef q. M elcom; char is, Mofoththelr kwg. The hke &r4tes (Curb he) t!./1-J,;rcellmfl hMctJmpanionw40 '·7· 1 Opus in pcrfeCI:. inMath iuclgcment is to be giuen of them that fwearc thought to be,who worjhipped the images ofIefo,& by God and by Mary, by the MatTe, and ft1ch Pa11l,a•d Hvm:r,awd'Pyth•gor.u,with adoration like.One faith;that he wbichfweares by anything andthe offeringofi~cenfe. Againo he faith, t:J<lt hefid~ God, deifies that thing~ andthen:by mak§s 1 11~ tht: fcc;ond~ommaQdement , wee are for· Aug-, epifi.II9 C,Il, himftlje•• id•l.,er. Touching vowes,Ifoi faith; 1 b1ddento worfhip any lif<tneffi ofGod made by ~~:';9~~~ InthatMymenfl~all vow vowes vr;:o the Lord,11nd mans muc:nuo~ : br:caufe no image of God performerhem:where he makes vowes a pmper may bee worfl11pped, but that which is the part ofthe worfhip of God, and by it lignifies fame with hi.mfcltc. eAmbr.[e faith, it is an Contr:a the reft. And Origen auoucherh, that ail our _C hea~hmijh ,e?r~llr to_ worftuppe rh~ Crotfe, on Cclfum.l vowesaretobemadeandaddreffedtoGod. ·t whrch Chn!l dred . .And Ho/cot vpon rhe oeobiru. 5 •ioitio. To come to the lafi. kind~ o~idols: im_ages bookc ofWifed?me,f.tith,Th~~ tbeJPiritofGod Theodo. rhemfclues reliques of Chnfr and S.a:tnts; there condemnes rdo!aurs, thHt honoHr 11ndforH't fum.. Holy thing;,asTemples, Altars,and ~uch like, imag~s tmd4rtiJ!.cia!lfit_llres. {Rthtrin" a great ;;~10 are made idols two The firft ts, when ma~mrhe Coucellot Trem"faith thus: There Libro de they are adored and worfhipped with religiu femequ•flion •mongth• (atJ,ohf<ts, whethf,'r i- <ulrui01a ousworfhip:or,when the liuing imageofGod, mages ni".J be CllrHedandpamudforth~ md;that gmum. namely,man, fals downe before adead image: theym;~.ybeadored"""dworfhip m~tybegutw them, for then indeeede they are rnadefalfc gods. \A IIdtherebe,thatvtterlyd:ny ,-,, andcryoutaln the fecond Commandement the Lord gainf/it,.uagamjlidolany.Andtheyfeemenotto Exod. :.o faith; ThonflMlt not bow downe to themand wor• I be m~tmedwithflight reafons" norV.'lthaNt the aH1• jhip!hem:that_is,(as Ihaue proouedbefor~)lo thoruy ofFat~ers" and Scriptu~s. F~r withoHt the tmages, e1ther ofthe true: God,. or ot any doHbtJ th6Scripturecovdemnp the idols and irw~. thingelfe. A~d he giues this reafon: I the Lord gesofthe 'Pagans, notonely becauft theyrepr.[ent thy Godam arealom Cjod.Hence lt followes,that falji Cjodr, ~ut aifobecauji the •dots the.nfeiues, 1mages when they are worfh1pped, are turned D ~re thework§s ofmem hands, andalfo withoNt all into falfe god•,•ndconfequently toidols. For I /infe,fe.u e•enin thureg•rd,thrycoH!dnot drftru• God would not be Jealous, vnletfe 1t were beworjhipofthemftl•es. Andthu opinionf•meofthe c~ufe we , who haue efpoufed our fe!u·es vnto Aflcie~tDoEloNrsftem~ t~ ~pprooueJ if weGJhalifft lum, fetvpanother God, to b~e as It werean any t1me confider tbAt wh~eh they haue written. husband vntovs in hisroon:tc:_, or with hi~. Durandfaith, Wedt~enot~ore,magcs, nGr ~~~a R:nionai. For when webow to them, It lS more thenet.. themgods)norpHtOHr hapemthem : becaufo th.U l.r.cap,J· uill wor{l!ip: ondtherefore the hooourofGod "''''to commitid.latry. Io the fame place hee is giuen to them;whereashe admits no partner makes adouble vfe ofimages. Onemoderate or_fellow io.the le.afi part of his honour. A· when they are vfed for memory and reprefen: game, man!Sa huJng1mage ofGod, made by tanon. The other (a) cxceC.iue and that is the very hand ofGod: and in this refpelt, a when they are worfl1ipped. A1;d by this he~ thoufand fold more excellent then all images faith, that fimply and weakc ones are eafily made by the hand ofman. Now if any meere drawoeto idolatry. man fhall bee worfhipped with any wor01ip It is obie11ed, that men may bow to the that is morethenpoliticke orciuil; he is made chaire of dlate, orto the lttterofa Prince more th~aa ma~, & by this RJeans; he is tranfwithout idolatry: and therefore mNch more t~ formed tnto an rdol. And1fno more be due to the Images ofGod,ChrHl,& Saints. I anfwer . Mmm 4 th; 2Nimius vfusim1, ginus.