T'he fdolatry of the !aft times. thcreafon followcsnot. For when we bow to A the chaire of Ellate,or to the ScaleofaPrince, ttis butciuill wodhip, for a publike end, that we may doe homage and fignific our Joyaltie and fubiechon to our lawful!Prince: whereas bowit:Jgto Images,is done inrdigiousregard. Secondly,Thc chaire ofEftate,is a figneof the Princes prefence, and His, or Her letters, are fignes of their pleaftucs, and that by P1inces will: and fo arc not Images !ignes and monu– ments, either of Gods prefence, or pleafure; becaufe God will not be worfhipped in them, on; and thereforeit is to be wor!hipped. I au· fwer. l'1tft af all, it was an in!trumcnt of Chrill death, but it was no caufe nor inftru– mcnt ofmans redemption, which came byhis death. Secondly, by the lame proportion ofreafon, /Hd,u, and the Iewes fpeares and thorncs arc to be w~rfhipped:\ecaufe'thcy w~re mllrument~oftne death ofChrill: yea, fpmle and clay ts to be worfhippcd becaufe !oh,,, •· Chrift vfcd them fometime in worki~gofmiracles. · by them,orat them ; neither doth he binde his prefence or hishearingofvs to them.Thirdly, Men vfc not to bow to the chaire of Ellate, when the Prince is prcfcnt: yet men that wor• fhip Images, vfe to bow to them,though God beprefent neuer fo : as he is alwayes prefent. And I "mrne the argument on their owne heads,on this manner. He that fc;.ts vp achaire of Ellate,and laith,it is the Prefence; hethat fends a letter in the Princes name, and puts to ., Thirdly, the words vfedtoo)}fo[et andlo. Iofu.f,If tua,arevrged,Putojfthyfhom forthepiA<ewher Ezod.J.f tboujJAIItkflisholy. Anfw•..:M'.[esand lofo• put B offtheir fhooes, not to the place where they ftood, but to God , whofeprefcncc made the place holy. Secondly, the place was not ho– lyalwaics, hutonely forthetime, in which God ~anifelled hi~ prefence. Now images and rehques , are tud to be holy at all times, and in all places. a counterfeit feale, is guiltic oftreafoo ; cucn fo,they which fet vp oftheir own heads, Ima· ges, as fignes and monuments ofthe prefence of God,and of ChriJl:,what doe they <lfe,but ' commit rreaf<>n againftGod bimfelfe? When L•u· Io.I 7'Gad.lb andAbihHo!f<red facrifices, thatGod had appointed,with fire oftheir awn appoint• ment,it was prefcnt death vntothem. When the I ewes worfhipped thetrue God,. with his C owne wodhip, in places of their ownc choice , Cbr , 7 an.d appointment, the HoiyGhoft faith; They t.with :z. 'orrupted themftluls, anddUI n1t prep11re their K;ng.Jf heartstotheLord. Whatwickedn<{k thendoe J<,J f, they that wodhip God in Images without : Chr.:z.o cornmandemeat vpon their OW1le heads ? ll· When the Iewes fertheir threfholdsby Gods threfholds, and their polls by Gods polls, that is,ioined their traditions to Gods commande– Ezcch.43 ments, Theyfit aW40 betweene theN ;:end GBtl~ 8. a11ddefiled his ho!J 11amewith their~bominAtions. An oath may not be made by the creatures, though they be confidered as figncs and pled. ges of the prefence and power of God : aRd though when they loc namcd,all theworfhipin the eath be directed vnroGod. Forthe right D mao<Jer of (wearing, which the Scripture al– lowes, is, that o~r cath be firnple, without fr'l!ld, direct, and not oblique oathes; le(\ the authoritieofGod be diminifhcd,or our neign– bour deceiutd (which is againfr the order of humane focietie) or the Religion of an oath grow into contempt,as commonly itcomes to pafii:, when it is made by the creatures. And Mat.f:H therefore Chrill faid; YeJl1all not fweare at aO, neitherby he~uen,&<.Now as onepartofGods worfhip is, fo arc all the rcll, direct, and not qblique. And therefore we may not worfhip God,in,at,andbefore Images, though they be confidored of vs as fignes and pledges of the prefence ofGod, and we onely.intend towor– ihlp God in them. Againe they alleadgc :The wooden Crolfe of Chrill,was an inlhument ofourReolemptiAgaine, imagesand reliques are made idols, when inrenfc is olfeted to them, when tapers arc lighted before them, when altars arcere· cted,and giftsoffered to them, when meugoe on pilgrimage to them. For all thcfe are parts ofreligious worfhip : a'1d when they are per· formed to images and (eliques, it is becaufe there is afecrct perfwafion in mens mindes, that there is fomc diuincpower and pr&ncc, and operatiOil inthem, or at leallabout them. The brazen Serpent was an ordinanceof God, a(") figure ofChriJl:,and amonumentofdcli- nlob.J. uerance, from fiery Serpents in the wildernes: ~".i d yet when the Ifraelire• offered inccnfe to it, 3 •.:.• · (b) incenfe beeingapattof Gods worfhip, it Lou;,,,,,, wasturned intoan (o)idoll: and fnrrhis cau(e cAug. de wasdellroycdbyE«C~i.u'whofe fact is corn. ri•;t.Dci mended iA Scripture. ;~"/;:·,.. Vponthis which bathbeene faid, we are to Th;.,, j. take notice of the profe!fed ldolarry of the pm.q.>f. Church of Rome, whereof the principall "'·3• ring·leadersteachanddefend, rhat Roodes or ~j~g. ~· Crucifixes., and c~her images ~f(bod, are~o 3:deido: bee worfhtppcd wuh the very fame worfhtp lard•, wherewith Chrifrhimfclfiswor!hippcd.And puna. • asonefaith, withthc(d)fomek..ilftkifworfhip, J icx!': with thefome~tjfeffion~ and the fame deuonon. hone~~~ What is this elfe , but to makegodsofcruci- gcocrc. fixes ? And the excufe , that crucifixes are Eodc,m worfhippcdwith rcfpca to Cbrill, aod that '"';!!:" the worfhip paffcth by thcimage tohim, will ~~ 1~.!· not feme themrne: becaufc frill thcimageis l,t.c. ,):' honaurcd with religious honour, which may r.,ago a. not ~e~. T(}PflriHI c'?n.cciucd the manhood ~:~~d~~ of CntJ!l: to bee a dtllmtt perfon from the cxc.,pla. wurd or Sonnc ofGod: and withall,beefai- r;s,•on ncd aeo.adoration , whereby this manhood proprir. was to bee adored with the word. Now the fcdpdcr ( •) Councdl of Ephefits condemB~s 'this :~~,~1.'· eo•adoration: much more then would It haue an~them condemned a eo-adoration of the crucifixe atifmo a. with Chrift. Itwill here beefaid,t~at adoraon isgiuen to God properlyand directly, and nottothe image in the fame manner, lout im·