Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

!6 86 The .fdolatrieofthe laj} times. l him in our mindeMnd that which we conceiue A ,may be kept: I antiver, tbt.y ~re not booksof we may_ pmporu~:mally fer. downe by painting \Lay-men:for the Lord bath giuen the.femence, \ or c~romg. Agame, tf the eternall forme of that they aremeere vapities• <.d•g•flin• faith, Goo be lawfully coacemed, why may not the t~eyarc worthytobedeceiu~d that leek Chrifl external! be made? Ianfwcr, thenght way to and hts Apo!l:lcs,not tnSb-ipttir~ but inpainlconceiue God , is not to conceiue any ferme: red walles. ' 'I but to concciue in minde his properties and The third thing to be auoidcd, is the vfe of proper e~e<l:s. So foone as the minde frames idolsin rdigicus ,manner, wblchvfe !l:andsIn vm~ tt fe•fc ao~ forme of God (as when hee ts the worflnp thereof, vtterly condemned in. ,poptfhly concemed t<> be hkean old man, fir-' the fecond ' p~rt of the fec'ond commandeting in heaucn in athrone with~ fccpter in his ment: \Thou jh4lt,_not bow d(IJ'fn~ t.o them andworhand) an idoll is fecvp in the minde. And the foip!htm. In which wordu theJLord makes. formes of things internall conc•iued in mind two pates ofthe wodhip ofldols,Honoor and are neuer worChipped of vs, as painted and S€rHice. Honour is either inward or ou'w~rd. carued images be. La!l:ly, God who allowes Inward, in the afte<l:ion ofreuereoce. Outinternal! ima!les rightly co~cdued, forbids B ward honour!,landsin allge!l:uresofthebody, rheexter.,all mvfe of Rehgton. . whtch figmfie honour, asth~putting off the I The f<eond tlung to be auoyded,ts the keebat, the hftmgvp ofhands, and eyes bowing ping and hauing of idols, that is, imagesthat ofthe knees,pro£lrating ofthe body'and fuch hRuc bce~e abufed to idolatry! an~ are in like• like. SerHice likewife is.cither out~ardorinhhood £ldl tobe abnfcd, fpectally Ifthey !land ward. Inward llands m tl1c.deuotionof the Exod·H· 1 in publikc places. The commandement of mind;in confidence, hope,i•uocation, vQwes, ~;. God is to de!l:roy the idols of the heathen, and fu,h like.Outward fcruice !l:ands in all oDout·7·'7 tl!cir altars, and rheir high places. According ther d.nies that are befide the geflure of rhe s,od.p. to this commandemenr Mojis de!l:roycd the body: asfacrifices,oblations, lightingof ta- •o. golden ca!fe, E%!ChtM the brafen ferpenr. pers, burnmg mccnfe, the ereaion of Altars '.Kin.IS. And thero be fundry weightie reafoos of this and Temples', and pilgrimages to them, &c. 4• commandementofGbd. Fir£1:, idols preferAndall thefe, withalloflikekinde arevtterly u~d arc figncs aod monuments preferued of forbidden. Furthermore, that there may bee the wodhipofdinels, and<>f the contempt of no place forthe vfe of idols among thepeothc trueGod: and therefore this preferuati- C p!eofGod, he hathbylaw llraidy barred vs on rends but to continue a memory of the the vfe ofall fuch things as are properly medifhonour of God, and of things that are an ~criesand monuments ofidols: re foaD.1114k! abomination to him, 'DeHtq. •5· Agood fubnommtionrfthenameofother G•ds, neitherfoal iett will nor prefcrue aodkeepe in !l:ore the itbe heardoHto[thymouth, Yea,all rhingsthat figncs of conquefl made by the enemy : for pertaine any way to the wodhip ofidols mull: thns he decla1es, chat hecarries no loyal mind beefchewed. Vpon this ground Pauldifpures to his owue prince. Secondly, our dutie is to atlarge, thar the Coriothians might not bee make confefsion, uot ouely in word, but alfo preti:nt, or fitdowne at the foa!l:s,which were in deede, that we arerh~people of God, and made to the honourofh>athenGods, though worlhip qo id~ls. And this confefsiea isnot otherwife rhcy abllained from the worlhippe madeif wee keepethem in !l:ore and lay them thereof. Thus TmuBian fairh, It isacufl,.•- vp. This reafon the.LQid himfelfe vfeth. Ye Mefaolt tofoy,mehercule,medius fidius, ariftng !hall deftroy them. Becaufe ye are an holy p••- oftheignoranre offomethat "" not leyow it is"" DCUI.J·f· pleto the,Lord. Thirdly, the keepiBg of them otUh lry HercHits : a~d yet he faith the former •· is a fcandall to them thar carry tdolatrous law doth not forbid vs to pronounce the mindes: for hereby rhcy concciue an opinion, names offalfe gods, which cenuerfation with that there is fome reuercnd regard had of the. D men.conflrainesvs to fpeake. Fourchly, our duty is to cut offalloccafions of ·~n the fo~rrh :md laft place, wearcto auoid idolatry, This i• notdone when tdols areprerhe. ~fers of1dols, aRd thatm two fpeclallreferued: for hence they haue often opporcunigards. Fir!l:,in refpe<l:ofthe vain deceits they tyand occafion to wodhip them, thatar~ fuv~: fecondly '·in refpell offe~lowfhip. To~- perfiiti6uflyminded.Ftfthly,occafion ISgmen ~hmg rhedeceits whereof the idolaters ofth1s to the fimpler fort to abufe them. When the la!l: age paintouer their idolarries, and bleare idols of the nations r.:m:rined m the fight of the eyesofthe world,we haue a fpectallcaueat Iud. '·l· the llraelires, they were afnar< vnto them. giuen vs by the holy Ghoft to .beware of LaiUy, idols are called by the holy Ghofl, them. Take heede left_no man fpode or m•k! vanities, not as otherrhings which ferue for aprryofy••lrJPh,/ojiph"anJvAmedecm,throgb good vfe, but rhey are {imply vanities, bethetraditionsrfmm. A,ndthatwcmaythe.bec,- pufe they are alrvgither v~profitabl.: and tcr be auotdes, I Wtll ncrc liuc ofthe pnnclIfai.H·'o th~refore the keeping of them is rd no good pall. . . end: whcreas a~nong the people ofGod all Fir£! ofall,. they rell vs that ~hey worlhtp things mufl in their kinde teud to the jilory of nd tdols, butlmagesof God,.~amts, and AnGod,either more or letfe. Ifit be faid,they arc gels.Behold apoore& filly fhtfr. For the golJ,.ay-mens ~ookes,and that in rhis regard they dencalfe, /erob•""'' calues Ill Da•andBtth,t, and Da con.. fenfu Euang. Ll.C.,Io. Exod.13• 'l· De idol. cot.s.e.