Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'The ldo!atrie ofthe la/f times. andMithaes Ter•phimwere1magesofGoc( <S 1 A 1 Lallamimofrh<m: Weefeare nor lmag", .f"J vc hl(a I haue prooued (& they were id?!s,as all men <hry h•tthem .jterwhrfe lik,rnejJethey beftg•rcd, "Hg l. >. graunr. Againe,anunageofa famed god, lS a Inn~ m whtife ~amcs they_are dedtcared. . And m ~:;~m. flat idol in the common md!lement of all. SawtAHg•fl•,•e~ I worfh•p ( foy t,h•y) nnthcrthe ;, PI,I. Now the image, thar is eretlce w the nonour lmag/,nor tbe'Dm~J~but ~t14boduyfigmr 1behold 113 • ofthe true God, is an iml ge ofa f<incd god. th, figneoftha~ wh~eh I o•ghtto»orfhtp. Againe, I conci?•· For God will not be honoured .by any image 1datl'ot worjhtp thatflone or that image that id of mans ·appointing, though the honour bee withofltftnce:biitldoeadrJre th~t which /fee, 11nd 1'ra.94· neuer fo much dire<led eo him in the minde fer•chimwhom I foe not. Whou th.r? the in•ifible and intention ofman: and therefore the thing di•ine power who u prtjident if th•t image. And that is honoured is indeede agod ofa mans Chryfoflome faiththus: When wefay vnto him deuifing, who will hcare, be prefenr, and giue thatthryworjhip an irn•g.: No, .fay they, not the his,at,andbeforc~ma_ges. Hence 1t sm11ge,but Ve.ruu :-nde/l.f4rs. ,AndwhmrveRsf(e followes, that rheimage whtchts fuppofed to th•m what z&thu Venm, thegra•er fort am•ng be the image ofGod,is indeed the image, not them anfwer, Pleafute. Ami whou ,_:;uorsi A ofGod, but of an idol: and euery image of B "'an-/ikf and valiant •••rage. And yet could an ~doll is an Idoll. They.fay, that there i~ a \ nor this excufe free them tiom Idolarric. Adifference be4<1cene the trnages of the heaga1ne, that worll11p only plcaferhGod; whtch then,and the Images of Chriflians. Well,but he himfdfe; hath dircctedly prefcribed in his Hom.t8. in cpift.. ad ~ph. let them confider the 115· Pfol. and ktrhem word. It tsa vame th!tlg to worfhipGod l:y fhew,that their imagescan heare,fmel/peakc, the prect:~rsand inuent~ans ofmen. Now for Matb. andgoebetter then thofe ofthe heatb.en, and the worfluppt of God m Images, there is 00 15 • 9 • I will grant a ditference,elfe not: for many of word:nay the word faith the contrary.yo«jiMII Deur.u. them were images otthc true God, ~swell as 1 notdofo to.the LordJ'our God, namely, as the: 4· Lib _ theirs. lrtn4tu roproouerh the Gnofhcks, not heathen oue to thur falfe gods. And that ua.h':~r oncly becau1t.: they made ima:ges of PithagoChrifiis LOtto beworiliipped in acrucifixe it '"'-'4· r.u and of ,Arif/otle, bur alfo becaufe they isp!aine.For :vhcnheisworfllipped,thegodmade the imag« of Chnlt,and Pa11l,and worhead ts worllnppcd, and the pe1fons thereof: Comm. fhipped rhem. Ambroft hath rhefe words, Tl;e becaufe the Tnnity is to be worfhiped in the De fide.\. in Pfal. z.. Gentiks dorewood,becau(e they thinkf it to bethe vnitie, and the vmtie in the Trinitie. And the ,...c. I7. & ,s.olloo im•geofCjod. Furthermore they dehne an idoll C Godhead beeinga fub!tance immateriall and Pe. Fab, ;~~3f;~: faHl, :tOrit isafalfe image(a)not onely :ep~e· muifi~Je, is not to be woril1ipped ia any fenft- ~~:~c:. uasquoJ fentinr.. that which is nGt, but that wluchts, blethtng; at D4mllfcene, otherwife a frict;d c.;. non en, asitls~or. Thus (b) Popi01 Diuinesreach and of ldolatrie, teacherh. vel qo•le writ<, and by nameC<tharm faith thus; The The rhirdexcuf~, is that they giue worfhip to non en. adoration andworfhip ofSaints wh"h the ChHrch God alone, and tha~ they honour Angels, ~o~.a~r: o/ Rome ejp~etally vftth, hath hu termml!!.teorJm Samts, and ImagesWtthferHiCI. I anfwcr firfl: Thoma. God. For GodMadored, not llbfolute!J, but a& he ofall, that religi0us adoration inuocation q.1f .:m. is lt~udablt orglorioruinthisor that man, whoM vowes)& ft1ch like,areparrof G~ds fcruice a; 4.Cathar ar;~nowfetfgedfor 4 Saint. Therefore, ifh~.benot~ 1haue ~ewedbefore: and therefore they n;ay ~~:·'~. Samt,lt ufaife worjhip, t~ndGodfo worfhepped, u nor be gmen to the crtature., by what t('armes r.mi d:~~ indeede afalft God. Por. God u."'' adored abfo · foeu<r they be called. Ihuocarion and the reil, mat~circa Utteiy, bHt tU ~e6u t::iflmg m hem by ~Zm_rue 11nd whctherr~ey becalkd worfhippe or !eruice, medtum · grace~ But thuGodu not: andtherefore 1t m4J be they are frill properto God: who \Vill not bee <a//cdldolarrie. Andthecafeuibelik$in the hoft mocked with words.And itis abfurd to think notconfecrared. For God and Chrif/ u not adored that adillini'tion ofrcarmcs, lhoulcl make rh~ limply , but a; he u tx•ftmg vndir the formes if proper worlhip of God robe the worlhip of hrealiandwme. Thereforeifhe benotthere, not D the creature. The diuell required no mt>reof Deci.Dei ('hrift ' bxr • "'"'""for Chrtft ;, foHnd' to Chrill bur DHiia,ferlli<e. For he acfired notto .1. 7·•·5· whom di•ine worforppe u giucn, and therefors be worfhipped of Chrift withdiuine.honour here is Idolatry alfo. For eaen in thu regard but-onely to be worfhipped as a miniller of tbeyalft were Idolaters, 1rho adoredheaucn (for God, to whom he had(ashe falfely Caid)comex•mplt) o:-anyother rbiag,firppofingwith them. mirted the difpofition of the kingd<>mes of fe/lm that they adored i•r it, whom they <a/led the world,Lul:,4.6. And this to doe <.:briltrcthe fou/e ofthe 1rortd ,. .acording to Varroes difufeth, becaufc it is faid, Him onely ohou foait HiJiitit. Therefore thry arc.J1ot to be cleAredfrom ftrue.Therfore notondy religiouswodhip but id.lame, b"au(e th'J intmded to worfoippe one alforcligiousferuiceis Gods-. Secondly, ;hat God;. .u indoede there WM b•tfne God: bRt be. wemaythc better arme o~r fi:lues againfl this <fUJ[e thry adored hmJthere, where hee ""' vamed!llmthonofworlhtpand feruice; wee not, in that manner they fopppftd him to mull vnderlland that worfhipis oftwo kinds: he. . , . Thcworp,ipofreligwn, an~the.worjhipO.ffo<itTbe fecond excuG: ts, that they worfh1ppe tte.The worfh1ppe ofreligt0Q 1s that wherenot images properly and principally , but by thecreature wo,fhip~the:Creator' b<!caufe c;hrift,Angels,aotl Saints in rbem; & at them, he, is the author and giuer of all gaod rhit~gs. I anfwer:fo did the Heathen. Thus wimeffeth. And all the parts and the manner of r~ per. ·formancc