16 88 . The fdolatry ifeh-;t;;i times. Jperformance h~reof IS prefcnbed mthe com- 1 A that the worfi1ippe of heathen idols, and the 1 mandemenrs of the fir!l table. The worfluppe I worflup ofGod, Angels, Saints, images, in 1 offoc1eue IS that, whtch one fellcrw-creature the Romane Church, is for fubfiance all one. jgmethtoanother, iitrefpelhhey are the in1 Like is the folly of both ;,, the making of ttruments of the good things whereof God is 1 their ~:ods.The heathen man plants a tree· and the Author. This worlbippe perraines to the aftercuts it downe.Withone part be wa;mes fecond Table, and is prefcribed in the fifth ' himfeltC:,with another part hcrofies his meat· commandement, Hon•ur thyf•thtr and~hy mo. \ a_nd ofthe third he makes himfelfe a god: f~ 1 f•·44· 1f thcr. And here commeth 111 the worfhtp that ltkew1fe they of the Romifi1 Church fow "· IS to bee giucn to Saints and Angles. For 1 their corne; and afterward reape it threfh though they bcin glory, yet rcmaine they Oil ' it, grinde it, bake it: offome part;hereof purfellow-feruants,and fdlow-~reature~,An_d i the~ make foode for themfelues and their fa: a'· Rcg. as we honourour betters, yeapnnces,with Cl-. mthes, ofanother they make Chri!l: their 1· xs. uill or politicke worfhip, fo mull: wee worfhip j breaden god.The (a)Gentiles builded'houfes ~;~uch •· them,ifthey fhould appeare. The kind of & .Templestothcirgods: fodo thePapmsto bArnob, worfiup mull: not be changed 111 refpelt ofthe B Saints and Aogels. The Gentiles erected a•d cone. excellencieofany creature, butonely the de- ' confecrated (b) altars to the honourof theiri- Gentes.! ~~~~':;~t:~:n;i;~r~~fi~io~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ ~r~:=~~~~;~~~!~~.s~}"~~::~dt:~~\~~ ~[~;i ~J~:~:d' and moll: glorious creatures, thatare butcrea- (c) holi-water:fodo the Papifis. <5emiles fer· Tc<focitnres. .A•Jiin faith, thAt religionu N•ttheworued their gods with(d)lhauenprie!l:s: fo doe os pura De vm jhip of nny thmg,b•t of God. Henceit followes, the Papifis.Gentiles(e)ccnfed rheirimages,& f~::·v~da '<llg. H· that neither religious worfhip, not religious lighted taper. beiore them:fo doe the Papifl:s, fp.,gcns !t:~~~i:i. ft:r_uicc can be: giu~n to Sai~lts ~r Angels. AG~ntile~ wodhi~ped their gods with fafi:ingrore !eu1, 10 .d. game, the worfhtp of foCiety IS done to the dates.Lmy(f)fauh,theRomanesf•jltoCem;& &_r:mo -fide. creature in refpect of the neigbour-hood, Sozomen, Theyworjhiptheirido/swithchoiuof ffl"" tcrdiccrc that is, bccaufe it is vifibly prefeut with vs, meateJ, and they which will beprefcnt at their fl::u~~ ~u oudea- 1 . I and wee haue outward fellowfhip and fociety feruice ab!l:aine from propha•e meates. Gen- viro;:q, ;~~;~'- with it. And where is no mutuall conuerfatitiles o~feru~d h<_>Iy-daies to their S:?ds. Thus 0 non ciTe on nor fen!ibly pref!:ncc betw~ene creature of anctent ttmem England, the thud day of in ~.~~J nifi cui. and creature, there 1s noworfhtp to be done C the wceke was dedicated to the honour of , 3 • rum Dei. ofthem each to other. Hence againe it folWeden,and the lift to FriA,and thereupon they B>ruc.6, Jowes,thar wee may norgiue to Saints or Anwere called Wednefday:& Friday. So do the 3°· Apul gcis fomuch as ciuill worfhip,becaufc wehaue Papifl:s to SaintS· Gentiles did not e!l:eeme '"!" afi. not any outward focietie with them. Thirdly, their idols robe'gods, but they of the wifer :~;;;~. not onely worfhip is Gods, but alfo feruice. fort profelfed to worfhip God in them, The Vrnm, Thou Jhaftnotbowdor~nctoihemandferHethem, booke of Recognitions vnder the name of vbiTtm And reafon good, for feruicc is more then Clement,fec. dvwnc fundry<xcufes ofthe hca• P~""' llli worfhip. For worlbip maybe done ofequall then thus, Asthercisone C•fo"" and he bath ~:~':.";,q; roequall: whereas fewice is properly ofthe many Judges vnder him, Confuls, Tribunes, Thurc. inferiout to rhe fupcriour. and othc:r infc:riourpowc:rszin the like manner calel!t The fourth excufe, whereby idolateu of wethinkothercisoncgreatgod,&otherg•ols ""·- our rime delude themfelnes and the world, is, fobieEf ,. him, yet fueh as gouerne vs and all ~;:~~i~: that prayer to Saints, & the worlhip to images things in the world.Againe,they adde,thatthc "' offic.l. & rtliquesis confirmed by rcuelation& miracalte called .Apuof the Egyptians, Jbu, ferJ. clcs. I anfwer fir.!l:, that reuelati6s now are not pents,& goates;&c.worfhippcd as gods,were 'Liu.d<e. the rule ofour faith, but onely the written Figuru andaNegories of e&rtaine v.ertHeJ, by +·1. 6 . Lu~. ••· word:TheyhaueMofts& the 0 Prophets, letthem D which,as by helpes,mankinde is gouerned.A- ~~xom,l. 2. 9 • heare them. To the law flnd to the teflimonie. Segaine,thc:y are wont to fay: We woribip vifi- Rec:ognit Ef,.S.>o. condly, miraclesofthemfelnesalone, are not ble images, to the honour of the inuifible !.r, fufficicnt to iu!l:ifie the verity ofapoint of doGod. (g) EHfthiHI tefrifieth as much,that the 'Eur. de Deut.IJ, thine. For falfe prophets fomctimes, for the Gentiles adored idols as the images of excel- ~:;';~'l.ii. x. triall ofmen, are fttfrered ro worke miracles. lent men that had beene helpfull vnto them. hOrig. ~::.~:· ~~~~~~f~g~}ei~:fc~~ir~~~~1i~:~~:~ik~7~~~ ~,:}~,;;,t ~~;~I~~:S6ri~~~(~~b~:~:~~~n~ ~1:!~7· , 4 . is the Bifhop of Rome, !hall bee io h1iracles but a very foole would account wood, !l:ones, niG fioli· and lyino wonders. And therefore wee may bralfe,gnld,tobegods, and that they are'n- dus pro iufl:ly fufpelt the rcuelations ·and miracles therferuim or reproftntati.ns ofgods.The IfraeJiis ha. 1 pretended by rho Roman• Chnrch. And the lites afcert~e heathen manner, vfedto fay toa ~v:!' I fpeaking, weeping, and bleeding ofImages, tru~thQUArtmyfather,llndto4fl6ne~thiN~"jlbl ... fa(n vel aNd the .bleeding of the Eucharit1:, what are gotten me. So_preachersamen~ the Papdts vfe C!ffigics they clfe but Satanicall illnlions 1 to fay to the tmageof the cmctfixe, ThoM h-Jf Dcorum. I The fifth and la!l:deceitfull excufe1·s, that the redeemed vs,thouhajl reconnledvs tothe F4t_htr. lcr.,, '7· h h r. h Bellar.dc Idolatry,which rht Sctiptnre condemns, is(as Aofwer wil be made, t att ey xa~not t IS to hoag.I.,. they fay)theworlhip ofhcathe god's.'I anHVer the image asit is wood,loutto Chu!lmwho~ ,,, 3 • -···-------- -· roome