cThe ldolatrieofthelajltimes. roome the image is. And I fay agaioe,that the A alfo worlhipt rhe true Uod.· Ath4n<ji>M faith I&adires did the fame. The Gentiles faid that of the heathen,that they worfhirped 011e God Arh1n. imagesere{tedwercelttnf:uts·orletters toknow vnbcgorten, and :nanygods madeor created. ou.r. God by: fo fay rlle Papifl:s, that images a.re Tert#!li~."l faith, that rl1e heathen infl.med to Our. icon"· Lay-mens bookes. The wifefl: among the falfegods, \"feroname.God, and to fay that con<. ! ·gentes. Gentiles vfed images and other ceremonies God willgiucthisorthat, andtocail hirn to Gcn{. to procure the prefence of Angds and celcbe theiriudge, and rofay that God foerh, and .Apo .c. tliall powers,that by them rheymight attaine I commend vnto God,&God will repay: and 1 ''· I ro the knowledge of God•.Thelike doe the that faying tftefe things they looi<5nott~ th•.C•: I Papi!ts with images of Angels and Saints. P'toOif Rome,buttoh<Auvn. Ln&anttut, f•ith, la Pradfc. Gentiles (a) appointed gods ouer feu<rall when they fweare, when ~hey wifh any thing, f.2..cont. countries, citiesJamilies, houfe_s, perfons, ewhen they giwc thankes, they name not lupi~ 1 ;f::n~J.· ihtes,artes,difeafes,&c. Thus Popilh fuperur, or theother gods, but God, fpeciaJiy in L~c!.c.: Q!!anqui fiitionafsigneth feucrall countries to the pa.. the feare ofwarres 1 and other daungers: and :~ ~e~~ tron~!?e a~1d proteCtion o.f fcue~all Saints. s. that when they are oucr-pafrJ they returne to um:;, hi M•rtme IS fot Getmame, Satnt /amu for B the Temples of theirgodsagaine. Neuerrhe6ngiti; Spaine, Saint Michaet for France, Peterand ic.fl':, bc:caufeitheygauc diuine honour to their ynum' PaHI for ltalie, Saint George for England. fuppofed gods in prayer and fupplication, Cue poc. The.care and keeping of geefe is cornmenthey are 'Condemned' of idolatry; and are ~~;~~h~~ dedtoGallus, of fheepeto Wcndelene, of uidby PaHI,Romanes1.2~.topaffeby God, mis,fb. horfes to FHiogiHJ, of oxen coPet4gill4, of andeo wodhip the creature. ~orasLttfl(Jnbu!is (o.. pigg:es to Saint .Anthonie. Againfi tbt: plague, 'tiHs faichllt C41'JnOI b8, th4t the tr11e Godbe ~or... a I lwis they prayed toSebaj/iNI, andRochm; again!t f/,ippu/4nd •IhergcdJtoo.: bew<ft ifhi4 hcnour 1 l~; ,t. Afiigare the ague, r:o Petrone/la, againfi the toot:h-ake beg1Hen too:hers,hee io not worjbip'Jedat ~li: co11- '· · ~ui~~:,ge. to e.Apollovifl, for the fione ro Libariru, for ldering hU religienU, tt~belee1Jeihflt bee U thA& P"q"' the holy fire to Saint Anthony,&c. Againlhhe ontly true Gcd. Wherefore the Church of omm• plaguc,pe!tilencc,thundering,lightening,remRome cloth iadeede forfake God, whatfoeuer membro. pdts, the Gentiles vfcd to carry their idols it prttend, and it cannot bee froe from idol.•- ~;;~:-, on their fhouldcrs in procdsion. And thus iri try;becaufeit doth the very like;when itcanoIoco~,gethe Romane Church, the Haft, as it is calfed 1 nizethSaints; andgiuethvnto themdiuinc: or niorum andrl).ecrucifixes are carried in procefsion, religious honour. Vne in the fauour efthis milliJ and worfhipped. The learned amqng rhe hea- C Church,faith to this etfetl, that th< idolatrie mul[.tFin then knew ,that there was onechi:tcand trlle ofthe Gentiles hath tiue degrees, one when ~~:~r~; God 1 maker and gollernour of heaaen and ftockes & Henes are worfhipped; the fecond, v:~c~t an.. earth,_ andall things therein: and that their when rhecrcatur(is, as the funnc:) mcone, and ~uluo other gods were creaturos, and men thlt ex- !tarrcs;the U,ird,W.hen dead men; the fourth, :~u~,:b cdled in gifts , and were trar.Oatcd intohea• when the werld; the fifth, when good Ang<is b B•cuc. uen. Ariftor/c f"ith, Thi; world a~d the order or diuels are ·worfhipped. And further hce '·''• ofnllthiogs i; prife•~edby Goti. Andth<twhi<hi4 addes, that in all thcfc, the honour that is giAp"l.afi- higheftinthn•orld,i4t¥eft.e ifGod: •ndthmi; 9en by the heathen, begins in their minds,and ni.l.u. .tothingin tb, world fhat i4fnfficiento[it ftlfe t• ends not in God, but in the creature: where• :~~: prtft!~' itftlfe,aud<anbeewit.h<lf! hi; help•. In as the worfhippewhich the Church of Rome plum p~r- the lawcs of the 1:. Mbles ofrhe Romanes it maintaioeth, begins in the mindt, and ends uenim~,, is_fai"C\,(Lttm:#goeJ'1/1'1lo .their~ods p~ere(j., and i1\ God. 1afifwer,it isJal.fe which is f.tid. For Saccrdo• 1-.4fl pqmp•b, remocHe4: if tbry4~ctherwift, 'P.u~lus Oroji111 fJith of the Pagan• in his ~.~~~~~~ Gqd,jh,aN "'"nge. L,.&.htiJU faith of THOi• time., that they Confclled, th•ttheyf•lt.·,.ud "'"" thus;r Inrhe bookc,, in which heecomforted notfn•ny~, butth•ttheyworfhipp•dvnd.ront effigies himfelfs,fot the. death of his daughter, bee D ~reAt Gw;;mayyinfrricHrgoJs, .ulminghumi. progece· f\\~k~po bones to fay, thatthe;gqds which niftm, eA~<g~ftinqlforr:cordeth their fpce- :;;'m~~: arqpublil<cly \\IO!OIIj>pcd, areJl)ll'O· And fo ches,that they worjb•pptdnot ws.k[dfpmn, but d c;· m~Eh,YFJ< appear~s in his bookcsthat areexAngtlt thevertu"f th• l"'' God, •ndthe mirZ·l1b1.c:-. tant;i9JVhichhe faith; that HeroHio, Clfjlor> niftersiftbegre/11 Cio_4. And hence it appc:ares de fi"ib. J!j/(¥x.,0fift~lapilfl, Li~"• &c•. were men afthat they worlbipped men difeafed, and An- ~lli.i.J. tcr dp~"W by common fame JranOated into gels f0rGods caufe,and God in them, becaufc: t!6.'dc h,<auen. •And the fame bee rhinkcs of the thcyadorethemin relf>eci they W~ltth< lnn.,.o,._ cJ;liefcgods,called.lliSm•ior~<m Gmium.Trif !truments and mini!ters of the great God. cum& Jc ~~·filiti>ofheatl\0!1 gods thus: Wee call And therefore fuch among the heatnen as had leg:b"' . \ them,gs>~§, not in refpett.oftheir nature, but motevnderlladh1g,worfhippedthe true God, ~~~::I.Jr , fo, ffi~su" fak<· AHg~jl•n• bnngs 10 rhe Pa111 thofe wh1ch they calle~ mfenour gods, as T,;r,~~- \g"\!1£l\l'lgg tl;ils,W/"'t;f'"''~ethosght thAt~Hr thePap1!ts wocih1p God··m Images. Neither giGosin •Hifcff!f"f!'*'m[OCP.I!Jfi/i..""dfoblmdt, rh~tthry was 1t thelt mmdes ro Impart the fuprem.e. aPzm,~d· jj•ppqjf(/f,/Jciti;, '1'14 h~•.&c. to.beg•dt? 'l(ay, deration totheit gods, but to honor them in a ;;:~'""' \5qf!.keli"lf<d there ,wfii,PJie,qod, wkpfogifu 4nd lower degtee, as being inti:riourro the great ••~t;,::J~p!f.f!•Uhry ll'frf.•1F,~rrhermore, thelleathen, god. Hor~ce tile heath< poetfaithofthe highc.u, j.ti:llY£h 1~ey .wotl)ilp.lhtfcf~lfc gods, yet they c!IGod:It 11 h•th•tgoue.-nt the affoirt ifmen& . r.1s.f N nn gods , Antidot. Srapl~t. inAd..I7 Oro!iUi J.6.(.:t, fubvr.o dc:omag~ nopJuru mimfiros v~cr:ni. :r~f.~i~