Vcrfc:u. Ver(e!.8. aVcr.I7· The ldolatrie of the laji times. Table r therefore yee may not be partakers of A with his king,he wold likewife pray,that God the t•blcs ofdiue!s.Now againll tbefe reafons would pardon his finne of infirmirie. And tO the Corinthians might haply reply thus; thisrequellofhis,Eiifba,mfwered,Goinp<ac<' That they did not prefent themfelues at idoland hereby he fignifiod,that he would pray for feafls,with an euill minde,as though they aphim, that he might no more fall to idolatry; prooued the idols themfelues,& their fcmice; and ifhe fell vpon weakcncffe, that he might that they went with their kindred and friends obtaine forgiuenes.This place therefore giues for this end; that they mightprefc:rne them in no warrant to them, that ioynethemfdue• to the faith, by keeping their old,loue and ac- .idolatrous affemblies; but rather it prooues qu.aintance; or at leaft,winnethem to Chrift. the contrary. To this Paul anfwereth, What jbanweprouoft! S<eondly, it isalleadged, that none refufed God to anger Iare wej/ronger thm he/ fignifying to worlhippe the image of 'JX!b•chadn<z.<ar, thereby, thataibeit they had coloured lhifts bQt the three childron; and confequenrly,rhat todefend themfelues, yet indeed by fo doing, D••ie/bowed as the rell. An{.There is indeed they incurredthe wrathofGod. Furthermore B no mention made that Danid refufed to worhe lhewcsit robe vnlawfull for the Corinthilhip:becaufe(it maybr)he wasneuer accufed, ans to eate things offeredto Idols,and that eas r:tey were: and ifhe had beene ace•fed, yet uen in priuatefcafls, fo be itthey!hall by their were not the accufati6s receiuedof the King: example offend their weake brethren,& draw becaufe bee wasin fauour both With Prince& them to doe that, whereofthoy are not as yet people. Furthormore,that he did not worlhtp pedivadcd.Vpon this doctrine of Paul,it folthe image, it appcares by his conllancie in !owes by neceffarieconfequent; thatit is wicgodlines 1 & by his refufall in le£fe matters, as kedneffe, yea fbt idolatry to be prefent at the namely,to eate the portion of the kings meat. Ma!fc, though men kcepe their hearts and Thirdly it is obicded,thattherc isgreatdiftheir faith neuer fo firmely vnto Gop. ference betweene the feall ofidols,& the poSundry things there be which areobieCled ptlh Mafft; and that the idQiatries ofthe Gento the contrary : And firll: ofalf,thc exlmple tiles were inuented ofthe diuell, whereas.the of?0aman,who(aithtoE/ijha,.z,King.).l8. MaOe was at the firll inuented by Chrifr, When I bow in the houftofRimnon;,the Lordbet though now it be corrupted by men.! anfwer, mercifHilto mein thinhing; &E/ifbaanfwered, thatthe Ma!fe is an abridgement or compenGoe inp««. Therefore (fay fome) heegiuetl\ C dium ofall fi1perflition andido!arrie; there is leauetoNaaman,to bow in the houfeofRimadoration directed to bread, orrhe formes of non. A double anfwer (to omit many) is giuen bread:there is the body of Chrifroffered<ealtothis place.The firllls,tbat Naamnnkneeled ly in a facrificeofpropitiation, which was nein the Temple of Rimnon, onely in ciuill reuer offered; but once with lheddingofblood: fpect, thatthc King might leane on hislhoulthereisadorationofllockes and fiones, inuoders:and that he did this with \}pen and pubcation ofdead men, fayingof M,ffe to theholikc prorcflation, thathe.would'lodeede wornour ofSaints & AJ1geh,worlhipping ofdead !hipnone but the God of Ifraei;"'fhe fecond mens bones,and fuchlike abominations. anfwer~ro which lratherincline,isthis:In the Fourtbly,it isalleadged,that the godly, as words oi'Nn•man, rhcre be two things plainIofeph and M•rit, Chrift, his Apollles, & the ly to be gathered. The fir (I isa 'canfefsion, in rcll,came to the Temple, & there worlhipped which he doth acknowledge bee a finne .God: the wodltip then being corrupted witb toenter into the Temple of Rimnon~ there ro· many abufcs.I anfwer.F.irH:.)thfy were bound' kneele downe before idols , otio giue any by commandemcnt, to offe.r C1crificc,& to do figneofreuerence to-them. .And therefore he other partsofGodsworlhipat Ierufalcrn and faith twice,The Lordbe mercifuO'tp hilferuant, D· theycould doe ic no whercelfe, Secondly,the The Lordbe mercifuO to hi<ferHani!lnthiuhing. outward wodhip of God in Sacrificeand Sa- .Andb.y this alfo it appeares, that his refoluticraments,was not corrupted for fubf!.ice:doon a'Odpurpofe,was no way to bow downe in Clrin indeed was corrupted by fandry errors theTcmpleofidols, butt<;~Wot!hiptheGod buttbe godly did not therein communicat~ ofthe.Hebrewes, ofwhom he had beene heawith the rell. Now in the Church of Rome lee!. And for this cauk: bee c<auei:l that two doctrine and facramenrs are corrupted in fub~ Muleg might beladen withthe euih, where france, & •bound with idolatrous abominatithe Prophet dwelt: (a)nodoubtfor this end, o•(asi haue lhewcd)&rheir.outward worlhip tomake an Altar thcreon in hisowne Coun- .ofGod, hath more affinitie with Gtntilifme, trey, that might be a monument ofthe health then with the firfr iollitution ofthe Lord, ofhis body rcflored, and a place offpirituall Laflly, it is faid, ifwe goe notto Maffc,men facrifice in prayer and thankfgiuing. The fecount vs for heretickes: hate vs,& take oflece cond thing in the words ofNa•man, isa reat vs:and all off<nce mull be auoided. Anfw, quefl to the Prophet, that he would pray for Oflenceis eitheradiue,orpafsiue. Alliue ofhim, that he might be conllant in his profefsifence giuen:pafsiae offi:nce taken. Oflence aonand purpofe, and that ifhe were drawne aCliue, mull alwaies be auoided ofvs: pafsiuc sainllhis purpofe,and by humane frailty yeelcannot pofsibly be auoided. And we mull doe dcd to bow againe in the houfc of Rimnrm, our dutie, though men bee offended neuer fo: Nnn ~ remcmD:m.r.a. &7Deut, r6. !6.