Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Cf'he Idolatry ofthe laji times• . dren. Theword(child)inScripture,is giueo to A\tibleG•d,im•thefimilit•de rfm4nandbe.jl. He them that be any w.•Y mfeqourtoorhers.And that!hall goe abouno reprefentrhe·perfonor 1t ts apphed ten wates. Fult,rhey whtch come prefence ofa mtghtte Monarch by Jertiog vp of others~ tn refpetl ofblood & geocratio, are the image ofany beaft, as nam;ly, ofan Ape, calledchtldren.Lt needs no proofe. Secondly, wtth a fcepter & acrown,doth no doubt great ' 1they are calledchildren,which are inthe right ly abufe himfelf,& difgrace the faid Mo~arch: I , defcending line.Chrift faith rorho Iewes.l•h. much more then is our heauenly King difgra. 6.s.S.TuurFathers eat. M4nn~: and rl~is wasac~d, w~e~1 n:en~akev~on themto rc.prefenr, bout I5oo.yeeres nlter. Agame he Curb, L•k! ettherhts matdhe,or hiS prefence with the i1 I Io47·Toubuildthetombs if the Prophets,which mage~ pitlurc of ~nycreamrc. s:condly,rhe ourfathers l(iUe~:awd chat was at the leaf15oo wortbtp of tdols? ts the worfhipnor ol God, r.Tim.r. ycrcs aftcr.A WJC:\.ow to her nephew,ts as a pa but ofthe d:ucll htmfelfe: becaufe it isprefcri- •• rent .Xea I"•Y which defccnd in theline collabe~by1he diuell, according to hispleafure,a- {er.u. JO• Matrh~l• teral,are children.,or as chtldrcn.Thtrdly,fubgamfi rhc wtllofGod. Againe,we areto ~on. tetls pe chtldren. D4utdfpcakes tHus roSaul, fider the foule attendants & companions that the King myfather, l· Sam. •4·1I. Thus .Abi, B go~ Withtho \\:or~ipof idols, namely, adul· mclt<h" .named father an~ Kmg•.• Fourt~ly, renes andformcattons. For in the iudgement they wluch fucceed others tn the tttle or n ght ofGod,theyarc left tobodily fornication,rhat ofmhemance, are called chtldren. Thus hcogt~e themfelues to~hat which is fpiritual.P..U n>oU that neuerhad chtld, IS fatd to beget S•fa fatth,~hattheGenttks be~aufc they difhonour thzel, becaufe Salathiel wasche next of Dautds God m tdols, were/or tkuc.uftgiutn vp to th< frock.t, who rhcrefored!d fucceed1econia.r, in lltjfs if' t~eir owne ~e;~rts, 111ft (I vncleAnncfe, 1~ the kmgdomeof Iutia. Ftfthly,they who were defile thmowne hodits, and ttco,mit finnes 4 • guided by the counfell of others, are called gainj/tMture, Ro•. 1·•4• When the Jfraelires childreu. Thus /ofephfaith, Gen. 45· Godh<th tell from Godtoidols,oftentimesthey fell to mrvieme afather to Phara.. Sixtly,feruantsarc Sodomie. In ltaly,forthciridolarries men arc called children. The fcruanrs of NAAm.m fay left to themfclucsto permitthe flcw:s and ro vnco him,z. Kin.5 .1 ;.Father,ifthe Prophet had abonnd(as the fame is) in whordoms a~d for• bidden thee .Wagreatthing. Seauenthly,yonger nicadons. Thirdly,fuchasworfhip idols,feuer men & wome, mrefpectofthcir elders, areas rhemfdues from God and Chrilt, a. I haue children.S.Paulfairh,t .Tim. 5.I .Rehuk!notan prooued.Lafily,thc punifhmenrofidolatry is tlder, bRtexhort h•m.u afathtr. V li I. They .c dcublc.For tbefoule,Reu.zt .S.aporticninrhe which bein thcruicion ofothers, arechildren. u~ th.rburnes withfire lffldbrimflene: for the Chrjltcommending hismother to John, 1\irh, body,«pttuityorJejlrNE/iJ. Thusfoith th< LorJ, /oh. 19. z6. Beholdthy,.otber,h•h•ldthyfonne; 'DeMt. 32. 21. bteAHfttheyhauepro••k!dnmto lob faith,lob Z9·I6-hc wasafather torhe P"'"· ieat.•fie in th<mth•t are nogods, lwillalfopro. l X. Tht.y whtc1dearn arts iouentedofo,hers, '"'~them to ie4/oNJie in them thlft '"'nopeople. are childr~n.Thus'fuba/ i4calledthefatherrfaft Thus in this lafrage,Horfe-men fromE•phra- ~··· 1 that play on Harpes,Gen.4,ll·Laflly,fcholku tes: char is, (•) Saracensor Turks,JhaO def/r'J arc called the fonnosof the Prophets.. Euum them thatrrorjhip i.t.lufgoldor jiluer: thatis faichtoEliM,"J.·Kitl.;a.x 2.My{~tther,m;f•ther. the idolatcrsoftJ,e Romanc Church. J And hearersare calkdchildrcn, in refpe~of Ifany here!hall fay, that they are notyet their.tcachers. King )'oa< faid toEliM, I· King. refolued, thatthe Church of Rotne is a wor• ll·I4.0myfather,.,yf•ther,thccbaretrfIftael tbipptrofidols, let them confider thcfctca· &horfcmm PauiC.ithto the Corinth.t.C"'"+ fans that follow. The firfl isthis: • 1 5. Ye hauemanyteachers,hut not manyfatbers: Babylonis a worfhipper ofidels. and eo the Galath,4. I9. I hauebegotjoubyth• RomeisBabylon: Erg• G•!fel. And in this place John (aith to all true D Rome is a worfhipper of idols. · belecuers:mylirtlechildren.And hereby he fig. The maiorismanifell. For Babyleniscalled nifies his teder ioue, & his fatherly careto the the mother•ffornications,Reu.I7·5·& thedwel. Catholikc Church in gencrall,and ro all in fin· ling fl4<t ifdiuels,chap.I2·Verf. reafonof gular,that imbracethe fairhofChrift:rhatthc her idolarries.The minor is alfomanifefi. For cornmandement touching idols, migettake Babylon,iscalled,.KeH.I7·I8•.Acitythatr•les the better place and be the more rcfpetled. onerthe~•gs iftbuarth:& rharisRomc which Thus much of;he reafon. Now 1do earnefiwasrhe feat ofthe Empire in r~c daiesofi1hn. Iy exhort and wifi1 al perfonsrhattendertheir Hereanfw~r is made, that.Saint John fpeakes ownefaluation,ro remember it,& to be doers ofheathentfh Ro'!'e! after lt had recetued the ofir corbe end. A"d that they may the better Gofpei.I anfwer,ttts falfe:for Rome ruledby be refolucd, let the firit confider the greatHes the Ernperor,did notm•k!~hek_ingsrfthe_earth ofthe finne.The Prophet C.ith, I .Sam.15·•l· dnnk! the w.n<ofherjorntcAmns ;becaureIt ~eft >O. • Abb lo3Cb. ibidem. Th<t difohediencc i4as witch.craft,&tranjgrcjfiii euery nation a~d counrreyW htsownerehgt· • &i.Wis. Thegrearnefii::hcreofappearesmrwo on and deuouons. For thts was the corn• d things. Firfi,to erect any image to God,istomon errour of the heathen! to approoue of ~=i~: ;ci abolifh his maiefty & glory.Paulfairh;R•"'·'· ~all _religions, and :oadmtt t~e fetls of all t 1 s.q 1• z 3 . the GentileJ turnedtheglory ofthein.orrupPhtlofophers.Tbemij/>HI the Phdofopherwent about