Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

[ The fdolatrie of the !aft times-. - about to perfwade Valom the Emperour, A exprdfe doctrine ofTh<odoret and Origen: S?"''· that the varietie o[Jcffs w.u pleajing vnto qod, ofwhom, n<>tonel{'the Images;of things f4i- . h•fi,l,,, while hew.uwor[hipprdinf~mdryfcrts. Lro laith ned, butalfo the thmgs themfelues, as TitRn, Jn Exod, L:~~;rrn lthus; ThUcitit r.ot kr!owing thelluthorofher~tdSphinx, CenttUIYUI, mtn withdogsheads and fJ·38·'Per. uan&e7isent, whenj1Jterultd~tlmoflouer~el n11tions, : fuch Jikcare called idols. ' fo~,.Sd &Paulo, Jheftruedartdg411e her ftlfo to the emHrs of aN Now I a£1ume: But Images which the " 10 • natlons,.ndfmnedto herftlfo to ha•• tak.!nvp a Churchof Rqmc f•ith are the Images of the grw heightofreligwn, whmfl" ref•ftdno man. true God, andofChriil:, ltC indeed the Imaner off•lfhood. Therefore heathenifh Rome ' gcs ofthings thatare not. For thereisno ft1ch drankeofthe wine ofthe nations, and did not God rhlt doth annexehis.prefence to painted caufe the nations to drinke of her cup. T/Jis orcarued Images, thatdoth heare and hcipe therefore is fpoken and meantof Ro'Tiegofurh as pray before them, more then any uerned by the Pope. Againe, RtHe/At, 13.1• whereelfe;that will be worfhipped,in,at, and there.a bea!t isrifingoutof the fea with feuen by Images:ifrhere be fuch aGod, he hath eiheads and rea hornes, which by common therreuealed.himfelfe,ornot. Ifhehauereconfent of intqproror• is the Romane Ern- B uealed himfelfe,lct the promifC: ofhis prefence pire;andthe other bea£1, verf.u.arifingoutof 1nd ofhis hearingof vsat images be brought the earth withthevoiceofthe dragon,andthe forth. Againe, kt his commandem•nt binhomes ofthe lamb, is the e!tate ofthe church dingvs to worfhiphim in images be fhewed. ofRomegouerned by the Pope. For it Andifneither(asl verilythinke)canbe0JewA0thingstb.tthe otherb•aftdid, and tbatin hi< ed, the worfhip ir fdfe is but a vaine thing. •ght: ~nd it gi•es 4 JPirit ro the imAg• ofthe And the thmg wotfh1pped IS but a li<licn of ~e4ft,becaufe irreuiuesand puts in prallife the' the braine. dignitie, authority, and tyrannie of the RoAgaioe I·affome : The image of the virgin mane Emperours. Thus lren<Ju ofold vnder• Mary, istheimage ofa thing that is not. For ltood thischapter,who faith,thatthe number thore is no fuch mother of Chri!t, that is preofihe·name of the bealt is contained in the feot with her image, andheareth men and WO• wordLarrozos,whichfigniliethaLatineotRo men praying to her there. And there is no apm,r.I. mane• .Abbat /Mchimin his Commetary vpon man vpon ~arth that can pof;iblyby fuflicient to, rheReoel.hath thefe words: (a)Somethatcar'J reafon prooueitto bee: whereas for all our aafhewoftheftareofG'od, th<t u, theCatholik! dions, .fpeciall fora<'tions.ofrelillious worChNrch, •re madefheftatc oftheheaft, which u C fhip,faith mu!t be the ground. . thek!~gibtmofAntichrift, reigninge•ery where Tht third reafon. To turne the glorie of inhir-members,ftom the beginningofthe ChHrch. God mto the 1mage ofacorruptible man, is Ag~ine, We h:tNt hyTr~tdition fi"Qm o;er Fnthers, idolatrie; this P•Nlpraoues at large, Rom. 1. that Rome I&JPiritnaUy Baby/on. Againe',. Th• Now the Papifrsrtprefent God in the image b·p~~ de.. Merchantuf the Mrth Are "Priefts themfi/uu 1 of aman 1 and the learned amoog them de.. narus, whoft/Jprayersand Maffisfor (b) penu, mak_i'n'g fend it. I fay (faithone) it is lawfull to paint ! _Bell,,dc. the ho•fo ofprayer apillee ofmerchandiu. Athe Father in the forme ofan old man,and the ltmag.J,,, gaine, Wek!fowthRt notonlj Bijhops •ndPriefts, holy GhefriAthe forme of a doue. And filCh I c,B, areinta~gltdinth.-ffaires ofB.byt.n, thatthey kind ofpaintings turne the glory of God into m"Jgrowrich: but alfofeme .Abbats,Vlfonfc!s, the limilitude of a corruptible man. Let Au- Au•:de ~ugu!lo- alldr,lizi4H4. perfons, tJr rather, wbichftenu robe fline fpeake iothiscafe. ~Veemu.ft not therefore Sy~ & f~C~::~ 11ndare not. Honoriu~. ftgnifies_in:plaine words, think!(faith he) thllt G6dthe F11ther is circum- Jfide up.7 logo 1111 • that thePope and h1s Clcargte 1s thevery Ba... t-'Tib~dM it werewithAn hum4nefiJape,thAtwhen rkt<dir. bylon of the Apocalyps. The ft1mme of his we th••k!ofhim,ar~ght ..-leftfidefh••ldcomein. Lu<:d:uu wordsarethefe: rHrnltheetothecitiz.tns Dj'B4· toourmmd:orthatwhtchufiud, th4t theFather If91'i.?.u... ~ylon) afulfook!,.,hAtonu theyarl, attdby wh11t D dathflt, wee muft not think£ tlJ be! d~ne »'ith the "·'· P•e· Jlreetthryg.,. Beholdher'Print'isandI•dges.for bowingofthe legs,that wefall not into tb.tfocri. m. in them iuhefoateofthe B••ft-. T•rneto the ledge wherewith the Apof/ltcnrftth them tha; Cleargi•, & in thtmtho• [haltfoe the Tent ofthe hauechangedthe glorJ ofthe incorrHptiblc God ~eoj/-.Beholdthc Cloyftersof..::Won/es, andm into thejimilitude of 4 corrHptible man. For it,;, I them thou]haltfot thetabema<lesofthe bea.ft-:- extreamewic~ednejfe,that 4 Chrifti•nmanJhould 1 Beholdtbehoufts ofN»nnes, and tboufhaltfteon plaufucbantm"f,efor Godm the temple, much · themabedpreparedfor the beaft-. Now then more it irwicf<!d in hit h.-rt where thetemple of the conclulion mu!t needs follow,that Rome Godir indeede,t{it btc!tanftdftowte.1rthly dtjire gouerned by the I'ope, is a wGrfhipper_of iand error. F~rthetmore, the Father neuet apdols. It pleafeth fomc to auouch, tbatlfthe pearedm thtsforme;but the Sonne. learned papi!ts and Prote!tanrs might conThefourthrcafon.Toinuocate a bruircreafetretogether, they fhould be fouml to difter, ture,isidolatry. Now the Popifh Church innot in fubftance, but onely in circum!l:ances : uocates a. bruite creature when they fay. ·.All In ~reui. butitisfalfe which they fay., vnlcffe by skill haile,OCroffe, ouronelyhope inthutimeof tbe i,'·~~fra · they be able to make idolatrie acircumfrance. pajfion,increaftrighuo•fnes tothegod!J, andgiNe 4~qu.~."'· A fec0ad reafon. A thing fained in the pardotogutlry peifos:Ifany fhalf1ythefewords drag, mind by imagination is an ido!l. This is the aredirected to Chrilhl fay again they are fpoI Nna 4 ken