Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

. j \ 696 The Idolatry ofthe !aft times. ken rorhe verv wood of the cro£fe. For the A mong Chrif/ians fPeciaHy ;, their (h 11 rah,, f.) I words 10 theHymn 11nmedtatly gowg before, 3/o.yeares.fterChrijJ. The contrary canno1 are thefe:Bie!fod" that Croffi o• whoftarmesthe be fhewed. , · '·' . priceo{theworlddi~hang,itwtU m• •·. Cooc!ui. Solftoryor Jingle b~-<glifGo , we'!h hu bod_y,ana took! theprey_for htl!. or SamtsJwere fltJt aflow~dtobefltvp in.Ch.Hrches . . fhe fifth reafon. Thcworfhi~ofGod that for.nyvfoofreligion,tiU more·th"'400,Yet<~af~ IS deutfed and taken vp by man, ~mdcedand t<r Chn/I'.A:nd the contrary connot be fhewed. etfe{lJdolatry: becaufcit is a worl!'ippe that 3• Conduf. lmage,cr.&ed in Ch•r~hes for G?ddoth abhorrc & detc!l:wh~wtll prectfc- ' L"'J-m<m boqko ,were~ot p!!blik$1y .t~oioidt• be ly oe worfhtpped. accordmgtohtsown .word, worfo!pped, ttll~fterfixch~ndrcdyt•rei. Grego- .' ·., Wtthout any addmon, derrachon, or cnange. ry the great,fatth thus to S,.rtnH/; An4ip!/;uie L'b . Dcur 4 o Now the w~niliip of God in the Chwrch of becaufcyouforhidimagesto ~eworjhipped, we 4 1. d;'ll:~:'E: &u.J•· Rome, isde~tfedand ~kenvpbyman•. And togither pr•ifodJ"'• butfq•!you haue brok!• p;fi.9. Memilj. in Cam. &in Jo. lu.c. 13. tins I declaremfiucparttculars.The firlhs,tho t~em, we hauereprehmdedyou, I lay, publik!IJ; mnocanon ofSamts departed,n! whtch I pro- B becaufe fandry pnuate men, and particular pounc,l thefe conclufions. The firllts, thatfor Churchcs,afr~r4oc. yearesbegan religioully, f;•denr. 350. yeares after thedeath ofChrifl, therew.u or rather fupeclhtioully to adO!Jl the WQOd of s;;:~~'· no prdlifo or .cki!owledgmentif pr•J",. S•,.ts rhe crotfe and the peeccs thereof; bur this was p,ulinus, m'thetmeChurch 'J 7od. Fortill>oo.yearcs afthen aparticular and priuatc aa: UQtthe ati Ep. II. tcr Chrifl,theint<rcefsionofSaintswasvtteroi the Catho)ike Church. Ht~r.;n ly vnknowne: a« appeares plainely by the wri4· Concluf. .Adoration 'ifimages wJU ,,,.,. E[.'u.- tings of Jren£114, lnjli11e, Clemmt, Tcrmbian; publik.!!J aNthori~d, tiO789.yedru ll{ter Cbrifl 11 ~a~~%. and about the yeare ofour Lord, 240. Origm mthe focond C•unceH ofNice. And in the wri- Euagr. I. b~gail to broach the doctrine of inrercelsion ting< ofthe Fathers there is nothing for that '1·'·'5· of Saints : notas the publike dothine of the religious worfhippe of images which is more Church, but as his owne priuate cbnietture. then veneration or reuerencc, till about the And afc<r three hondred yeares from Chrill, former time. And this authorifement in .that the learned difputed againfl the AriaRs on Councdl wanted vniuerfalitie. Fer fhottly afthis manner·, Chriftis inuocated, therefore· ter a Synod at Frankford (in which Charles Chri!lisGod. Whichkindeofrea!Gninghad C t)le gre.r, an<\ the Legates ofthc.Bifh<ipof beencvnfit,'o Saintshad then taken Rome werq>refenr) cendemncd the Counplace. cell ofNicc,as hereticall;.HoMdenan Englilh 2. Co-:cl•f. Vpon the p·ointof4oo.yeares, hilloriafaith wall ofthis point. Ch•>'l<f(liith Houed. Bafil, Nyffen, 'r&u•n= gauefurther octafi· he) Kmgifthe Frank$s)int the boo~if•.Ji;Jnod ;. conr;- onof prayer to thedead. For by a thetoricall,(/iref;tedtohttn/rom Conft,.ntinople.Jn nu.r;onc figt:re theyvfcd to fpeakc to the dead , and as whichboo~e, a/&, m•"'Jthin!;'arefo•ndvety true Bed"'•'• it \V ere to talke with them after the manner of . ~onNenie11t'11nd cMtrarytotrH~f4ith;_Jecialiythat 661·~. ~.~~t~"" ?.:~~~·:~~.~~~~.f~~~~~~~e~~ !~!;!.,~~~ ~;;t,J,;'t;.t;~:;"fr::J::,;:,,t!:;;,;:;: ~~~~;;~ propr. prayers, but wiihes. For in the fame manner ltoHt3 .Bifoops~ thlit l~~Ugu .ere tobeewgrjh1pped: Pfeudo!)r they vfed to fpeake to the foulcs of damned Which thing the Ch•r<hofGod~thaltogether a- nodus men, as the Joule of Juli•n, aud to things curft.· .,;4ndag•inj/which4!1J4>.writ•~.Epif/li ~"'":'. I' without life, as to nhc:- Paffeou<r. ·Secondly, m~ruelo•Jly·confirmed by the Authoritie ? 'the df~~=P thtir fpe<ches were'.dirccted •tO Saints in Smptures, 4ndbrought it w#h the]im~< boo/&·to pellanr; doubtlu!l and wauering tearmes,to thisetfecH, theki•g if the J!ro•~~Js., in th< 11Am< if our Bi· pro :doa N:rz.i:m (a) He;arc 7JS in the'eanyCar,eojvJ~ if jhgps AndPrinces. ~ nnd~J .': !·~~:"~- th<rebe anyfovfo inthee. Thirdly,th<y fuppofed D The third particularisofreligious ~orfhip. :~~~d;- :n;~,~ 0 , the Saiatstobc(b)prefent wtth them,to heare OneConclufton. Thttlif/~vfJwn.if rel•g,.li4 wor- <><a p<•ir.u.1.con them when they fpake vnto them. •· JbtpmtoLttYM-'R'Irflup,e:r Dldlllp[erHWtirltYn~t uu. . tr Jul. 3· (oncluf. Tr/1 50o·JMmafierChrif/were i!!Jown&rer:eiHedi•to theCh•rchti84oo.yems bNa~.o.. t:cpircd; inHccationofSaintsw.-unot receined intiJ ~rfi-er Chrift. .ANguftine wasone ofthe firfi: that ;~'ii"~7 •. the'pub/i~e. Liturgic of theCh~trch. Afrer 400. vfed this ilifti?tlion;y~tinauother ftnfe. For , 0 n.;nv;- yeares Samt Auguftme fatth of pubhkeprar hee ·putsLatrtaforrchgtou~Worfhtp prefcn· " H;tari- er:Weedoenotm•ksgodsifMartyrs..-they.are nabed in the lir.ftt<1ble,& whenhe putsDub for oni~. mcdofthe Prieft,b~ttnopraytr is 11'hJde 1mto them. more then cmlll wodlup, he .flatlydenies It to ~~~j~~r;. Afrer 500. yeare, PttrtM Gnapluu$ an here· beduevn~oSai~rs,asi~~hefewor~sofhis.~eo c.Jo. tike isbid to put inuoc<~.rion of~Saints into the hono~r S~tmt~ Wl~h charm~ ~notWttha ('~HIU. aDwli:. N~<cphJ. publike prayers ofthe Church. AndGrcgorie Agam,Leqt not bcour reli/i'."ht worfh'fPtl'g if Dncra '5o"·'s. the Great, about 6oo. yeares after Chri!l de.dmen. And I would tam~ fee the Author reHg.<. brought prayers to the dead into the Leranics within 5oo. yeeres after Chnfl, th~tafcr!bes Hofthe Weft Church. Dulia eo any mecre creature,when Lt figmfies The fccond p.micular is touching Images an higherworfhit>tllc F:olitikeorduilhonor. of Saints:ofwhichi fctdowne fourc concluThefourth paruculapsofrbccrucliixe. Of fions. . which I fer downe one conclufion : Th•tcrMI. Concluf. There""' no v/e if Images,.. ciftxnwerenoti11vfttiH4COJems•fterChrijJ. The