Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The fingle crolfe was, I grant., but not the A •ofRome_, & co~fequetlythattheir worlhip is I The ~dolatrie of the !aft times. 697 crolfc with the image ofChnft put thereto. 111 effect 1dolatne. For a! this,put cafe that the • c,.me The teftimonies of 'fuf/in, (a) Lafl411tiHI~ Romane wor!hip bee no idolatrie: neuerthe· dcpllli· (b).Min•titU Fa:lix, (c)T'mulli1111, (d)Chrylelleitis fubie<'t to a pofsibility ofbeeing idoonc. .fof/me, are alleadged to the contrary. But latry,and therefore naught, and thus I reafon. ~:~;~- ~ they indeede, fpeake onely of the real! cruciThe.true worlhip ofGod !•not fubied. to a c,t;.J. fixe, thatis of Chrift himfdfe crucified vpon pofsibd!tyofbeemg I~ol~tne.Forth~re IS no eo<, M"- his owne proper crolfc: and not ofthe formed pof51bd1ty of darknesmhght!nopofsJbiiityof e~on~m, crucifixe. The booke ofviliting the ficke,that euill in goodnes•.The ~orlh1p of G.o? 1~ the d Ho • 1 goes vnder t.Augujlines name mentions the Romane Church IS fub1etl: to a pofsJbdme of :,{;;~A"" ' painted crucilixe.But that is a'knowne counIdolatrie. For itispofsible that he which by de y;fi. • terfeitoflatter times. Mltaphrajl-s rcporteth I lignes manifells ~is prefence, and heares them '""'·b. thatachriftal Crolfe with the image of Chrifl: that pray before Images, bethe dmel himfelfc, ' ·l· appeared to "ProcopiHJ the Martyr , and that and do ·it by Satanical operation. There is no Synod. TruUcn. Gs.c.Sett %. &this C3non is tlllowed. Bdbr.dc imd.;.o:. l.z. hee was bidden to make the like ofgold and fuch likelihood in the Sacraments a~d w~rd filuer,which he carried abouthim, & obtained B preached: becaufe they are founded m them• vi<lory againfl the Saracens. This tefl:im<>nie • llitution ofGod,& fo are not images,or worof Metaphraft-s isofno value, for heis bat a ll1ip atthem.Again,in theadoration ofimages, fabier. Yethis teflin10nie declares thus much, threec:u1<ats mufl: be obferued. as they teach. that in thedaiesof7Jiocleftan, which was vp• Thdirll, that no confidence beplaced in ion rhepoint of JOO· ycares, Popi!h crucifixes mages: thefecond, that wee aske nothing of werenot in vfe. Becaufe Procop>Ks made the them:rhetlurd,that we doe not afcnbe any dicrucifixewhichheworcabouthim, vpoothe uinityvnto them. Now it is a pofsiblething fpecial occalion ol areuelation. And it feemcs (nay it isnot ordinary) that thecommon peothat crucifixes were not publikcly receiued in pie omit thefe,or fome ofthe cautions. eAH· 1 Pi 1 the Church till700. yeares after Chrill, For guf/'.fait!i, worjl,ipor pr"Jbeholdingan 1~. ~ · then the lixth Councell of Confl:antinople, >mage, which u notfoajfo[Jedthat hethinktthhee E~it.49, whofe Canonsare notcounterfeit, commands unotheArdofit,•ndhofeth thatJhaObeperformed adDco, tliatthe image of Chrill be fer vpin the roome byit,which he deflrerh? Againe,thejimilitHdeofa gmias. of.Agnm dei, fhape, andthecounterfeit compojitionoflines doth The lafl: particular, is touching the worlhip C /eade,andwith• cmaine "''"!.:! dndfo:k! ajfeflion, ofChrifl:, and his Image. The firfl: conclulid•thra•ifhtf?! weaktrfurti ofmQJ'taBmen, on. The ad.ration ofthe Sacrament or •fChrift Againe,' it is pofsiblc that the priell failein tifurthe /&mAnemanner, in, at, lf11dvntier the hisintentic:m; bywaA.dringby...thoughts when formeofbre.d,wa.not~noronorv.fodinthcChurch he is·in:the confccration of the H"ll, or hee ofGod, within eight hrmdrcdyeares after Chrift. may of'batl purpofe 'imend not to confecrate: For Tranfubllalltiation the ground ofadoraor he may of .negligence omit fome word or tion was not knowne or receiued ofthe !carwords cf.c'6fc~ration: & then there isno right ned, till after this time. Let them ofthe Ro. confecratiom ifno confecration, no tranfubmaQe religion fiudy till their heads and hearts lhmiation, ifno tranfubfl:antiation, Chrifl: is ake, they l11al neuer be able f<)undly to prooue not adored, but a peeccofbread forehe liuing the 'contrary. And Honoriut fl r. is fa!d w God, haue infl:ituted,this adoration about the yeare Againe; there i$ a pofsibility that fome of ofour Lord IZ2o. ". .. them that bee worlhipped for Saints in heaTbe >· Conclufion. The w.orfhip-L4triaordi. uen, beeuo Saints, but damned in hell. And UfltCh~Mr~ w~unot$ium by the le4rned11nywa:y Hieromfaid, Wuworf/1ip thebotliu9[mMy vpotz to.the•m•g• of Chrijlfor a tho•.fondyares after ~arth,whofe.foules are tormentedin hell, Sundry hw afoenfion,andv;wa:d. Th10tn~Papif!s fee & D Images 10 the Church ofRome atthe lirll, in confelfe. Cathan• (a!th}n~cd,i[oneoftheaHnalllikelihood were inuented toreprefeot, not <irnt ("'f.zrre <Ul could !"ark!) euer theperfoos ofmen,but myf!eries after the ma· foi4,th4t>mag'll''"'b.,vorfh•pped"!'tththe worner ofEm~lems. The figure which is called ~·;~1~J· flup ofLam;•,bl<ttbeyalld.tef/rdtf>/4 .k.ingo/jfCASaint Margaret, ~ell_royinga dragonafterfhe im.1g. ~-kJRg. Agawe,,lt u notfol#nd_~.n-aunyuntwrJttrs, was deuoured of1t, 1o formertimesferuedto tbat.4nim•g•(qo'lfidered.uapim4gr)i>tobea;b. repre&nt the calling of the Church of the red with L4tria ,. bi<t contrarfwi(' that it u_ not Geutiles,beting gathered by thepreachingof fo to be adored• ..A"d we readt 1hl! often protefled the Gofpel out of the bowels (as it were) of in the anfwmofthe B>{hopsoft&•fpguenth S,Jnod, the diudl, ofwhom tlley were deuoured. S. & inthe Decree 1mj/m~Wifeft!y, whi<h I cmen!y qeorge on horfe-baake was in former times be!eeueneHer<ametorhehandofThom.u. Ofthe a reprefenration of Chrifl:ourSauiour who fame opinion is Francu Sua'" the Icliiite, vanquifhed the diuell for the deliuera~ce of who thirlkes:that Tkomas neuer faw the fehisChurcb. S.Chriflophtr,whowasindecda uemhSynode, or.the fccond oonnc~ll afNice. mcere fidion, was in former times nothing Vpoorh1s whiCh hathbmfa~d, It appeares elfe but;ueprefentatlon of the life of a Chri- · that fundry maine points of.religious worlhip llian man: as the Ve(y name declares. For haue heene demftd by fJlen 111 the_Chureh . Chriftopher"' is one {hat beares the name of Chrifl: