Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~6--:-:9:-:-8--:----::-:----,---:-0-:- )j--,-D,_i_ui_ne or 'R_eligious Worjhip_._ _ ~ ChriCl before men. Now thefc and the like pi- 1A. lieauen. And this knowledge is anotable in· llur:s of myCleries, were in procdfe oftime ducement to the worfl 1 ippe of God. For the reputed pilluresof Saints; aud are worlhipmerctes o! God are they which mooue men ped at this day of many, as they hauc beene to bring vnto God the true and rcafonabl; ~om. "• P:r<Gus heretofore, for the images of Saints indeed. feruiee. d<. TrJd. To this I adde. that reliques arc very often Vpon tte fGrmer dotlrine, two thi•gs 0 f. counterfeit: thatthe fealt ofthe A!fumption fer themfduos to be confidered, the fin ofour ofthe virgin Mary isofnobetter!hmpe: beumes, andourdury. The finne is ncred by the caufe there is no certentie in Aifrorie to proouc l)rophc::t, ThereU none th11t vnderflandtth, and this alfumption.Thus much of the Idolatrie of fltk!tb after God. 1 his we fee by daily cxperi- Pfal,r._. our times. ence.McncOtentthtmfciuts with that knew- ' H Auing thus declared,what is meant by Iledge ofGod which nature alfoardeth, & they dols, and how.they bee to be auoided,I endeauournotto know ana «knowledge him mult yet proceed further.For it is the properas hee hath<d himfelfe in tte writteR tie of adiuinelaw, in forbidding any thing to word, rte couenant ofgrace. And command the contrarie : and therefore when Jl fo great is the force offelfe-loue in moltm<n Idols arc forbidden in this text, the true wortbat they cannot abide to confider of th<m~ fhip ofGod is commanded: and iris the very felues, as they are in thtmfelucs out ofChrifr. fcope ofthis place to inioyne vs to preferue Thu.s !"oft men prefent a wo11hip vmo God, curftlues in the true worlhippe ofCiod. Of butlt!SW!thout ground or foundation. Now whichdu:ie I wil fpeakealittle,becaufeit is of the duty ofall men is to ltudy for the knowfpeciJ! weight and moment. That we may the ledge ofGod& ofthemfelues; and toincreaft better keepe ourlelues in the right worlhip of herein. For hence it is, thata! godly men haue God, we mufr conftder firCl, what ismeant by frtrred vp thcmfelues to duti<:s pertaining to , the worfhip ofGod; & fccondly, what are the the honour of<!iod. D•Hidbleffeth God,praiCm fpirituall heads and parts thereof. That wee feth him, and brings gifts& offerings to him, :~''"'~~: moy conceiue aright what is meant by the vponthcknowledge he had, that kingdom•, ' worfhip or fcruice of God, fixe points are dipower,& glory,was Gods, and thatall things llintlly to li>e conftdered. The firft is the foun· were his. Danitlmakes fclemne prayer& condationofGods worlhip. For they that would fefsion tc God,becaue he conlider<d ilim to be 0 , 0 , 9 , 1 , truely worfhip God , muft lay downe a foun• greatand terribie, and robea keeper ofcouedarion thereofin their hearts; ·ao..d that con- C nants with them that loue him. 1he ground ftlletli oftwo parts, the knowlodge ofGod, of the nine latter coml1'andement$ isthe fir!t, and ofour felues. Ofthe kr.owledgerof.God, ThoujhAit h•ue no otherg•ds bifore me, And the Ifa.r 9 •,, the Prophet Efoy fpeakes thus, The E~pti411s ground ofthiscommandement is a knowledge Jhallk!Jowthe Lordmth•t day., •nd d.ejllcrifices and faith, that Iehovah is our God. And Rom. 10. andoblati8ns, andjhallvow 'tlowes., vnro the Lord. thisappeareslbccaufe the words, 1am ltho'lnth 1 <• And Paul faith, How JhaO thrycallrm him, if thy God, .,bich, (j-c. are clofed vpon the firfl whom theyh•Henothe•rdl Ifit bee demanded, commandement, and fhut vp with it in one what knowledge ofGodis required,! anfwcr, & the fameperiodin the Hebrew text• Morewe muft not only know God as he is in himouerwhc:nGod is not known arighr, he is nor felfe, that is,the vnitie ofthe -Godhead in the wotlhipped aright, but eitherthe idols ofour Gal.4. s. Trinide ofperfons, with the properties and braine are wmlhipped, ordiuels. Thus 'J'o/ workes thereof: but we mufr know him as h<:e faith,that the Galatians, when they knew not isto v.s,thar is, our Ciod,'extendihg·his mercie God; worihip~e.d'th<m that are no Gods by and his prouidence Otft:r ,vs;·>For the fenfe, 'or nature. For fuch as our knowledgeis, filch i» experimental[.knowlodge of the fauour and our wo>fhip. · c · • ' .. · goodnes ofGod,breedsinvsthe true worlhip D The fecond poini,is the rule ofthe worlhip> ofGod. Concernin£ our felues we mufi know agdthat is. 'f~"t nobhiog may go.e vndcrrhe 0 ,.,. n. two things. The firCl,what we ar<!'by·narlire, nameofthe worfhsp of God, wh1th heehath' s. 3,, namely,vile, wretched, and miferabl•finners, nomtdained'in his owne word, and comm~n~ . vnablq,odoe anygocd, ~prone to all euill, ,d..dtoV$ashisownworfhip. F<ir-wearc fQr:J deferufng many rhouf•nd damnations. This biddenvnderpalneofthecutteofGed, eithet Ioh,4· knowledge ofour miferie is indeed no caufe toa<tde, orro take away any tliing fr<;>m the that mooues vs to worfhippe Ciod, yet is it precepts'of God·,. in which ~eC<prefcribe• his an occalion thereof. The woman of Samaria owne·wotlhip. When the Iewes worlhipped, ll<u!. "• did no better then fcorne ChriCl, tili lhec God after thed<!lilt'<l falhions.>hhe Gentils, iJ;m •r was brought to a fight of her finnes-; and though theirmt:ahingwas to worfuip nothing l?· ' · luk,rr, then afrerward fl>ec reuerenced him as the butGod.; yetthetextfaith , ·tli'1w"'fl!ined Eze·h, Mtfsias. The prodigall fonne, when-hee was ~othing bHtdiHtls.Again,the Lord torbids vs in '(" 8 • touched with a feeling of his ·owne mifery, his worlhip to followafter our01>»<btArts And ;;··~·/~ came & yeelded himfelfe in 1i1bietlion to his tyes,orto walft!intheordin:icesifourforef.rkm, "· · father. Againe,wc mult further know, what ~•t~nly in hi& comm•ndements. And heholds it we arcby grace, namely, .thechildren and feras a vaine thing, toteAch hi& wurjhippt aJtdfe•re uantsofGod,and the heiresofthekingdome of by th< 'prt1!epts of men. That we mayworlhippe God