Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

1 - -~~~--.---Th-;Uoi~trieifth~lajTJm;s. - - ·--699 God widi reafonablc feruice, wee mL!fr pr1o11t A was_fcm ofthe father~fo are rhe minillcrs fcnt Joh. 1 c. whatitthegood,accepr.ble,alldper[<awiU if God. ofhtm:buthe was fent to do his Fathers will: .'L Rom.t~ . 1 And thofcare good workcs indecde, accepta· e.A"s my Fath~r!J.Jth commam:ktl m~Jo t!oe J. ~~~· 14. 1~\•• . 10 I ble to God , whichbe hath preparedfor me~ to Thus the trutho[this rule is manifell : and I C~L; ::.:. ~alk!m..AO7JQ/Nntllr"rellgton,and wtl-fcrutce, we mufl: _Jay It vp 11~ our hearts as~ treafure, , 3 , IS vtterly condemned. Therefore nothinn may & neuer,fufforour lclues to-bedeprmed of it; I . goe vndcrthe name ofGods worfl1ip, b.:; that for the vfeofit is great. By it we may difccrnc .whichheprefcribes.Itisalleadgedtothecon. the prophanencs of our times. All men can ltrary,thatwhena workisdonewithoutcomfay, God mufl be worfhipped: but when it ;maundemem ,- fa there be an intention to hacomes to the point,what is the wor01ip wher1nour God,it isthe worlhip ofGod.I anfwer,it with they honour God I Surely, what they I ts ialfe. For that any workc or auien may bee hfl:t~emfcloes. Some worfhippe God with the worfhipof<:iod,fo•rethiogs arc required; their good meanmg; fame With the~rgood the perfon or doer mufl be regenerate; the deali•g; fame with the babling of a few I matter of the workc mufl btc;.a thing cornwords, as namely, ofthe Apofrles Creed, and !"aunded: itmufl bodoncinfaith: aRdthen, B t~n Commandements.for prayers. This fermtheintentionoftheminde, it muflbcdirc· mceofGodis very common: but alas, iris ~cd.tothehonourofGod. Secondly, theinpoore feruice. Fonhe mic of diuine honour tentionoo hono~r@od, is not alwaies good, ts not thewillofhim thathonoureth, butthe vnlelfc It be an totention to honour him, by wdl of him WhiCh •• honoured. Secondly, yeelding obedience to rhat which hee cornhere we !came to detcflthe feruicc andwormau·ndeth. Againe,it isallcadged,rhata work fhip which is performedtoGod in the Church Gone in Ion< to God, though th<re be no comofRome. For it rontaincs many parrs and maundcmentthereof,is the worfhip ofGod.I pomtsofwdl-worfhippe, hauing no warrant anfwer, thatlouekeepsitfelfetotheword,& from ·God, either by commandcment or will ofGed: and things done without a word ptomife : of,this kind·are1he Sacramencs of f~om God arc not Of loue. Fori•ueinhefulfilpenanco, cottfirmation, matrimonie, orders, ltng if the law. Thirdly, it is obietted, that and the lafl annoinrment: The confecrarion vows in the old Teflamcnt were aparr of the of the bodie of ChriU by fiue words, For thsi worlhip ofGod, and that they werenotcom- "'"'J bodie:rhcoblation and facrifice of Chrifl maundcd. Ianfwer, thooghGoddidnotbind lathe Malfe forrhc finnesofrhe quickc and all men byacommandcmentto make vowcs: C dead: .the vow of comincncie, perpetoaU yethathhee teltificd in bis word, that vowes l'uucme, and oftcgular obedience: the rewere acceptable to bim: for he prcfcribed the hg10us d1flin£lion of meates, garments, matter ofvowcs, and themanner of making, t1mcs1 the hallowmgofafhes, palmes, bread, ahd rhe kcepi11g ofthem. Forthcrmorc, it is Watcr,&c. forthc driuingaway ofdiucls, and M"·'4·6 vrgcd, that Mary who annoinred Chrifl, had for the health ofthe body and foule. For rhefc nocommandementfa do d<>e, and y« lhe did and manyother prattifcs,let them bring forth • worke acceptable to Chrifl.I aufivcr,thoagli the word ofGod,ifthey can. They pleadefor fh;. had no particular comm0 odcment, yet many tlungs: that they hauc the word ofTrahad fhe ageneral. For the worke(he dld,wasa dmons. I anfwer,that Tradirions Eccletiaflicon~efsionofher faith and louc to Chtill, anti callaro no wcrol o~God;butthe word ofman: that 1S commaS>dcd.LikewifcPaN/s example is and Traaltlons wh•ch are called Apofl"licall, vrgcd, who·preached the Gofpel freely, and areeither of no moment, ordoubtfull. For '·Cor.9. looked for his reward ofGod: and yethe had how !hallwe knowcertainly, thatthey were 18 · nb·com'?anck:mcnt fo t? doe. :P ..nfwer, ~0 the Traditions of the Arollles,, confidcring takcafl•penarorprcachmgrhe-Gofpel, ism nonehathfa!Elfo, byt lame ot the Fathers it-felie a thing indiff'erear, and may bedone,or li> whofc tefrimonies arenot fuflicicnt, becaafe ilot'donc. YetWa$it nota thing1ndiff'erenti~ they arefubiett to errant! the Church ofCorinth, by reafon of theof· The third point, is theend whichGod hath fence ofmany. And therefore PAH/ preached a~point~dofall his worfhip: and that is,notto fr<cly: and'nd!'could doonootherwife, vn· gmc or adde glorytoGodo forttorhingcan bo lelfe he would hau; abufed(~sheC1itb) l;isauadded toabfoluto perfellion.Butthe endls to thority. For·a thing indifrcreo!,.in thecafe of ocknowledge, praife, andcoofelfe the infinite skandall,ceafethtobe indifferent, & is a thing gloryofGOD. Furthermore,the end ofthis commanded. L~flly,fome obiea, Luk.Io.t6. ackn.,wledgmcnt or confefsion, isour happi- ·Ht'PPhii:h he•retbyeN,h<aruhme.Thcrefore(fay netfe & (aluationi/oh.I-J· ~· ThuumrnaR/ift, '!!e\11 _the verY, _comm~ndemcnts of Pallours to*"'"'thettheoneiytr•eGod-. Pfol: 5o. 1 5 • pt_cfcnbeGads worfh1ppo. I anfwcr,firfr the C•ll vpoh me"' shedayofrro•bi<, & I '1Ysll4eti 14 er place is properly to be vnderflood, not ofall thet.?<U<I (aith,G•dlsn<~ U. oHrg•int.-& the.rea- . tcachers,bur-ofrhe Apo!Hes. Secondly,ifit be fon is,becaofe ir h<th,ihepromifeofthu tifo, arid ~:T>m+ fj'loken,faltre~chers, the words mufl b.cvh-' (he lifotoco"''· VpoiHhis we mullae admonic llerflood Wit'l.-!imitati.9n: fdr 1:hus'fs 'thl:' O•edcucirmoretoworlhipGod,andthatwirh M>0.1i: Miliillerieofcomifsion,Telr<htlim~ toobftrsle'd/• ~I care&diligece,becaufe the wor!l1ipofGod thmgs whs<hJh••• <omnr•ndedy•u: A• Chri!l IS notlusl>enelit, butour benefit & taluation. r___::_ . .. The