·---17oO OfViuine or R._eligious !Vorjhip. I The fourth point is concer.ning apt & able ' A ,deuce in Chril!,arc but fi~ions of rhe braine, perfons to performe wor!hippe acceptable ~· fo long as th<y are feutred from amendment lvnro God. And they are onely fuch as turne ofhearr and life. '"~to God' and are _renned by the holy Here againe we are taught, that if wee in- ,Gno!t. And the worllllp ofGod performed .;leedwouldfcrucandworlbip God wemofi !by any other perfons~is not wor~ip,l:u5 finne. fi_rfhurne to him with all our.hearts~ yea conProu.ts.S. The f.crifice of tht "'"k!du an •b. tmually make a renouation of cur firR con-· ,ho,.ination vnto th< Lord. The Lord by the uerfion,and f«k reconcilioriottwith G<>d and 1 r;.,,, 3 , Pro~het lfqprote!le•h, that the oblations and man.Mark.u.2s.WhmJ'efltalift•nd andpray, , 4 ,1 r. ~ f~cnficesot the Jewes wer~J ""4b~own~atum t(l jorg11u. The b~leemng Corinth;ttns, bccaufc hzm, andtha: he hatedthm•, b«a•ft thttr h•ndt r:cey wanted th1s renued «conciliation when cha.66. 3 . 1 were fuN of blo,d; Againe he faith, That he theycameto the Lords Table did c:atc'iudoe. whichkj_kes abHHock!, u .u h<r•hichkjlles unan, ment to themfdu<s. ' D andth4t he which offm aJheepe infocrifice,_ M _he It may here be demanded,io what part the l,.hichcuts offadot,s he•d; becaufe of thelt v1le manreg<ne~o-worflups Gcd. I anfwer, in labhominations. l•h·9·31. God heareth notftn· B the whole man both body afld foule as 'F••I ners.Wharfocuer is notoffaith,isfinn<!what• faith,r.(or.6.2o. qlonfie Godinysr'bodies and 1\foeuer worihip of God is .performed by mre• in yo•r JPirits. )'et there mufi fame diflin· pentant finners,it ionot offaith , becaofc they cHon and ditlcrcnce be obferued. Fer princiwant that faith, wid10ut which there is no pally •nd properly God iswodhippedincur \ pleafing of God. He that turnes not to God, fpirit.{oh.'\·•4:7he trHe,.orfhippmfo•lworjbip .doth not acknowledge hiS ownegmlt, he that the F.rh-r mJPmt,Rom.r. '9. Wh0111e y (erue ;, 1\dothnot acknowledge his guilt, dotbncither myfpirit.r.P<t-3-l 5.SA1i£irfteGoJin)'o•rharts. acknowledge Gods iu!lice, nor his mcrcier he By the fpirit, I vnder!land tl:e riKught ofthe that doth not acknowledge the iu!lice ard minde,theconfi:ience, aad the affcC\icns of jmcrcy ofGod,cannottruely worlbip him: he 1 the heart .For in thcfcisthe firfiand prir,cipal l thereforethatturnesnotto God, oaonotvnfeateofdiuineandfpiriruall worfhip. As for fainedly worlbippe him. If it be demanded, l the body, iris but a fecondary in!lrumcnt of how the worlbip of God lbould be a finnein the feruice of God. By thiswee may dlfcerne j any man, confidering it is commanded: I anthe vanity ofl'opilb religion. F~r it confifis fwer,finnesbeofrwofom. Thefir(l,is,when forthemoil part, vponexternall and bodily fomething is done that is flat contrary to the ·c rircs,gefiures,& ccremoaies,borrowedpartly commandementofGod: the fecoud is, when I from the Iewes,and partly from the heathen: tb•t is done whichGod.commanderh, butnpt whereas the true Religion of the new Tcfiain that manner God commanderb•. And rhus ,men! bath but few prefcribed ceremOitirs, the worfhip ofGod in wicked men is a finne. and i<:rrhe mo!lpart is diuine and fpiriruaU. B:caufe though they doe that which God The fifth pointis, concerning the particular comma1ids , yer they doe it not as he cornthing or place to which the worfhipof G<>d maHds. Againe,it ~ybclaid,ifthe worlbippe is to be dirc~ed. And this rulemu!l be remc. of God be a fiune iu the voregencute, then bred, The worlhip of G<>d both inward apd mull not they be exhorted to rh• worlhip of outward mufi be dirctted towards that thing God: becaufe we may not exhort to finne. I in which,and at which, Gad will be worfhipanfwet, that cxhottations may not be made ped.NowGodbath firaigbtly boundthe warforth~ doing ofany thing that is a finne of it fhipofrheSonnc, andconlequeotly of hira• felfo : now.the worlbip ofGod is not a finne ftlfe, to that malfe and lumpe of humane naof.it felfe, but cnel.y by accident; that is, beture,receiped iptothe vnity ofthe fecond percaufe it is performcd'j,y vngodly perfons, to fon,Forrhi.!; is the vniuerfall commandement whom beeing vncleane, all things are t>n- D ofGod touching his Sonne Chri!l, Heiitlt} cleane. Ag•ine, vagodly men are no.tto bee Lord,andtlt.ujh~lt w.rjhiphim.And,.Admhi, exhorted to the worlbip ofGod,but in meete AU,J<hi4 Angels. Therefore in·cuery !'lace ,_in andconuenient order. Far fir!I, they mu!l be wbichweknowhimto be bodilyprefer,wit&- admoni!licd to turoe vnto God, and th•n af· out any more adoe, we are_by direlliog our terwarcl to worfbip him. bodies and mindes vntohim according to the Here letvs qke nqtic~of the oue.l!-fight of place in which he is, or abides, todoe him hot)lapy, ,wbo ljujng without reformatio'\.and mage. Forthi~finite a~d createdm~tlCofthe amendi1\ent of life. 1 thi••k• ,neuerthe:elfe,lf lj14nhood camcs!l'~thltth~.•doratlon o.ftbe thoy pray,vnroGod,l~te his,word.,come to pOffon to euqyp,lace, mwhrcq we cerratnely the Lords Table, that they il.oe great matters, ~6w the faid manhood to <>)i~-fubllantially. and tha.r the Lord i.o highly bo~ndvnto them.; And)t matters not .whc:h~r tt !le~ fc<t1e Wttb where~~ iudeed·tbe)l <lll~ por~wg_~lfo.but of- ·bodily cye.ror no, For lt'IS fuffic!Cnt,tfwe be •T f,nq hi!llat!d prap9li~ ltim to angert not becerten, eitherby.fenfe, or by the wordofGQJ! caufeih~y worlliippe'GO D,bur ~G"avfe thdy : 9't tbG bodily prefc!ll'e of Chr)!l•. B_y vertu«>. Pfai_.J. u.aad 17.1· worlhippehim without f>ith and~ep~r,tance. rq~fqrmer.cqmfn~nd~mcnr,;IJe,;wife mcn,f3U Like"'ife thtirloueof God, tbeir.!I~QD{l and d'!~ne QclOr<tl).e.cbtldc ~<Ill$ ap~ worfb1ppe Man!>-•· Iiuely faith (ofwhi.s:h rhey boat!,)their.confi~ :!li\'i' i turning ey<s.and mmdestp.that.Part o u. ~--~----------------------~--------~--------------~the ____