Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Of'Diuine or 'R.eligious Worjhip. the houfe-in which they faw him pref<llt. The woman of Canaan comes and fals dowoe at the feete of Chrifl: , and worlhips him at the place in which hee flood. Thom.uas foone as he knew that Chrifl flood before him, he di– r(:fl:Shis fpe~ch vntohim)and fai~s,1oh. 20·22: M)' Lordandmy God.The difdplcs adore him A. thU were 4 d!Jt4g;;dtceit,anderrll'l. For in thi~ Wt fho~ldnothing differ fom tiJ<m which worfoip the creaturebryundtheCreatorandma~r. Againe, ThegotlheadinChrijl is atliltHre tobe adured""nd thehumaniry iJ tbenatHn4doring.Neuertheldfe though adoration bee directed £imply to the godhead, yer isnot the fa id godhead robeea- . · dored without the fle!h.Athanajim faith thus: , ?.;~~~X."J: 'When );lee are 11hout to ~tdore J we do_• notfep4rate 'anos. in rhecloudes, fo ldng as they could feeh1m: and when he was taken out oftheir fight, they' flill adored hii\1, by dire8:iog miode, and ge– flure ofbady, nor ro Sunoe, Moone, Srarres, ayr<!, clouds, much lelfe ra any earthlycrea– ture or place, butto rhe place ofcekflial hap· pinelfc, which isaboueancl beyond thisvifiJ blo world , into which he~ended bodily, where alfoSuuen worfhipped him,and allthe B people ofGod euer fince, dire8:ing hand and heart ro heauen. As C<>nc<rning the Arke of the coueAant, the commandemenr of God is,Pfol·95• 5· ExaltthoLord)'oHr God,andfaR dol!lnebefor<hwjiOte.floole; for heisholy. By meanes of this commandement, the Iewes were bound to worfhip God bydirelling rhe– li:Jues toward the Arkeor mercy-featc, euen · as ifthey had feene God himfelfe therevifibly pr~fenr. Now the manhood of Chrifl: is the true Propitiatory, andc&mes in the roomc of the Arke of the couenant now in the time of the new ·r efl:ament. And further feeing it is a partofChrifl: theMediatour, God will ra– therbeworlhippediA it,the at the arke ofthe couenant, anditcarrieswirhit theadoration c and worlhip of Godto the place, in which ir is knowne certainely to bee more then the Arke. Furthermore, conftdering adoration is ryed to rhe manhood of rhe Sonne of God, and God in it is worfhippcd, ROW in thedaies ofthe new Teflament, we are not bound by any commandement to direct our worfhippe toward any placeor creature vponearth: bur on the contrary without reuerence or refped: to this or that place, to worlhip in fPirit and truth. Ioh.4. •l·lifringvphearrand mindeto heauen , where our Redeemer is atthe right hand ofGod. The fixrh and lafl point is , concerning the properties of the wor!hip ofGod, & they are three. The firflis,thatthe worfhip ofGod is Jil incommunicable, I[ay 4'· 8. IwiRnotgiH"".J gt.ry to"".Y .,hernor my pr.ifo t• graMen im•ges. .;Matth. 4· 10. Himone!JJhalt thoN fir•e. It may be obielled, that diuinc adoration;. gi– uen to the manhood ofChrifl,which is acrea– ture. I anfwer., that adoration or inuocation pertaines, and is to be giuen to whole Chrifl:, D;~J.r,;n Jell we fhould fecme to diuidethe perfon; and ~"'·'1°'d feparate the natures. And yet a difl:in,'lion Tb~~d~- mufl: be made of the godhead and manhood. lium. For the godhead istheproperobit:8:,towhich •Thar is, religious adoratian is properly andfimply di– ~he d''"· reaed,& fo is not the manhood. For nocrea– ~~retn ture is ftmplx tobe honoured with diuine ado– ~part ratipn• .Athanafiw faith, G'odU to be 11doreJin fwm tht regardor rcJPetf oftht Godhead. Cyri/ faith,Doe Godhead "'' aliore bnman~el .u(a)a man? Godforbid. For the Wordfom th;Jlejh. For who VPtllf":J, jland apart fom the Jlefh, that 1 may adore thee! Laflly, wee are toholdethatthevery man· hood ofChrift, is to be adored of man and angels with religious adoration due .ro the Sonne of God: in regard it isrhe manhood ofthe Word, and is receiued into thevnityof the fecond perfon. But how ro bee adored? notdirectly asrhe godhead: butio(b)oblique manner, by reafonofthe vnion with the god– head. When fubie8:s ciuilly worfhippe their Prince wearinga crowr.e, and bearing a fcep– ttr: in this worlhip theydoe not feparate rhe Prince from his crowne and fcepter, bet they honour theperfon directly,and roe crowne & fcepter onely by confequent, namely, as figncs •nd reilimoniesofPrincelyMaieflie. Andfo is the manhogd adored in the perfon of rhc Sonne , yet not properly and limply as the godhead (for that were damnable idolatry) but fo far forth as it is vnited to the faid god· headofthe Sonne : not as a garment, which may be put otf and Oil, but infeparably as a part of rhe fecond perfon: fo as the Mediatour worlhipped !hall bee God-man orMan• god in the vnity of one perfcn. And the Ca· rholike Church harh accurfed them which hold, that thefklh of Chrifr isnot robe ado. red;confidering it is theflefh ofGod:& that in one and the fame adoration Cbrifl is to bee b ObHq; Aug. in Pf.ra. Cyr;J. an.1th.8. &libro d~ fide:~d Regia. adored with his flefh. Thom.u rhefchool-man faith, The ador~~tion of L11tria or diHine worjhipU 3·1· q.:.J. notgium to tht humanitiein rtJPefl ~fitftifeJ but llrt.:. inrejpefJofthe diRinitietowh~eh it is vnite~ ac– cordingtowhichChrifl;. not le/fithenthcFather. Here by the way, let it bee obferued; feeing L•tru diuiac worlhip is giuen to the manhood cl Chrill:, onely in refpell of the perfo· nall vnion, that therefore the images ofGod and Chrifl,as crucilixes,are to be worfhipped withLfltria. For there is no vnion betweene themaod God, but only intheblinde conceit ofmao. Furthermore, befide this religious oblique adoration , there is due to the man· hood of ~hrifl: greater honour then to any creature belide. For eucn as he is man, hea illlth receiued a name aboue all names , at which all things bow in heauen and earth, 'l'hilip. ~. ro. towit,thename ofa Iudge and Gouernour ofall things in heauenand earth Matth. ~s. 18. in which refpect we are corn~ maaded to kiffe the Sonne, Pfol.2 ·I '' Againc, if the worfhipof God bee proper ro him , and not to bee giueneirherto man or angel, lt maybedemanded, how Angelsand Saims in heauenarcto.beworfhipped? I an- --------------------------------------------------O~o~o~----------f~I~Vc~r~,------