0 I Viuineor <R._eligious rVorjhip fwer~ whether the~ appeare vntovs or ~ot,_a A the kingdomeofGod: &earthly princes haue certawe general~kmds of wotllup 1s to be g1notthelike. This fcrui<e is not from nature, uen to them,and lt<~n(i£\s oftwo parts; C•mbut from the fpiritofgrace:and therefore with memoratwn, and lm~tatlon. Co?Jmemorarion Dautdwe mull pray to God to bee eflabliilied IS reuerend re':'embrance'?ft~eir perf~"s and and gnidedby hisfree or voluntary fpirit. Yertues. Oftlusfa!ththevJtgm M:•rym way . Thcth_ird property of the woriliipofGod ofproph:iie_.AOnattonsfh•l~•lmeblejfeJ, Luk., IS , thattt mu(l:_ bee ioyned with honclly and I-·48. Ofthis ~ommemoratton wchaue a no-. comehnes, r .T•m.>.l.Pr"Jfor l:!ngs & prinm tableexample In the cleuenth chapter to the t~atye may liueingodlines&h•nejly.Addetoyou; Hebrewes, where the worthy deeds and vertaithvertu<, ~.Peru-~· ·Whereby hcne!ly .;.,d tuesofthe Saints of the olde and new Tefravertueismeant,agraue,fobet,decent,comely, mentarcrehearfed. Here two caueats muQ modefrbehauiourrowards..Umen,audbcfore beobferued: firfl,that we fixe not our mindes ~11 men, For this cioill :wdV<l'UIQUS hoq~!ly vpon theSamts, bu_rhft the~vp to <;:iod, by tsthe Otnamentofdiuineworlhip, and rheregmmg thankesroh1m for h1s mercies vpon forethecomm~ying,_rnuflnotbedefpifed: them, & for thc1r verruous example towards B '!'hat good conll:\ence , and good manners vs. Thusthe Church of GalatiagwrijiedGod mufl: goe togither. The Lord coodemnes all Pral.ro. forPa•t,q.tat.r,z3- Secondly, weemufl:not fuchasdoebuttake his wordinthcirmouth 16 • keepe a memory of Saints departed in hypo- ~:Yheo they !late to be performed in their liues: cnue, as the Pharifies did, who builded t~e . Comelindli:i~, when the woriliip ofGod t<i>mbes of the Prophets, but defpded thelt 1s performed wuh meete and conuenientcirr. Cor-7doctrine: &as the Papiflsdoe, who magnifie cnm£\aces oftimc,place,perfon,gefl:ure. Pub- Jl· the Apofrles , and perfecute their doctrine. like worfhip mufl bee performed l>y publike l 6 ·••d The fecond part of their honour is Imitation. perf<Jns, in publike plac.. , and it mufi haue r4-1o. And that this imitation may be worthy praife publikeand folemnc gcfl:ure. Priuate worlhip and commendation, fiuecaueats mu£\ be reis to bee giuen to <iicd by priuate pcrfons in membred. Fir!l, wee may notimitateachons priuareplaces, with priuate gel\ures& fig.:es. donevpon fingular comandcment; as for exSecret woriliippe mufl: fecretly bee yeelded to ample; we may not imitate Abraham in offe· Ged; and the fignes thereof concealed from ring his fonne /fo4<. Secondly,we may not i· the eyes and hearing ofmen. Thus NthemitU mitate altions done bycxtraordinaric and he· prayed in the prefenceof Ajfotrtu, Nehe, 2·4· roical infl:in&. Wh< the difciples would haue c And Annabefore ElittheprieO:, I.Sam. I •I ;. commanded the fire to come down from hea. Herlips , ..ued••eiy; bHt herv•ic• w.u""he~~r.t. uen vpon the Samaritans, as Eli.u did vpon Men therefore are deceiued that thinketheorhe captaines with their fifties, ChriQ faid, pen Church the fittefl: place for the priuate & Luk_9. 54.Te kgownotofwhatJPirity ear-.Third fecretprayers which theyareromaketo God. ly, we mufl: not imitate perfonall actions, as Vpon the former poims ofdoarine ioynt• Ptterswalkingonthewater.Fourthly,wemull ly conudered, a definition ofthe woriliip of not imitate their miracles: For they femed Go<l may beframed thus: Theworlhiporferontly ioratime,toconfirmethedcC!rinwhich uice ofGod, iswhen vpon the ri~:hr know· theytanght. Lafl:ly, wemuflnotfollowthem ledgeofGod, we freclygiuehimthehonour in their attire, geflures, infirmities ofbody or thatis propertohim, inour hearts, according vice., for this is but apiili imitation, fpecially to his owne will. to imitate their failiions: but wee mufl follow Worlhip thus defined, muflbeeconudercd Phil.;.r7 them in ft1b!lantiallduties of the moral! law. asadi!lina thing from that honour which is '1'aul(aith,I .Corinth·I I .t.FoHowme,M~follow called(a)Ven~<tion.fodrwotiliip_properlhy' be· aHier.ep Chrift: aow he followed <;hrifl:in marailobelon~s to per.ons , an veneratwn to t ~gs rt.adRidience roGod. And thus m a general! fort are 0 wh1chappertame to perror.s•. Andvenerauon pa,;..,. Saints to be honoured. IS to haue a reuerent e£l1matton of any thmg, Againe if Saints or angelscertainelyaporroprefeme and keepe it without hurt, as peare vm~vs, wee may then wo:fhip!them rnakingflore<Jfit: ar~dtovfeitreuerentlyif with bodily gefl:ure, but it mufl bee remem1t bee to b~vfed. In this fenfc Augujfme faith, bred,rhatrhis ge!lure be altogetherciuill. For we ":orili1p or reuereo~e~he baptiJOI<ojChrift_. Dedo. there is no orher kinde of honour due vnto And m tbe (;;anonl~w ltlS fa1d, Let them tJj_ drm• them, but that which appertaines to princes ligently he•rr,andfatthfu/Jy reNere~cethe wmls of Cbri!U. & greatperfonages. But whe theyappearenot G.d. And thus are•all holy things of God 3:'·9-<• tovs (asnow in chefe lafl: times) wee may not woriliipped, ~ndallligne• or remembrances ptll. r46. woriliip the at al,either bygefl:ure or fpeechofexcellent thmgs pafl:. When D411idfttrhed . The fecond propertie ofthe woriliipofGod home theArkeand danced before It! hee gaue tS, that ic mufl: be free and voluntary, w11hout no worilitp tothe Arke, butvenerauo~. _ all conflraint and compuluon; '1'fol. IIo. l.Thy Thew'?r~ipofGodis two-fold, pnnC!pal, peoplejhaOcome willingly in thedayofaffembty. Tf or le!fepnnctpall: The Lo_rd fatth, Oft.6,6.1 there beeaminde~ God4Cceprs aman according to Wllimercy)mtfo~rificeJth~t Is,ratherm.cr~y then that which he hath,andnot accorJing to that which facrifice. Where mercy ts made the m_ame and hehath111Jt, 2. Cor.S.u. This istheferuiceof principallworiliip of God, andfacrilicealfo is