Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

. Of diuine or 1J..eligious Wo;}hip. 703\ isworfhip,but theneccffary or leffe principal. A hands of man.And the Lord faith by the Pfal· 1 PfaLro. The principal! worlhip ofGod, is a worke niift, that he doth not principally refpc~ cur 8 · 1 4· ofGod in vs, whereby wee are made cooforgifts and onr £rcrifices: becaufe all things are mable to him in holincffe and goodneffe: and his,but he refpe~spraife and thankfgiuing. whereby his image is renewed or refrored to The principal! worfhip of God hath two vs. That this conformitie with God is indeed parts:one is to yceld lubieClion to him,the o· the maineand properworfhipof God, it ap. ther to draw neeretohim '· a~dtoclcauevnto pear<s by thefe reafons: It is thecommandel11m.By the firlt we put adrfler<~ce bctweene met ofGod,Lui(,6.~6.BemercifMII"')OHrheaour fduesand God,by reafon of the greatnes I~Cnly Father h mercifull:andagain,L<H.II·44• ofhis maielly.By theotherwemakeour felus Sanflifiey•urfeluer, •ndbeye h•/y,for1""'holy. one with him aswith the fountain ofg~odncs. Now the intent of thefe commanclements is Subie~ion to God is,when we put away, & t0 fet d0wne the maine worfhipefGod,as s. as it were banifh from our felues our ownrea· 1amuteflifieth,1am.t.17·PHrereligion& vnfon& will, and makethe wifedome ofGod to .itjiledbifore God, u to vijit tllfather/e!fo& wi. be our wifedome, &hiswil to be our wil,cucn dorves iNtheiradRerjim,•mftok!epe himfelf• vnll then when itisagainll our will:by caufing our f}omdifthe world. Againe Chrill faith, /oh-4will to be fubied to his wil,& todepend vpon '4· The true w•rfoippers worjhip God in fPirit tt.This will ofGod,to which we mull be lilband trHth. Where bySpirit, is to bee vnder· te{t,isreuealed, partlyby the wntten word,in llood,n0t onely the heart,butalfo the fpiritucomm•ndements,ptomifes,threats;and partall renued motions thereof:or as S.Paulfaicb, ly by theeuenr ofany thiag: as when a man is 2· Tim.t ·5 . LoueoHtofapHrt heArt~goodconfcificke, weknow by the euent in that he isfick, ence, and[Rithvnfai>red. And this appeares by it istht will ofGod he !"ouldbe lick:nothing the oppofition : for Chrrltherc oppof<thSptfals out Wirhout tl)e wrll ofthe heaucnly Farit, to the ceremonial! worfhip ofthe ltwes, ther. lfit bealleadged, that fubieDion isdue whichwascarn•ll, vponacarnall commandevntomen: I anfwcr,that th• fubiediondue to mcnt (as the holy Gholt fpeaketh) bccaufe it God is abfo/Htt:firll,bec•ufe it is tobegiuen by flood in outward and bodily rites&: atbons, the whole man in body and foule, and con(ciwhich had no power to fandifie. And by er:ce: fecondly, b~caufeitisto.beyeeldcdto truth,ismeantnot fincemy,butall fuchduttes htmm all thmgs wtthautexccptton, whereas ofours, as wer<figured by Iewifh rypes aod C fubiedio ro men mull alwaies be in the Lord. ceremonies,namely and fpecially aur mortili· . Infubiection there be two things. The firft cation, viuification, and fi1chlikc. Paul faith rs,the foundatio therof, &that is,a.i<!towledge, notably, ·Rom, 14• 18. Heeth••feru"hGodin and faich,thacGod isour foueuigr.e Lord and thcfethings,that is,righteouf.,es, peaceofconKing, and our Judge ofinfiniteiullice, able to fcimce, and ioy in the holy Gholl,uacceptable faue and todefl~oybody & foule. The fecond to God. And againe he faith, c~ap.uoi. that IS, vpon this knowledge a Refign<tionofour our mifim•blco..CpiritualferuingifGod,inodefeluesto the pleafure ofGod. And thatisadicate ot4r ft/Hes in bodyand[o1de to hishonoNr. E... gaineitl cwothings: wr.e we fllffer him to rule u<rymJntalk•ofthe feruingofGod: b~tfew vs by his word:and when wefufl:erhim to difthere be that thinkofthis (eruice which!lands pofe of our bodies and (ouks, and all rhiugs in the conforming of our felues to the image that belong vnto vs, as fhall make for his glo- <>fGod,which is in iulliceand holineffe. ry and our good. Thisis the right fubic~ion This principal! wodhip hath two proper· and right feruingof God.Take an example in ties.The fir(! is Eternitie1 for it begins in this Dauid,whcohe fled outofhis kingdome being life, and is perfected in rhe lire tocome. Be· purfucd by his fonne Abfolon. Ltl him["]that caufe it is that eucrlafiing worfhip, wherwitb 1pleifehimnot,behold;here1•m,kihim doevnto Angels and Saints fhall for euer worfhipGod D me"'fh•PjitmtgwdiNhu•wneyes•••s4.x 5 , 2 6. in heauen. And herein it differs from ceremo· Subie{tion to God is pra{tifcd by rhreevernlesand facraments,which haue an endin this rues, faith, adoration,feare• Faith isa fubie. life. The fecond is, thatitpleafethGodofit d:ion to t~e commandemcnt of God; that fdfe,andthat wi:hout facramcnts,or ceremobids vs belecuehim,aod truft in his word. nies: fo thtre be no cootemptofthcm: as it Ofthis faith! haue fpc>ken atl.arge, when I was in chetheefevpon the crolfe.And therealhewed bow we fhold liue by faith.Onely one fon is plaine. God is not only a fpirit orfpiri· thingI adde,thatfaithisrhe lingleeic ofwhich tual fubflance,but he iscucry way infinite aod our Sauior fpeaketb, Mat,6.,.. wbichciueth hath fufficiency of all perfection in himfelfe; lightofdire~io toall the a~i<>ns ofour hearts And therfore he takes no.delight in any good and liucs. Adoration is, whenwefubie~our thing that the creature. can communicat~ t<~ feluestorhe !lreatnes and ma~cfty ofGod. In hrm : but hts delight ts mthecommumcatton Itbe tw<> achons: thcexaltauon ofCod to the ofhisownc goodnes tovs, and in all fuch du- ~ighell dcgree:and theabafingofour ftluesto tieswherby weconforme our felues to him & thclowclldegree : Thus Aor~h•m in prayer magnifiehis goildnes;ThusP•ulfuith,A11.x7· cals Godhu Lwd, and himfelfe dNft ~tnd lljhei, •5· ThatGodneedsn~thing:and therefore he is Gtn, 18. 27.' ;J:hus 2>•niel in prayer giueu// 0 . not worfhipped with any thing made by the gkrp• God, t•himfelfe .n4thijeopk,fh•m«n• 7 ,:',' 9 ' 0 o o i ro•fNjion