1 704 Of'Diuine or 1{eligiousWorjhip. · confNjion of fac.. Thus the woman of C•n.14n A · St!1mheLordthy God,&cl-.uevntohim.Lik<· I Dnn.ro, adores Ch_nfi bycallmg lum Lord; andby acwlfe apromife: 7Jr4'Wnure vnto G~d~&herriO · :n. knowled~mg her_fcl~e CO be but a dogge. . dr~f!neerev~toy~u. Again,The Lordilwirhyou ~~Ch~~~-. Feare IS a fubte<'hon to all the threatnmgs wheleye bnvlth h•m: ifyefu~ehim, he will bee ,,.,. ~nd commandements ofGod. In feare wh1cb fo•ntl•f.JoH : ifJ'eforfo~him,hewillforfok•you is the wor01ip of God, there aretwo things, Furthermore weeclcauevnto God by tw~ the!"undation and the propertie. The.foonverrues,Loue and Confidence.In Loue I condauon IS the knowledge ofthree tlungs. The fider two things; the foundation,and thepro. 1 /irll: IS knowledge of the precept> of God, pemcs. The foundation is the kuowledgeof '1Jeut.4 10. I voillcaHftthem to h.-re my words, rhcloue & m<rcies ofGod towards vs.J.loh. thatthey may IMrneto feare me. The fecond IS, 4·19• Weloue himbcc••ft hclouedv1firfl Pfoi knowltdge of his chreatnings &iudgements. u6.1. /louethe LordbecaJifihe bath he~rdmj The righm.w(faith Da~id,Pfol.p. 6.)JhaUfte' prayer. And Pfolm.3r. 23. LooetheL.,.daOye thu,that ts,the dell:ruchon ofDoeg, andfeare. S•mtJ, bteaufoh<foueththem th.rbef.Uthf•ll. The third is, the knowledge & confideration The properriesqfloue are two.The firfiis to ofthe prefrnce of God. C•rnelius is faid robe B m~intai?an heauenly fellowfhip and coni~naman fcarmgGod: and the holy Gholt hath \ chonw•thiSod and Chrill:. Forthe nature of not<d the grcund ofhis feare in his own.e loueistovnite it felfas much asmay be,to the words:We arehere,(fa11h he, AI1,JO·l·33•) m thmg loued. Agam,inthewanrofthisfellowtheprifemcofGod, tohe.re •ll thmg,voh~<hGod flup!Louemal<es vs defi~e & feekitaccording harh commanded thee. The properue of true to Gods wtl aboue all thmgsin the world.The feareis, to make vs in our hearts to ll:and in fpou_fc_ofChrill:, that is, the Church,or cuery awe ofGod,and tofeare,hate,and efchew the Chn lltan foulc faith of Chrill:, Ca•r. 2 • 3 , 5 . I oJfenceofGod. Pro 8.1 >· Thefe•reofGodu to greatlydrjiretojirv,;derhi&fhatlovo:and I amfie hateeuiU,pride~arrogAncie)& theeuit W'!j' Exod. oflolu:that is,I faint bccaufe Iclo wa~tthat fel 20. :o.Huf care muj/!Jt biforcyou that J<Jinnot. lowfhip with Chrill: myhead which I defire. I Ifit be demanded,why we are to feare rhe ofadderhis claufe [according to hh 10>ill] forrwo fence ofGod:Ianfwer,iris firll: ofalto befeacaufes.Thelirll:,becaufc true lcuc feeks fellow red for it fclf, becaufe it is theoffenceofGod; fhipwith God only,in fuch meanesas hehath though there fhould no puni01ment infue, appointed to communicate himfdfevntovs, confidering it is the greatell: euill thatcan be· C as the word preached,prayer,f.craments;and fall the creaturc,to off,nd the Creator. And not in vifions, dreames, reudarions. The fe. in the fecond place it is feared for punifh-, c6dis,becaufeourloue,ifitbewithouthypoment. And that fearc in which nothing is feacnfie, doth communicate it felfcvnto God in red but pcmifhment,isno worihip ofliod. thingsin which he wil be louedofv•;as nameThus w·e fee what true fubiellion to God is: ly,in the perfen ofour neighbour, & fpecially now we are to be txhorted euermore to yeeld ?f the poorc. For God wilhaue our neighbor, this fubieCl:ion vnto him. For firfiitisGods lnrefpellofloue,io be in hisroome& ll:ead: cornrnandem:nt fotodo,Mat.t 1.2e.Tak!my and in the loueofour neighbour, with whom yob.! vpOyou)rarne ofmethat 1am meek...e (j-/owwe conuerfc~wiii he be louedofvs.Hence it is Jy. endyejhaUfinde rej/ toyourfollies. Now this thatPaulfaith, GRI. 5· 'l•. ThatthdoHeofoHT yoke is fubietlibn to God in his pr<cepts,aGd neeghbo11r i& thef11/filling of the whole"'"'· in his correllions. ·secondly, fubieClion is a Thefecond property ofloue i•,to Cl:irre our thing oforeat excellency. That we are fubitCl: minds to a doing and fulfilling of the will of to God it is not for hisbenefit,but ouro.To be God.Thenature ofloue isto make vsaccom. inthis fubie<'lion,is to be in perfect liberty, & plifh the mind and wil of him whom we lone. tohaue the kingdmnofGod within vs.Thi_rdChrill: faith, /oh. 14· >1. Hethat hathmycemly,(ubiechon is a matter. ~fabfolute necefstty. D mand,;entJ,apddothth<m,uh~ th.rlouethmee, Thediucls& damned (ptnts,wil they,ntl they, And S. John, x.Joh. 5-3- Thu uthekuetfG•d, ·mull: yeeld a fubicCli6, & there isnoway to athat we k!epe hu co,.m•ndemenu. uoid it. Let vs thorefore wiiJi,gly fubieCl our The fecond vertue wherebywe clcaue VHto feluesto God.Fourrl.ly,to deny fubieRion,or God, is Confidence: the fouAdation whercofis togrudgetherear,is the properr.ie ofaw~cked knowledgeof the wifedome,go~nes,iull:ice, man: Who u tbe Almighty, faith the w~eked and mercy ofGod,fpecially of Ius power and man,th.zt wejhonldftrueor befobiea to him? lob will in performiNg his promifes.This we feein · >I.r 5-Lall:ly,the punifhmentofthemthat ~tl Abraham, who trull:ed G~dbccaufeheewas not be (i 1 bie<'l,mull: beconlidercd. Theft tmne perfwadcd,as hehad prom1fed,fo he wasable enemi&J,faith the Sonne ofGod, LHI(, r9. >9· to performe.The property ofconfidence ts,to thatvoillnot th'f I fhoieldreigneouer them, bring caufc vs to t:ll: and depend vpon the bare and them hithtrandJlaytkem before"''·.And contra· nak~dpromtfe of God WJt~out mcanes ' anl riwife fubie<'lion bringsreil: roour foules. agamll: mean<s, ar.d to qutct and ~·~tfieonr The fecond part of the principall worfhip minds in the will of GOD wheutt IS come ofGod,is toc/eauevnto him: and that is to ce to pa!fe. Thus Abrabm• dcP£nded vpon God knit v'nto him in heart withouQpurpofe ofany for iffue, when he was aged,andSara barren, feparation. Ofthis wehauc commandemer.t: and when bee put the kmfe to the throare o ----1-----------------------------------------------~h~----