0 f diuine or 'Religious Worjhip. - his onely .fonnc Jfaac. Jehofophat, when the ·A! d•dproph<eied in the campe '. humilitie made great army of the Ammonires and Moabites Mofts to fay}Numb.I 1·29· EJ~tmfl thou_formy call)c againfl: him , faid in a liuely confidence, caufiiyea wo•/d Go1that all Gods people werepro· Lard_we k,ttow not whgt to d(}!, but our eyes Are tophets. lt ~a~ ~oguefe,but a toy toloh. Bapu!l:, wardthee, 2 .Chron. 1 c. 1 2 • And rhus in rime: of that Chrift :ncreafcdJandhe decreafedJ Job. 3. 30. I daeger and difiretfe, to reft: our fdnes on the Againe, humilnic makesvs .not tof,orneand word of God when we fee neither hclpenor condemne others, but tO thmke better of oC0mfort, and hauingnething to flay our fdues thers tben our felues : r;ot ro fret. and cba_fc, on,but the bare tcllimony'ofGod, i> rhe right but to be content,that others hauc oetter gtfts honouringand feruing ofGod. then wc,or.bctter places, or ca.Jhngs : w gme Befidesthe heads and points of the worfhip honour cheerefully to all,whom any degree of Cod before defcribed fouerally , there is a or.meafure ofh.'~nour belongs_: to be content certain; mixed and compounded worfhip of with our own gttts,bc they more,bethcy lclfe, God when men in one and the fame aa: bath and robe content wtth our own cfrate& con• yecld fubietlion and cleaue vnto God. And dition, & to range ourfo\ues within thecomthatis done by foure things : H!llllilitie,Pati- B paffe ofour own calling's, & not.tO ft:eketol;le ence, Prayer,and Thankfgiuing. exaltedw1d to be contonttobeatfptfed,when Humilitie is when in our heartswe humble we fee our felues defptfed, becaufe wee know out feme• before God. Of this the Prophet ourfcluesworthyofcontcmpt.T~irdly,humifaith 1 Mich .6.g. He wiRjhew thee,0 man,what ltty isas.it wer - an efia~e or codn10u In wluch isgood,,mdl~hat the LordreqHirethofthee; t4doe weobraine the grace ot God, & haue fcllowiujfice,to/oue merci<, ~nd to humble thy life, in !hip with him,Lu~.l·H·flejilsthelllmgrywith 1ralki_ng before God. Of this we hauea notable goodthings .1 .Pet, 5.5.Hertfjls theprowd>example in M.w".ffes, who intribuLuionprayed ucthgro<e tothe humble. Efa. )7 .1 5. f dweD wuh flnt'O God,andhumbledhimftlfeex,eedmg{ybefore him thttt is of .1 contrite& hHm:JJI6fPirit, to reuiHc the God•f!JMfathm,•ndwtU heard&tl~li•ered, theJPirit ofrhe h11mble,& to g••• life to them th•t 2. Chron. 33• 12· In true humilitie there bee .:rreofa contrite he~Jrt.Again,~6•2· TohimWJ.!i I two things; the firO:, is the glorifying and exp look£ that Upoort,llndofa contritejpirit,(j- trem .. alting ofGod; when we doe wholly giue and bleth ;,,my words. Lallly,hnrnility is the way to afcribevntoGod,whatfoener We are,haue,or I etcrnalllife. ·chrill humbled himfelfe; and can doethatts trudy good.The fecond is,Potherefore was heexalted ofh.. Father. They Hertie ofour fpirits , which fhewos it felfe in C thatwould enter into the kingdome ofheauen rh, 1 ,,.s. three actions.The firfi is,Annihil4tion(as fomc DJufi bt conuerted, and become as Iittlechil- Mar, 18.3 call it) and that is, when we inour hearts acdrcn in refptfrofhumilitie. Wherefore kt vs knowledge, that we are nothing in our fdues, giue our felucs now & euermore to ferue our and ofour felucs,and that we do nothing that God in humbling our fpirits before his Maieistruely good: nay, that wearc moft viltand llie.Thisisthe rightferuingof God: hee re• wretched fioners,deferuing nothing but euer• fpells not the feruice ofthe multitude, which lafl:ingperdition. The fecond is De(Paire: nG.t !lands onely in the performance of certaine the delpaire ofthe damned, but a good deceremonies,and is nothing butlip-labour. li>aire, when we are Vtterly outofall hope of In patience we mull: cot~der lid! ofall the faluation,inrcfpettofourowne f!rength,verground,and that is faith ~n;,hope. By faith I tues,workes,or any thingthatwccanpofsibly voderfl:and that perfwafian, whereby we arc doe. Thethitd achon is,vpon the fenCe ofour affured that<i'iodisiuO: in hiscorrelli6s:wife, fpirituall pouerrie , togoc outofour felues as impofingthem for good ends: aad metcifull, beggars outof their houfcs, and to flie to the not dealing with vs according to ourdeferts, throo.e of grace, and tO pleade .nothing but S.PaNI faith,Rom.5+'hat affiiaionsbringforth ~crcte: yea meere merctemallumes both in D p•t~ence, not properly ofth<mfelues, but be· hfe and death. . . . . caufe they arc ioyncd with the fenfc & appre· Thus we fee what humth~tc:s;and how we hcnfion ofthe loue of GodJhedde abroad intheir are to humble our fdues betore God. Now I hearts who are affliCted,v.5.Saint l•mes faith, would perfwade all men that defire truely to l•m·I•5· she triADofyoHrfaithbringsforthp•ti- (~rueGod,totake outthe lcffon which our SatDet,that is,faith excrciled by affltfrions, and urourChnllteacherh,Mat,I 1 ·•9·Learnetobe prouedto be true faith,eoufethpatiece, !'lope meek! •ndhu,nble,and,learne 1t ofme.And there likewife is the ground ofpatiece:becaufe whe be manywet~hty reafonH'? mooue vstoconit is begun by taith,it is continued and prcferdefcend to thts counfcll. Ftrll,humilitie is the ued by hope:which makes vs in our afflifriwayto obtaineheauenl~ wifedome.Pfa.25•9• onsto looke for fomeeafe,orend,or for cuerHettA&btthtbe hNmblehuway.S~condly,it ~alallinglife.And therforc patience iscalled the) keth~ bleffcd & happte alterationof <>Ur hues pamnceofhop•, x. ThefJ.t•3• The propertie o~ whe tt tak~s place mthe heart.Foritrellrains patience isto mooue vs ,qujctly and willingly ha:reds,gne~esand forrowes,that commonly to yeeld fubiefrion to the hand of God in all anfe m themt.ndes ofall '!'en, becaufeethets ourafflithons to thevery death: & to modebane betrer gtfts and calhngs then they haue. rate our affections by the confideration ofthe When lojhuawasgrieued that Eld.cdand M•· will & plcafutc ofGod.'Dauidfaith,Pfa/+4. 0 eo 3 Ex~tmini