706 Of Vi;;;;; <J{eligious lf/or)hip. ~ Exa~ine yourftluu vpon10Nr bell, 11ndbce fl_ig_: -A 1fiekjng ofGod,that i'i,ofhis faucur,prouideucCJ I Agame, 37·7· bejilmt tolebouah, Now thlSIS prdence: andour(c)flying vnto himforrefu e. \ tP,e Glent ofthe beart,whereby Without grud- _In rhankfgiuing vnro God , there bee t~o cond ., gmg, repuung, or rebellmg,men fubJecham things. The fir£1: is memorie mtditarion and ' 6 . ., • wils,and reugn~themfelues to the wilofGod ferious acknowledgemcuto'fthe blcf.in'gsofl , m.thetr aduerGtles, and are wellconten' therGod bdlowed vpon vs, fpecially of cur rewtth. When Gods hancl was heauie on lob, demption by Chri!t. The !econd is,in wa of he worfb1pped God,andgaue thankes,faying, thankfulnclfe toGod, to dedicate and coK(elobt. 21. 2· 10. The Lordh•th giuen, the Lord crate our bodies and foulcs and all wehaue to hathta~tuway, b/ejedbethe nl'lm~ ofthe Lord: diuinevf~s, _dlat.is, to the honour and fcruice ;:om.n. aUGuchwg alfo that we mull be content tore· ofGod. fh1sthmg was figured in the fae~i/i- '""'.'"'llthmgufthe Lord.uwe8.ugoodthings. e<sofrheoldlaw, which were firfifctbefore .Cbnfrour Sau10ur was rhe mirrour of all pathe altar,and fo prefented vnto God,and then uence:who Ill h1s agony fa1d,Mat.26.39·Fa~ afterward were offered vnto him. Thisdedither~~et th!! cxp paffo{fomme~J·etnot my w11l,but cation is made, when in the intention ofour t/rywtUbedone:againche fairh,verf.5 3. hecould B minds, and purpofe ofour hearts and in all prt!J to hu FAt~r, ~tna'bt wDRiJgiue himtwe!ue our afteaions, we giuc: vp and fc~ our felues legwnsof Angels to deliuerl.im, but bee would apart to the feruice of God; and this was firft nor becaufe his Fathers will mufr be fulfilled. done in our. baptifme , and is continually reAnd this is right patience, The diuell and his newed in the Lord• Supper. angels yeeld fubietlion to God in their puThus haucl fbcwcd tHe heads cfthe maine ndhmcms , not freely vpon conuderation of and principall worfbip ofGod. Now we arc the wil ofGod,bvrbyconfrraint, bccaufethey to bee admonifhed to prcfc:nt vnto God the can.nootherwifc choofc. The childe of God worfhip ofour fpirits,in our faith,feare loue mhrs afRiCl:ions yeelds himfelfe to the pleaconfidence,hurnilitie, pati•nce, thankfulne!fe fure of God, and will not feeke to be free ofheart. For this caufe we mull labourto be from them,when he knowes itto be the wil of renewed in the fpiritof our minds. It is neiGod that hc:muftendurethem~ As PaNI faith, thcr circumcifion nor vncircumcifion , as Phi!•4·ll· Jhauelcarned,i•wh•tfocuer ftatel 'Pa•l faith; it is neither Baptifme, nor the am, therewith to be conrent.And this pra[life of Lords Supper;it is neither preaching nor heaparience,is the true feruice ofGod:and therermg that auaileth, nor the profefsion ofthe tore is the promife made , thatif wee fubie[l c Gofpcl, butthe newcreation in a pure hearr, our felues to afBil!tir;ms, God ojfereth himftlfe good confcience, and faith vnfained, tlm is vntovs"" to children, Heb,I>·7• the fpiriruallferuiceof G0\l. In the prayer ofthe heart,difringuifhed from Thus much of the principall worfbippe of vocall prayer,I confider two things. The lirfr God. Thele£fe principall isthtoutward waris the rule thereof,and that is the will ofGod: fhip of God , !landing iu fundry exercifes of according to which we muf.t aske whatfoeuer godlinelfe, Of outward worfhip two things we askc. And therefore for euery petition we mufr generally be confidered.The lirfr,theugh diretlvntoGod, we mufr hano eithercomitbeetheleffe principal!, yet it is altogether mandement, or p#>mi{c, or both. Secondly, necelfary. Wee are commanded toloue God prayer containe!'in it a double a[lion ofthe with all0ur fif(ngth: and therefore louc muft heart. The/irfr is, from touched and feeling not onely be roncciued in minde, but alfo tehearrs toprefent vnto God the honefr defires, fiilied in tile atlions of tke body• 'Godcreaand the godlyforrowes thereof. For thefo are ted as well the body as the foule: Chrifr ~ebdore God liuely& real rcquefis.Da~~idfaith deemed both body and foule: therefore faith Pfol.ro.J7• The Lord heareth the dejiresefthe Paul,,. Cor.6.2o.Giorijie Godinyoorhodyandin poorc, And 'P<ui, Rom,S. 26· The /}irit m•k.!th D yoorff'irit.Chrifris an head to the whole man, requ'ftfor vs withgroanes thatcannot be vttered. as well in refpeCl: of body as foule. For this Byhonefr defires,I vnderfraod the dclire that caufe~ot ?"ly foule,, but alfo body mull fiand we may glorifie the name of God , thedeure m fub1tCl:10n to Chnfr. '1'••1faith, R•mo1o. that his kingdome may bee eretled m our :o. Wtththeheartwebe/ceNetonghrmtjim,and hearts thedcGreofobedience to his will the wtth the mouthwe m•k! confcffioll to foi«•tton, deurc ;hat we may depend on his proui<l~nce .The worfbip of~he body is;alled Ador4tiforthe things of this lite, the deure ofmercy on, whrch fiands m the bowmgofthe knee, and forgiuenes,& the defir~ offirength,& the the bendmg or profrratlngof th~ body,thehfprefence ofGod in tcmptatios.By godly forting vp of hands or eyes. Here.'tmay beederow,I rneJ.ne griefec6cciued for wane ofrhe maund~d, whet,herlt maybegtucnto any ograce & blefsings ofGod before named. The therthmg then Ged , and how far;ef~rth· I fecond aCl:ionofthe heart in prayer,isby faith acf\ver thus: The.gcfrure ofadorauon IS proto dependon God, and to puro lftrnfr in him perly a figmficanon of reuerence and fubJefor the accomplifhmenr of our hone£1 defires. ction. And therefore adoranon maybe yeela 1. S~m. For we mun ~t~k! infaithandwauernot,lam.I. ded t~ themtowh~m ~eue.rence,humthauon, 'f· 7•By means ofthefe two ad:ions, prayer is(a) obedtence, or fubJet!JOn IS due.. Now Gods I bP(al.n the pouringo•t efthefoulebefore G•d.-.ndthe(b) pleafure 1s, that men fhall be fublect' firfiof ~- all_< __