Of Viuineor 'R.eligious Worjhip. 707 ~~~~~~~--~~~ rhecufrome ofthe Countrey, where itis per– formed : the other , it mull bee done as to a meC're creature,though it be aPrince. Ifitexall to himfelfe, and fecondly , to fome ofthe A creatures: but in a·diuerfe kind of fubiection. Thefubiection which is dueto God, is abfo– lute, andfor himfelfc, fir!t, in regard he is fo– ueraigne Lord of onr bodies, and foules, and confciences: fccondly, in regord of the infi– nite excellency of his Diuine attributes~ e– fpecially that hee is the Author and giuer of ceedc in eirl>er ofthefc, it inclines to religious worlhip. Corne/iHI worthipped not Pner 2s though he had becnc aGod by nature, for be AI!. zo. knew him to beaman: but he wodhipped him >r. as ane that was by·extraordinary gract: exalted aboue the condition of men and Angels , as though hee had beene more then a man , though not fo much asGod himfelfe: and the adorati6 that isdone vnto him to lignifie and acknowledge this conditionofhis,is difalowall goodthings; that he heares and helps men euery where calling vpon him in the fecrets of their hearts. And the adoration that is done euen for the acknowledgement and fignilica– tian ofthefe things, is the adoration that is proper to God, and istherefore called diuine or religious adoration. And ofit Chrifr faith, ThoRJh41t worjhip the Lordthy God, & himoncly jh41t thouferue, The AAgels refufed this ado– ration,when it was giuen them. Daniel chafe ratherto becafrto thedenofthe Lyons, then to giue this kind ofworfhip to Dariw, or at the leafr,toofteranoccafion to menco futj>ect the giuingofit. edofPmr himfelte. The worfhip that isdone B to the Pope,is ciuill adoration, inclining to re– ligious honour; becaufe thekifsingof the foot is not giueo to any man or prince vpon earth befide: and it isgiuentohim as hee is vicar of Chrilt, hauing power to make!awes binding confcience, and to forgiue finnes. The fecc;>nd pointis, thatthe outward worSubiectionlikewife isdue to the creatures thatarefctoucrvs, or about vs, by Gbd; ei– ther by reafon of greater gifrs bellowed an them, or by reafon of the office of gouern– ment which they beare. And this fnbiection is not abfolute, but impartaccording toGods will, and for C;;od: that is, ta lignifie the reue– re'nrregard we beare to the giftsof God , and C theorder whichhe bath fet amongmen. And the ge!tur.e of adoratioRdoneto ackoowlcdg and lignific rhefethings, iscalledCi«ia .Ado– Mtion, And according asthedegreesofdig– niric: by reafon ofdiuerfity ofgifts and offices are among men, foarethe d<grees ofhonour, and the !ignes ofhonour or reuerence in gc– frure, whereofthe chiefe is the proltrating of the body. Vponthis ground it appeares to bee the will of God , that man iliould yeeld fub– ietlion, and confequemly adoration , onely fhip doth not pleafe God ofit felfe, but by means oftheinward beforedefcribcd. Again, it is fpirituall,not by it felfe,becaufe itlbinds in bodily athons 1 but by reafon of the inward worfhip,whencc.it ptoccedes, & wherof itisa figne. Moreouer,bccing feuered from inward worfhip,itis worfhip in lhew,and notworfhip in truth. Ifthe eye be euill, the whole body is darke. Chrifr bidsthe Pharifes to wafh the in– fide ofthecup, & platter, andthen all fhall be cleane. To the vncleane theirvery minde and cqnfcience, and allthingselfe are vncleane. 'J'he outward worfhippe of God , is either generall te all, o~ fpeciall to fome. Worfhip common to all, IS either Church.feruice or houfhold-fcruicc. Church-feruice is ;hat which is performed publikely in the Congre– gation of the peoplt of God. The ground of this wodbippe is,that we feparate, not onely from idols,but alfoioyncour felues tothe t{Ue Church and peepleof God. Forrhe Church ofGod vpon earth isthe Kingdome of Hea– uen,in which righteoufneffe, peace ofconfci– ence,and ioy in the holy Ghofr, with all blef– fings elfe, are tobe fonnd : and out ofitis noM:mh.;. 13.and 2.3.6z. to creatures!thatarc: more excellent and wor.. thy then himfelfe. Therefore it is not the will ofG0 D, th•tman fhallbefubiecttovnrea· fonablc creatUres , and giue to them either ciuill or religious adoration, much leffe to images. Secondly,God willnotthat we adore the wicked fpirirs .beoinghis enemies, adiud– ged toeternall paines, but that we hold them accurfed,as God himfelfe doth, Thirdly,good Angels, conlidering they excell both men in nature and gitts, were rightly honoured ofthe. Pattiarks whe they appeared: but feeing they appeare not now, as they were wbnt hereto– fore, no adoration at all is to be giuen them, Laflly, ciuill or politicke adoration, or the bendingofthe body, without linne or iniurie to God, is giuento men that be in office, or excell in gifts: andofr.ntimes isdue by the erD thing to bee found but fhame and confulion. Againe,the ChurchofGod vpcn earth is as it Gen. , 3 . dinance ofGod, and cannot without linne be 7 . & 43 . omitted. Thus .Abrah•m honoured the Hit– ,.. tites. l.jiphhis brethren, e51fephibofoth Da. 2.Sam 9· u1d: and'Pau!f2.ith, flonour tO:Whom honour be– iom. 13 . longeth. Ofciuilladorationt~o caueats muft 7, beremembred: one, thatitmuflnotexceede were the fuburbsofthecitie of God, and the gate of heauen: and therefore enrranctmufr be ma<leinto heauen, in and by the Church. Henceit isthat Luk!.faith:.Andthe L,ordaddcd • to the Chnrchfromd<9 to d..y.jitch"'Jh•uldbe fo· AI!.,", ucd, When Jeroboam erected galden Calues 47, in Dan and Beth~l , Prielts and Lcuites, and fuch asfettheit heartsro feeke the Lord, ioyCh ned themfdnes with Iuda and Ierufalem.And· :;., 6 : 0 "' thusalfo mufr we doe fooft as we liue among idolatersand_fuperfritious perfons. Church-feruice !lands in foure things, the dollrmerfthe .Apofties(asLHk!callethit)ftHow- jAil....,,: fo•plm•~mg rfb.r~ad,&{r•ycr. By doClrmi vn– derfrand the hearmg o Apofrohcall doctrine preached,orthefrcquenringoffermons. Of it two thingsare to be raught,firfr thenecefsity, Ooo 4 and