Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

OfViuine or 'R.efigiousWorfhip. and then the manner of hearing. The necefsity ,A twit/Ii< birth •gainc, vntill (hrifl be forme din ofthts duty appeares by fundry reafons. hdi I .yon. And hereupon rheword ofGod is called ofall, the hearm15of~he word of .God prea: the immortal/ fiede. The hearing therefore of ched by the Mtm!iem of man, ts an ordt· : the word tsnot (as manythinke) a matter of nanceofGod. The Ifraehresoc Mount Sina \' indiflcrcncie. Fourthly the hearing of the f<~.y vntoMofis, Speak..~thsuvnrq VJ, anti we will \ word is anote offeruicc & fi1bictl:ioneo God. \htar-rhec: letnotrheLordfPeak! vnto vs,lejlwe . Iol>.8.47• Hethatuof IJodheareth Gods word. dte. F.xod,,o 16. Tothtsreque!l:oftheirs, <he \·•7· Myjh<epehearemyvoicear~df•Now Deur.tS, I;;:L:ord yedds firll: las approbation, They haue V<<. Ftfthly,thc want of the preaching and hea· '7· vr,o/,;nwdl: and then his promifc; lwiO r.ift ringoftheword, i.•oneof thegrcatcurfesof them vpaProphet fom among thmbrethren ilk! God vpon earth. Sa/omon faith l'rou. 29 1 8 vcrfe 18. Vnto theelt_mdlr~illputrny words in his tJitJHth,and »:here -uifionfailet~, the people ar~ made n4~ea: htjiMIIjpea~e vntothem allth•t IJh•ll com~aund 1he gre~te!l: fammc of•ll, faith the Prophet Amos.s. h•m. Indoed~hefe words are fpoken d~retlly Amos , ts the famme of hearing the word of n. AI!.J. '! &principallyofCbri!i,yctother Prophets and . God. Oft C1ith, Of9·7· Thcdaies ofvifitation teachers muft togithcrwith him bee vnder~ B are come,_the daieufrecDmptnc~ are come" 1frael ll:ood: becaufe fo much was the reque!i of fo•lkltowit:butwhy?markwhat followes:The the lewos. And ifit bee notfo, I ree notthe Propbetis afoolc: themanofthejpirie u mad,for reafon of addmg the words followmg, 'Deut. them•ltit•deoftheiriniquities, Sixtly the preaI 8.20. Tht Prophet whichfl,./1 prefome to fPcak£ ching ofthe word, is a meanesto bc;re downe awcrditJ?nyn•me,which I hat~< not commandtd,or the kingdome ofthe diuell,and it isthe key of 1 tore.u:hm the nameoforhergods,jhal die_.Becaufe the kingdome of heauen. When thedifciple~ thefe thtngs arc nor mctdcnt to Chnfl. Thus returned from preachmg m Indea: Chri!i then (as 1 take ir) the heating & preaching of faith;that hefow Satb•nfaldownefoh.a11en lik.e lu~,1o. the word by man, was ordained& founded by lightning, And promiUng to 'Peter authority ;!· h Gcd himfdfe in Mount Sinai. Thisordinance to difpenfe the word ,he faith; l wiRgiuetothee , 9~' ·''· Chri!l: renewed,when he faid, Tht Smbes and tht f<!ies ofthekingdome of heaucn, Lal\ly, it is M 1 'Ph.rificsfitin ~fojiscb•ire,Hearerhem. And rhe old ancientpradife of the people ofGod 1 •:tt 1 " 23 • that this ordinancemuft focontinuetothe end to frequent and heare ~rmoni. When the Pfu. 3 . ~fthe world,the Prophet lfoi teacheth, In thr Shunamite craned leaueof her husband tG goe !aft dAies the mou•Mine of the hMft ofthe Lord C to the Prophet, he faid, Wherefor. wilt thougoe '• Ki•·•· JA.'l bepreparedinth1~opofthemoHnt~tines:-& tod.y?. it i4 neithernew Moo11e m~ Sabb11thday. :t.;. manypenp/.e{haOg.-andfoy:Come let vsgoe vpto Hence tt appeareStG be the ancient pradife, themountaineofthe Lord,totbe houftofth• Godof to refortto the prophets vpo9 Sabbath and lacob:andhe wiU teach vs huwaies, andwe will other dayes. And the Prophet '/foy foretds w•lktinhupathCJ.Secondly, the preaching and what !hall be the pradife of men in the new 1hearing of the word ofGod isacommon and Teflament, who !hallfay, Come, ltt vsgoc vpr. ·vfually meancs of God to begin and con/irme obemountaine if the the Lord,for he will teach vs faith and a11 graces of God that depend on hiiwaies,•ndwt wiOw•lk!in huf/atuw. taith, and confc:quentlytoworkeour faluatiT" put the matter out ofquc!l:ion, I will on.Rom.t.t6. The Gof}eB u the powerofGodto anfwer the principall .obiellions that are lratHation to all that beieeuc, verf.p .fromfaithto made againll: this ordinance of God: and faith. And cap. tO·V·l4· HowflralltheycaSon rhey arc made either by the hereticke~ calhim, i•whom they haue not beleeued l .,d how ledF.nthujiajlcs, or by.the common.mulmude. jl,a/1 they beleeue ;n him of whom they h•ue not The F.nthuf~ajlcs alleadgc on thts manner. hMrd? and h01v foall they he"'' witiJOitt apre4· Firfr, they fay : No cr<ature can worke faith, cher? 1 . Cor. I· 21. It bath pkaftd God~ the and regeneratevs: the word preached is but a foolifonejfe ofpreaching tofoue th<m that belwu, D creature: for 1t IS no more buta found conliThat we may be faued, we mufl hauc a fpec1all flmg of lcttets and fyllablt! : and the vertue faith: fpeciallfaith nquires a fpee1all word: of tt can doe uo more but ligmfie to vs rite and the written word beeing othenvife genewill ofGod. I anfwer thus: The word .pre~· rail, is made fpeciall by application : and th!s .chedaud the ng~t vfe oftt .mufr b~ dt!l:wgut· application is effeDually made by the mm1fhed. Af:d the r!jlhtvfe ofnts, wnen we vnll:erie oftbe word, in which mencalled thereder!l:and tt, meditate thereon, endeauoor to to, apply particularly to the confciences of bcleeue andtoob<y tt. Nowtbe word prearhcir beam, cbe commaundements and the ched ts offorce,noc limply, becaufe ltiS preai:r<inlifesofGod, &thatiAthcnameofGod. ched and vtler<d, and the found ther<of By this it appeares ofwhat weight & moment comes to our earcs; b~t becaufe wheA 1t ~~ this ordinance of God is. Thirdly, vnldfe a preached, wee heare 1t by .the blcfstng or man be borne anew by the h"ly Ghoil:, he God, which doctble, attcntlue, and tra~hcannot enter i 11 co the hingdome of hcauen : ble hearts. And :he word, when tt ts nghtand tlie hearing of the word preached is the ly vfed,tsno prmctpall caufeof fatth and re!le· meanes of the new birth.:1Cor. 4· 15· In neration, butondy an mfl:.rumc:nr. And .u~s Chrif/ lif'IU I haue begotten y•u throogh the not an in!tr~ment, becaufelt hath vertue lll~t Gof}e/.Ga/.4.16. VUylitt/echildren,ofwhomi to wor~ fanb, and to regenerate, as a medt· cine